Prenny Mine

The oldest coal mine in Eshua

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  Despite being only about one hundred years old, the Prenny Mine is the oldest coal mine in Eshua. Whilst some other countries in Caia have been mining coal for centuries, Eshua has only recently begun to use it as an alternative source of fuel to wood. The coal seam was discovered in 5213 EA by Winson Prenny, but it took another thirty years before permissions were granted and the mine opened for operation.   A settlement has grown around the mine, called, perhaps unsurprisingly, Prenny. It has a population of forty three people.   Since the mine has been open, there has only been one major incident. In 5338 EA, miners entered a tunnel that had gone unused for several months. Six miners suffocated due to an undetected build up of noxious gases.

Cover image: by Nick Nice


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Jan 9, 2024 16:49

I live in an area with a lot of coal mines closed in the last century. I would like to read more about coal mining in your world.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Jan 9, 2024 19:21 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Thanks! My wife's family has coal miners going back generations, so I'm quite inspired by their stories. Looking forward to expanding more upon this in the future. :)

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