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Augustus Constantine

Background: Augustus Constantine, a devoted male cleric of Apollo, the god of light, healing, and prophecy, has dedicated his life to serving his deity and spreading the radiance of divine illumination. Lately, Augustus has been troubled by vivid visions that unveil the desecration of an ancient temple dedicated to Apollo. In these visions, a shadowy figure known as the Black Spider manipulates dark forces, exploiting the magical energy emanating from the lost mine near Phandalin.   Story Hook: In a divine trance, Augustus Constantine witnesses the sacred flame of Apollo flicker and dim as the ancient temple's sanctity is under threat. The vision compels him to embark on a pilgrimage to Phandalin, where he discovers that the Black Spider's malevolent influence extends beyond the lost mine, casting a shadow over the entire region. The magical disturbance disrupts the balance between light and shadow, imperiling not only the temple but also the safety of the local inhabitants.

Cleric seeking enlightenment.

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