Weismark Geographic Location in Ettor | World Anvil
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The heart of the empire is the province Weismark, which the empire is named after. This province was previously the dominant nation in the north before it absorbed its neighboring nations into itself, forming the world's first and only empire. Weismark is the oldest nation on Ettor, with a rich history starting at the dawn of mankind when humanity first migrated south.   The people of Weismark are diverse, with a stark contrast between the inhabitants of the coastal regions and the much sturdier residents of the harsher northern taiga. In the cities, the people of Weismark are very welcoming and open, known for their almost aggressive honesty, but also their unbreakable stubbornness. The further north one travels however, the more hardened and less accommodating the natives become. Up north, the dangers are much more severe. Vast swathes of unexplored forests are home to uncivilized, occult tries of barbaric northmen, unnaturally large predators, and other untold dangers that require a true survival mentality to overcome. The people are more superstitious in these regions, possibly rightfully so. That said, there are commonalities between these two groups of Weissic peoples. They are both heavily rooted in tradition and honor, and share many of the same religious and social beliefs.


Weismark contains a wide range of geographical features. The most populated region of Weismark is the southern coast, home to its capitol city Lothengrad. This is the warmest region of the province, containing miles of fertile farmland and abundant wildlife. The winters are still harsh however, and the region is covered in snow for nearly a third of the year. Hundreds of port towns are scattered along the coast, some of them small fishing villages and others acting as large trading ports.   North of this region in what can be considered central Weismark is a large, open expanse of snowy taiga and boreal forest that covers thousands of square miles. Although the region is home to hundreds of settlements and ancient cities, it is still a very wild region. The forests here are thick, tall, and largely unexplored due the sheer breadth of the region. This region blends into the towering, frozen mountain range called the Himmelfjäll further north, a largely unsettled region that is the ancestral home of the giants, who the people of Weismark live in harmony with.

Natural Resources

Fish, lumber, iron, steel, adamantine, silver, and other metals.

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