Warlock Patrons

Etunn harbors a number of custom warlock patrons, all powerful beings that reside in the spirit world.  
Patron Domains Description
Ajan Kett, The Greyblade Hexblade, Fiend A powerful warrior from another world. He wields a spear that can manipulate the dreams and wishes of others.
Alankar Great Old One It is said that a touch from his mind will drive any being to madness, as within his eldritch consciousness he holds the truth behind all things - a great and terrible truth.
The Blackstorm Shades An alien storm that roams Etunn, terrorizing and transforming the unlucky souls who encounter it
Charmor Genie One of the four Judicants. A temperamental and violent fire spirit that is often summoned during volcanic eruptions and at the sides of lava lakes.
The Guardian Undying, Great Old One An ancient spirit, believed by some to be a guardian of history and tradition. It is said that he manifests as an ancient and elderly bird spirit, whose feathers are made of papers and scrolls.Many Kumoto tribes hold him in high regard.
The Hive Shades A flood of immortal, unstoppable beings, destined to consume all things in its path.
Imona Archfey, Celestial, Fathomless A strange water spirit, from a different time. Although often indifferent to the petty troubles of mortals, she is a healer at heart, and is not apathetic.
The In-Betweeners Undead The spirits of long-dead people, lingering between the spirit world and the real world. It is a mystery why they wait.
Izhaka Genie One of the four Judicants. A playful and elusive air spirit, Izhaka is most often found whirling past the peaks of mountains.
Kol Koss Genie One of the four Judicants. Perhaps the most visible of the Judicants, Kol Koss is a familiar sight for many in Etunn, a hulking floating mass of living stone that builds immense structures seemingly without reason.
The Memory Shades A silent disease of fear, brought to life within the minds and souls of innocent beings, ever-present and inescapable.
Nakamir Genie One of the four Judicants, and perhaps the most hermetic. Nakamir dwells in the vast Undersea, and rarely rises up to the heights of Etunn, preferring to make her home within the crashing and rolling waves of the sea.
The Pink Princess Archfey, Celestial The Pink Princess is a fleet-footed and joyful insect spirit. She rarely appears to those within the material world. Her symbol is a pink hexagon.
The Prismarine Archfey, Celestial, Undying An ancient and mysterious force of nature that permeates all of Ilaeleeeia. Considered to be a life-giving energy by many Aelee.
Raavira Hexblade, Fiend, Undead Raavira is secretive, mysterious, and highly feared. She is said to be a spirit of malice, spite, and greed. Her symbol, etched into the skin of those who draw upon her power, is a black blade.
The Sunset Dancer Archfey The Sunset Dancer is a formless energy, and delights in fleeting moments and surprises, and cares not for the concepts of good or evil, for she sabotages and upends without prejudice.
Uden, The Leviathan Great Old One, Fathomless A giant sea creature that is said to roam the depths of the undersea. It emits a powerful aura that can place anyone around it under its spell.


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