Norlyn Settlement in Eumaea | World Anvil


Norlyn is a moderate size city in the The Vesperin Empire on the northern shore of Draydar. It is a popular trade destination and is home to the Norlyn University and the Imperial Shipyard. As of the current mayor's administration, weapons and arcane magic are prohibited inside the walls of the city. This is a matter of much contention among the citizens.  

Places of Interest

  • Norlyn Port
  • Imperial Shipyard
  • Norlyn Town Hall
  • Norlyn University
  • Froggy Bottom Inn
  • Norlyn Temple of Azagog


Norlyn, like other cities in the empire, is run by a democratically-elected mayor.


Norlyn is on the northern coast of Draydar and is the largest port town in the empire. The land around it is mostly grasslands and thin forest, however the Norlyn Swamp covers much of the surrounding area, particularly on the coastline.
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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