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Before the existence of what are known today as Dwarves, Halflings, and Gnomes, came the Dwerogh. Almost twice as tall as their most common-featured successors and considered twice as intelligent for the most part, they primarily remained above ground for most of their lives asides when it came to crafting the most advanced stonework the world has still seen.

Basic Information


Dwerogh are commonly tall beings, with males ranging from 6ft-6ft 9in and females anywhere between 6ft 5in-7ft 11in. Bearing similar features to a mix of Dwarves, Halflings, and Gnomes, they have typically rounded features.

Biological Traits

Dwerogh typically live as long as their Eildearan counterparts, in where if they are within their community they are practically ageless, but once separated from the Mother Blood, they begin to age as normal. Outwith their clans, a Dwerogh can live up to 1,000 years.   As is common in most living creatures, the Dwerogh underwent speciation and formed new branches in the worldly biodiversity which eventually became the Dwarves, Halflings, and Gnomes.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dwerogh typically grow as fast as humans but continue to grow throughout their lives. Rapid growth occurs during the first 30 years, where majority of the height, mass, and skeletal structure takes form. In proceeding years, they continue to grow in tiny amounts which can add additional height.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dwerogh had incredible darkvision and hearing, allowing them to navigate the depths of the earth in search for rare metals and stones.

Civilization and Culture


The gods created the Dwerogh from clay and stone, firing them in the heart of the world, to make a counterpart to the Eildearan that had begun to emerge from the primordial soup left in the wake of the Dawning. Given sapience through the hands of the Demiurge, the Dwerogh began their conquest of the rocky landscape of the freshly born Eurithan.   Crafting homes and tools from the cooling molten rock surrounding them, they became a mountainous society, and many of the others choosing to stay on the lowlands where the soil was fruitful. To create a strong trade between the hill-dwellers and farmers, the great city of Dymiz'iren was formed in what is now Vakrel. The city was made from the most glamorous of stones, metals, and crystals, and was the birthplace of Arcanomechanics in the form of powered armours, weapons, and constructs.   Yet, it would not be in-fighting or a war with the Eildearans that would be their demise, but instead a great flood that sank most of the world's landmass at the time. Some Dwerogh survived the initial flood but the ice age that came after saw to it that they vanished from the face of Eurithan. However, no skeletons have been found, and some speculate that they are still out there, trying to forge a machine to bring back their original glory.
Scientific Name
Primus Dwarvinius
670-1,000 years
Average Height
6ft - 7ft 11in
Average Weight
265lbs (120kg) - 440lbs (200kg)

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