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Ayane Takanome

Created by Mu

Planewalker Ayane Takanome (a.k.a. The Strange Tiefling)

I cannot change the way I am, I'm lost, trapped in an endless battle of minds. But, I know that I have set the wheels of fate in motion so that the weakest, frailest souls will blossom into those who will be the greatest heroes. I never wanted this, I was once a hero of good, but if those who were sent to save the world out step their mandates, I will be the evil they need to realise their actions.   Every day, I regret my choices. I never meant to murder those I fought alongside, but it was for the better, and now there are few who will rise against me, and stop my rampage.  
I know they will, I trust they will, and when they do...   I will be so proud.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ayane, despite being isolated for years, has kept himself in incredible shape. He is agile, dexterous, and can curb disease and illness with ease.

Body Features

Ayane has red skin, black hair, and two horns that protrude from his forehead. One of those horns were broken in his childhood, but his sister regenerated it for him before the Trial of Labours. He is currently missing both of his eyes, but has replaced one of them with the Left Eye of Bahamut, torn from the Platinum Dragon himself.

Facial Features

Ayane has a narrow, angular face. His laughter lines show how wide his grin can actually become.

Identifying Characteristics

His face is strewn with scarring. He has a gash across his right cheek, across his nose, and to his left cheek. His left and right eye seem to have claw marks, as if they've been gouged out. He once had a missing left arm, but he regenerated it by stealing his sister's powers.

Physical quirks

Ayane is ambidextrous

Special abilities

Ayane has innate spellcasting, as well as learned spellcasting. His powers have been developed by Madame Gloomcrow and himself. His own adjustments make him a formidable foe.

Apparel & Accessories

Ayane's fashion comes from the uprising trends of the current age. He sports a waistcoat and purple shirt, but his cloak and robe are from a time long passed.

Specialized Equipment

Ayane is specialised in simple weaponry, but can figure out magical artefacts and items almost instantly.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ayane's mental history is extremely disturbing. What was once a child filled with prosperity and hope now remains only a broken, disturbed man. It was a great shame, for he was to be someone who was to take the Takanome Family out of poverty.   His early childhood was fraught with his father belittling him for his intellect, stating that he'd "never amount to anything". His mother, Aoda, a rampant alcoholic, had neglected him, refused to take any part in his upbringing. Forced to learn by himself, he taught himself to read, write, speak, but, Aoda got sick of him sitting at her feet, and sent Ayane sent to Madame Gloomcrow's Academy. He flourished there and became a happier individual, learning mathematics, and arcane traditions, away from the poor parenting skills he had been subjected to.   Unfortunately, his alleviation from torment only lasted as long as he stayed at the Academy. Bullied for his appearance, his bloodline, his families social status, he entered a state of depression. Wounding himself, failing his subjects, he spiralled out of control, spending most days in the hospital ward than in a classroom. Eventually, Madame Gloomcrow expelled Ayane, personally, for his poor performance and behaviour.   So, he left, headed home to a place he never wanted to be to find only a house populated by dust, his mother gone, father gone, and siblings nowhere to be seen. He was distraught, only 13 years old, mentally vulnerable, but found a note left behind by his older brother, Tobias.   It turned out that his siblings went off to be Seekers, people chosen by the God of all Gods, the Dawnfather. As any younger sibling would, he chased after them, but after his efforts of defeating the 12 Labours, he was turned away for having "inherited" evil within him. His efforts were shattered, his mind recessed, and he became the mentally fractured man he is today.

Gender Identity

Ayane identifies as male


Ayane identifies as aromantic


Ayane was taught at Madame Gloomcrow's Academy of the Arcane Arts, The Golden Valley of Elysia.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ayane has successfully created a cult of people, known as the Cult of the Shattered God, who are dedicated to his cause. Not many know of this cult, but they've seen them more in the recent year.

Failures & Embarrassments

Ayane, despite his efforts, was rejected by the Dawnfather in becoming a Seeker. This event fuelled his plot for revenge, but he was thwarted by the Seekers, and eventually was sealed away in a dimension only known as "The Canvas" by his siblings.

Mental Trauma

Ayane has delusions of grandeur, an intense God Complex, and has been isolated to the point that he has lost most of his sanity. However, his silver tongue manages to detour people's thoughts faster than they realise what he really is.

Intellectual Characteristics

Ayane is manipulative, intelligent, and extremely charismatic. His intellect and thirst for revenge has led him down a path of research that shows his dedication.

Morality & Philosophy

Ayane's moral compass is questionable, being that of a man so caught in his own illusions, he finds the lines between inhumane and morally upheld very blurred to the point of nonexistence.


Ayane has controlled people throughout the ages to do his bidding where he cannot. This has started wars, massacres, and a genocide or two. But his greatest evil is what the Seekers refer to as "The Eclipse of the Rising Dawn", a deed so evil that it stings the souls of all mortals. This event had him sealed away into the Canvas.   Recently, he has killed the Platinum Dragon, Bahamut, and stolen his eye to replace his own.

Personality Characteristics


Ayane is driven to surpass the Seekers and to destroy the Dawnfather for his betrayal. He believes his youth, maintained by the Canvas, leaves him with a wide advantage over his enemies. Millions of years have passed outside, yet he has only aged 25 years...

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Ayane is extremely apt at deciphering arcane tomes and scrolls, Dragon Chess, and astronomy. His ineptitude lies within his strength, but that will not be for long, for his new arm is regaining its strength every passing moment.

Likes & Dislikes

Ayane loves magical artefacts and curios. His favourite foodstuff is a poached egg over warm toast, with some seasoning. His greatest dislikes are the Seekers and the Dawnfather... And milk, he really, really hates milk.

Virtues & Personality perks

Ayane is somewhat of a patient being, but can be tested to the point where he becomes impatient. He is intelligent and knows much about the magical origins of the cosmos.

Vices & Personality flaws

Ayane is so secluded in his mindset that he is seen as a Dark God by those who have encountered him and eluded his charm. He is warped to the point of unimaginable evil, and even his older sister claims she cannot save him from himself.

Personality Quirks

He cracks his neck when he is becoming impatient. He always appears before someone when they are at their most vulnerable.


Ayane's new clothes are fresh and clean, but his cloak and robe are tattered and filthy with dirt and blood.


Contacts & Relations

Ayane has ties to his religious followers, The Cult of the Shattered God. He is affiliated with the Order of the Shroud.

Family Ties

Tobias Takanome, Brother and Seeker. Akara Takanome, Sister and Seeker.

Religious Views

Ayane sees all gods as deceitful and unjust, and wishes to see them dethroned.

Social Aptitude

His aptitude in challenging social situations is unnatural. He can turn the tide of any conversation with a waggle of his tongue, which makes him an excellent bureaucrat.

Hobbies & Pets

His hobby is collecting magical items. He has no pets.


His speech is refined and considerably regal in its tone. His pitch is subtle and calm.

Wealth & Financial state

Ayane has no apparent wealth.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Strange Tiefling, Planewalker, The Dark God
1600 1638 38 years old
Takanome Farm, The Golden Valley of Elysia
Current Residence
The Canvas
Narrow, Black
Spiked, Black
140 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"All I wanted was to be like you." "I can show you the way to real power. Join me, mortal." "You think you can kill a god?" "I am no hero." "The skies of Elysia were all I saw, and will be the only thing I see on my last dying breath."
Known Languages
Ayane speaks Common, Ancath, Elvish, Infernal, Celestial, and Undercommon fluently. He can read and write in all languages, but cannot speak beyond what he has learned as previously mentioned.

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