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Wood Eaar Darkwood

Background: Wood Eaar, a Firbolg of the Darkwood Tribe, has always been attuned to the delicate balance of life and decay in the ancient forest of Neverwinter Wood. Recently, the normally vibrant and resilient fungi that flourish under the dense canopy have shown signs of a mysterious blight. Troubled by this disturbance in the natural order, Wood Eaar delves into their druidic connection to discover the cause.   Story Hook: During one of Wood Eaar's deep meditations, their spore-themed visions intensify. In a phantasmal journey, they witness a grand mycelial network spreading beneath the surface of Neverwinter Wood. This network connects to a towering, ancient mushroom known as the Eldertoad, which serves as the heart of the forest's fungal life. The spores surrounding this majestic mushroom have turned sickly and gray, indicating a profound imbalance.   The spirit of the Eldertoad reaches out to Wood Eaar, urging them to venture to Phandalin, where a disruptive force threatens the natural harmony. The health of the Eldertoad is linked to the vitality of the entire forest, and the corruption witnessed is but a symptom of a greater peril.

Wood Eaar is a Firbolg of the Darkwood Clan residing in the Neverwinter Wood. She enjoys picking wild mushrooms and meditation beneath the stars. She deeply reveres the Eldertoad and respects those with piety in their hearts.

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