The Treaty of Sgaren Document in Etrea | World Anvil

The Treaty of Sgaren

Where two became one

This article was written for Summer Camp 2024. Therefore it is unpolished and lacking formatting and information. Feel free to comment with any questions or requests for clarification.
  In 4994 EA, the countries of Serukis and Sgaren became one after the signing of a treaty between the then High Lord Vaifale and the Treelord of Sgaren.
by Nile
Sgaren was a small country in the north of the continent of Caia. In the mid 4450s, it was annexed by renewed expansion efforts by the Erish Empire, and was only able to to throw off the yoke of that oppression in the late 4930s. However, by the 4990s, it seemed as though the Empire was gearing up to retake Sgaren, with some minor skirmishes occuring off Sgaren's northern coast.   The Treelord, wanting to ensure his people's continued freedom, approached the High Lord Vaifale for aid. It was decided that Sgaren would be brought within the borders of Serukis and pay taxes, and in return the Seruic army would protect Sgaren as it would any other part of Serukis. One of the terms the Treelord made sure was written into the treaty was that the Usgar people would be allowed to continue to practise their cultural traditions and speak their native language. The High Lords agreed. This was better than what would happen under the Empire, as taxes would be higher and the Empire imposes their beliefs and traditions on their subjects. Therefore, the Treelord agreed to the terms, and Sgaren became part of Serukis under the jurisdiction of the High Lord Vaifale. Whilst many Usgar were not happy with this turn of events, the majority agreed that it was the lesser of two evils.   The treaty was based off the treaty drawn up with the Erozyans several centuries prior.

Cover image: by Alessio Fiorentino


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Jul 4, 2024 23:40 by Aster Blackwell

We're in the same boat! I also don't like writing politics but made a promise to myself that I'd bite the bullet and write about them anyway. I think this is a good article! Keep it up!

Jul 4, 2024 23:58 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Thank you so much, that's really reassuring <3

Jul 5, 2024 00:26

So did they become an integrated part of Serukis, just with their own special rules or more like a vassal state? :)   Great article as always

Jul 5, 2024 00:28 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

They are integrated into Serukis now. Like, with borders on the map, the area's included in Serukis. It seemed like the best deterrant at the time.   Thank you :)

Jul 5, 2024 11:50 by AP.

Writing anything political is always a struggle, but I really like this! I love that the High Lords agreed to let them keep their own culture and language, so they retain their identity despite being a part of Serukis. Also, Treelord sounds like such a cool title. x

Jul 5, 2024 11:58 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Thank you, AP! I feel better about this article this morning. <3 Treelord is a fun title, looking forward to delving into that more as I work through my stubs.

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