Raiji Archipelago Geographic Location in Eumaea | World Anvil

Raiji Archipelago

The Raiji Archipelago is a collection of large islands to the west of Draydar, and is the location of the The Raiji Shogunate   The archipelago is made up of seven large islands, which are representative of the seven spirit beasts in Raijin mythology.
  • 竜島 (Ryushima) (Dragon Island) - Nobunaga Prefecture
  • 虎島 (Torajima) (Tiger Island) - Hanadouji Prefecture
  • 亀陸 (Kameriku) (Turtle Land) - Norayomi Prefecture
  • 狼地域 (Okamichiiki) (Wolf Territory) - Isshoi Prefecture
  • 猿の家 (Saru no Ie) (Ape's House) - Shugeki Prefecture
  • 雄鳥の山 (Ondori no Yama) (Rooster's Mountain) - Taikoyama Prefecture
  • 牛島 (Ushijima) (Bull Island) - Former Kuroshinzo Prefecture
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