The Elenasia Family Cemetery

A place of contemplation

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  Nestled in the grounds of the castle of Lord's Rock lies the Elenasia Family Cemetery. Surrounded by high stone walls and locked wrought iron gates, it is a private place of mourning and reflection for the Elenasia family. No high lords are buried in this cemetery; instead, they are entombed in the crypts under the castle. This cemetery contains their wives, siblings, children, and favoured nephews, nieces, or cousins.   Each grave lies under a large stone carved with the likeness of the deceased. After a period of two hundred years, the graves can be reused. The old stone is stood up against the wall of the cemetery to watch over the rest, and any fragments of bone remaining are reverently placed in the coffin of the newly deceased to be reburied.   In the centre of the cemetery is a large oak tree and a statue of Faolan, the Lord of Earth.

Cover image: by Scott Rodgerson


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