BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The Story of Creation

In the beginning, there was only darkness. At some point emerged the first spark of light.    Life, reality, and matter are emergent ultimately properties of light and dark. There is no known operating principle of divinity guiding life nor a necessarily benevolent creator protecting the inhabitants of the earth. Light and dark are not the same as good and evil though they do in many ways lend themselves to its development. The understanding and knowledge of the origin of the universe diminishes in many ways with each successive iteration of gods as they emerge in the pantheon.   In the eternal ether, Mother Light and Father Dark observed one another. They contemplated one another. They used the other to define themselves.   She pulses. I retract. She moves forward. I backward. She seeks, I avoid. She is form. I am without form.   He runs. I follow. He retreats. I progress. He draws in. I expand out. He is shapeless. I am shape.   In this dance matter emerged in swirling, chaotic stars in what might be described as rock. Matter was strange, lawless and unpredictable. Matter pulsed and flourished with the power of Cylistisis, while retreating, contracting, and resisting with the power of Kuthuras. This pulsation between light and dark gave birth to Life and Death in the form of the Elder Dragons Ozdrak and Voldrai. Light and Dark vascillated between chaos and order, which gave emergence to the Elder Gods and the Dragons.      The Emergence Matter, the Elder Gods and Dragons   The substance that emerged from the first gods that formed the earth and the physical realm eventually split into four distinct properties, known as elements: Water, Earth, Air, and Fire.   The rock became the first form, the form of earth. In the pull emerged Eddumuzid , Elder God of the Earth. Upon the face of the earth, cold and rough, emerged water, which at that time was only ice. Above the earth and ice emerged the sun ablaze, sending a spark of fire to the center of the earth. The sun and the fire melted the ice into water, which coursed through the cracks and rough edges of the earth. Awoken from cold slumber, Belisiamat , the Goddess of Water was awoken by Ogunydst , the God of Fire. And in the merging of the heat and cold came Enlioth , the Goddess of the Air.   The elements worked together in what might be described as harmony and order. The earth rose and sank into itself, while the water filled the empty places. The heat of the great fire kept the earth in equilibrium. Together, the interaction between water and fire and the rough spaces of the earth created the wind.   Eddumuzid: God of the Earth. Keeper of Memories. Eddu and Dumuzid. Carbon. Hermit. Belisiamat: Goddess of the Water. The Heart of Life. Belis and Tiamat. Hydrogen. Empress. Ogunydst: God of Fire. The spark of evolution. Ogun and Aephdyst. Nitrogen. Sorcerer. Eniloth: God of the Wind. The spirit of life. Enil and Thoth. Oxygen. Hierophant   The orderliness of the gods was contrasted with the chaos of the Dragons. They were the tremendous amount of energy transference and conflict between the 4 elements.    The Emergence of the Animal Gods and the Sundering of the Dragons   As the earth took form, places of nature emerged as domains. The earth begat mountain areas, forests, the plains of flat land. The air had the high skies above the land, the skies above the mountain, and the tops of the forests. The water had the seas, lakes, and rivers. There was also the earth beneath, the sands, and the places where fresh water and land met.                                                                                                                                      With the emergence of animal gods, traits and characteristics involved with adapting to life on earth emerged. Cleverness, caution, pride, isolation, sociability, agreeableness, coarseness, etc. coalesced with and influenced (While at the same time being influenced by) each animals motivations.   The twelves gods became powerful and in their power saw the order and chaos of the world, of the elder gods and the dragons. The gods sought to bring order to the earth and brought low the dragons.   The wars were lead by Rai in order to bring order to the natural world with relatively stable seasons and climate. The dragons emerged during the time of the Elder Gods and represent the chaotic and conflicting elements between them.    Where did the Dragons reside?   Vozen lived in the area where the ancestral Guhrians called home.    The Emerald Dragon resided in the area near Adon.    The Amethyst Dragon resided in Aetheria.    The Ruby Dragon resided in the Lucerian Sunlands.    Who defeated the Dragons?   Peregra defeated the Amethyst Dragon Aiga defeated the Ruby Dragon Eubra defeated the Sapphire Dragon – the Lake that the Guhrians made home of under his protection was once Ivern’s domain. Early Guhrian legends describe Eubra breaking the ice that brought them water. Rai defeated the Emerald Dragon   In subjugating the dragons, the lower gods claimed dominion over their favored biomes.    The wounds caused during the wars caused the dragons to bleed over the eons which crystalized in the form of precious gems which humans would one day learn to harness in the form of dragon magic in the East where they seemed to have fled.   The Eagle took the North, settling his Eyrie on the peak of the highest mountain. From here, he could see the highest vantage point in the world, viewing the four corners of the land, sky, and sea.   His younger brother the Owl found he did not need to be so high up. He made his nest in the Forest, where he could see what he needed from there.   The youngest of them all, the passionate Falcon, took to no domain, flying high above the world at all times and looking for adventure.   The Lion took the biggest portion for himself, the plains and prairies where hc could roam peacefully. He was the King of the Gods, Eldest of all them all.   His younger brother, the Bear, wandered through the southern forest, to the southern mountains, and into his cave. He claimed his home and made it clear no god shall encroach upon his territory.   The youngest of their brothers, The Wolf, found solace in the same mountains. Beoth wanted nothing but peace and to also be left alone among his favored creatures. His older brother the Bear and he would quarrel often over the mountains.   The Whale took the sea, crowning herself Queen. She was welcomed into the Sea by the Elder Goddess of Water, who she called the Empress of the Sea. She fell in love with the Crab, who found the lake to be his home near her shore, so they could be close. He made himself the knight.   The Lizard found himself in the sands known as the Cauldron, a circle of mountains that was said to have been created by the Elder God of Fire.   His younger brother, the Turtle roamed the riverlands. He could not decide between the rivers and the shore, so he shared them. The second youngest god, the Snake, found the earth beneath the riverlands his favored home.   And the youngest of them all, the lonely Fish, who just wanted to swim the rivers, was often troubled by the Snake. The Turtle would stand up for the Fish during these quarrels and not allow him to be bullied. Together, they co-existed in roughly the same space their entire existence. They habitated the land where the Elder God of Earth, Eddu, lived and stored the memories of the land.   The young gods co-existed peacefully for thousands upon thousands of years. They filled the earth with various creatures, who grew and multiplied and made their domain wherever they found it, finding a balanced equilibrium upon which to live in harmony with the world.   The Emergence of Mortal Men   One day, a new creature emerged: Man. He was said to have been borne at the centerpoint of the Snake and the Fish. The gods observed this strange creature with great curiosity. The Snake would lay him traps, poke and prod him. The Fish would guide him toward food and shelter. Tetsud and Strig watched him carefully, wanting to know what he would do. The rest of the gods took no interest in man. Aiga watched him from his peak and Rai from his pride, but took no action.   This man and others like him eventually emerged slowly over the course of time. Early man spoke of the treacherous snake, the giving fish, the protective turtle, and the wise Owl. Early man ate, drank, gathered supplies, played, and told stories. As they grew and multiplied, they found themselves moving across the lands. Small groups of men started emigrated North toward the sun lands, some toward the peaceful lake, some to the dangerous south, and some even crossing the path west into the dragon lands.   Over time, mankind learned how to utilize a strange power that even the gods knew nothing of: Magic. Some men learned how to become attuned to the earth, learning how to grow things quickly. They learned how to guide air and wind, how to enhance and sometimes even create fire, and how to utilize the healing properties of water.   The Snake was furious, fearful. He saw mankind encroaching on his territory. He saw mankind becoming stronger, becoming as gods. He climbed the branches of the tree, gaining this and that knowledge from the Elder God of Earth.   At the same time, Rai had been watching a contingent of mankind creating civilization to the West, without the guidance of the animal gods and learning some of the strange and unnatural powers of the chaotic dragons. Rai had known that the Snake had grown weary with man, that he may do something to harm them. In this, he guided mankind into creating kingdoms. He taught them more directly about order, about living within the natural elements. The Snake saw him as a meddler, who wanted to build mankind up as a way of hurting the Snake. Instead, Rai called a council of the 5 gods of that area, how they would all be a natural and necessary part of maintaining order. The Snake begrudgingly submitted to Rai, becoming somewhat of his emissary, challenging and prodding mankind. Tetsud taught them how to protect themselves, how to be honorable. The Fish taught them how to be compassionate and kind. The Owl taught them how to be wise.   As the kingdoms grew more and more powerful and advanced, learning how to properly use magic and creating a powerful contingent, an ambitious young king named Acardoch was born in the city of Adon (meaning first). The Kingdom of Adon reached eastward and built another great city named Citar (Meaning star?). Tensions began to grow with the Lucerians in the North. Acardoch envisioned a vast empire that would be able to keep the peace and order. In the years building up to the Adonian Empire, large tribes began to grown and become consolidated.


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