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Inspired by Turkish/Mongolian cultural features.   Themes: Fire, desert, technology, alchemy, sorcery, inventive, technology, Lizards   Summary   History   The Uzar are a desert populace who value ingenuity, technology, and sorcery. Uzarians value creativity, ingenuity, and innovation. They are a future-oriented people who do not focus on the past as much as they do what is to come. Uzarians dwell in a place with few resources.   After the Fall of the Adonian Empire, a contingent of fire sorcerers found their way there in search of the Elder God of fire, Ogun, in a region with an active volcano deep in the desert known as the Cauldron. They became incorporated with the native peoples and together used sorcery and alechmy to develop methods of survival, such as creating a source of water, armor and fortifcations that could keep them cool and safe, and to scour for sources of food.   The Uzarians populated a place known commonly as the fire lands, where there is a lot of heat and not much else. Most of the Fire Lands are uninhabited, though there are reports of strange and dangerous creatures that came from there, including dragons.   Society Technological contributions: -Drawing of water from the sands -Lizard skills: The use of venom, camouflage, reflex bleeding, regeneration of limbs, an armor of scales known as keratin that helped prevent water loss from sweating and afforded them environmental protection, ability to sense light and dark, ability to detect prey.   Religion   Uzarians worship Varan, known as the Alchemist and the Lizard. Varan taught them skills natural to lizards, such as sensing pheromones. After the arrival of Adonic Sorcerers, many also began to revere the Elder God of Fire, Ogun.   Enmities   Being isolated in the desert led them to natural protections from many rivals. The Uzarian people have largely remained outside of interacting with other groups. In the year 1500, during the a great war between some of the Droghic and the Ondai, the Uzars allied with droghic and supplied them with arms and weapons, which the drogic used to conquer much on the Ondaic lands. After which, they betrayed the Uzars.   Notable People   Vulca Flamebringer, a powerful sorcerer who brought a contingent of fleeing adonic fire sorcerers, aligning himself with the sand king.


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