The Cheeseguard

A proud tradition

This article was written for Summer Camp 2024. Therefore it is unpolished and lacking formatting and information. Feel free to comment with any questions or requests for clarification.
  The Cheeseguard have existed for as long as the people of the town of Keld have been making the keldsir cheese they are famous for. Their purpose is to guard the cheese caves. When the caves first began to be used for storing cheese around seven hundred years ago, guards were not part of the equation, but they were implemented after a rash of cheese thefts. To this day, the people of Keld suspect one of the neighbouring towns, but they have no proof.   For much of its history, the Cheeseguard was a group of men that kept guard of the entrance to the cave, one at the top of the cliff near the hidden cliffside path, and one at the bottom near the entrance to the cave itself. They worked in six hour shifts, keeping watch for any nefarious cheese thieves. They also became lookouts for pirates, able to warn the town if pirate ships were spotted prowling off the coast. In more modern times, the role has been largely ceremonial, propped up by centuries of tradition. One of the oldest traditions is that, after their shift, the Cheeseguard get a free drink in the town's tavern, The Lucky Duck.   However, during the recent civil war, the Cheeseguard were integral to the safety of the townsfolk who took shelter in the caves from the violence that was sweeping the country. Instead of guarding cheese, they were guarding people's lives.

Cover image: by Benjamin Behre


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Jul 11, 2024 15:26 by Aster Blackwell

I LOVE this.

Jul 11, 2024 19:04 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Thanks! I thought it might be too silly, but people convinced me otherwise xD

Jul 12, 2024 15:51 by Aster Blackwell

I don't think it's silly at all! The cheese is an important resource, of course it would be guarded. And I just love how people hid in the caves and the guard became people-protectors too. It's a very realistic and creative concept!

Jul 12, 2024 19:04 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Thank you <3 :)

Jul 11, 2024 20:09 by Dragon

I love them! Cheese and people protectors!

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Jul 11, 2024 20:24 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Yaaay! Thanks :)

Jul 21, 2024 02:09 by E. Christopher Clark

I love that they went from guarding cheese to guarding peoples' lives.

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Jul 21, 2024 12:18 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

And took both as equally seriously! :) Thank you!

Aug 11, 2024 13:51 by Han

I love that they've used their cheese protection skills to help save lives!

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Aug 11, 2024 19:19 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Me too! :D Thanks!

Aug 23, 2024 00:37 by Marjorie Ariel

What a unique response! I love how much detail you're able to give us about the world through the importance of their cheese, as well as how the importance, and even the role of the guard, has shifted during different moments in history.

Aug 23, 2024 13:05 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Thank you! :D <3

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