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Before the dominion of the Feywilds and the prominence of Elvish stiff-upper-lipness in the world stood the Eildearan. These diverse people found themselves divided into three main clans at the start of their society and eventually separated into what are now the races of the Fey and the many faces of the Elves.

Basic Information


Eildearan share a lot of similarities to their successors, yet the most prominent features are more extreme. Commonly, Eildearan are taller, more muscular, and have much larger pointed ears than Fey and Elves.

Biological Traits

The Eil can live anywhere between 3,000 to 15,000 years so long as they are connected to the Mother Blood. Outwith this, they have a life expectancy slightly longer than the modern day Elf of 900 years. Eildearans are surprisingly tall, with many standing close to the 7ft mark, yet manage to only be around 110lbs in weight due to their lighter bone density.

Growth Rate & Stages

Eildearans typically stop the growth process at the age of 30, ageing at the same rate as humans. At the age of 10, a Fledgeling Eildearan will undergo the Joining where they will imbibe in the Mother Blood to attain their agelessness. Beyond this point, they are no longer considered Fledgeling but a part of the Eil, where they will obtain their family markings across their skin.

Ecology and Habitats

Eildearans typically enjoy wild places, with as much biodiversity as possible. There are some subspecies of the Eil that prefer mountainous regions, subterranean locations, or even out at sea.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Eildearans must consume at least 3000kcal per day. A diet consisting mostly of lean, gamey, meats and high fat milks. Nuts, berries, and many root vegetables are often seen accompanying this rich feasting.

Biological Cycle

The Eil will undergo the Cadalmohr or "the great sleep" once every 100 years. This is an extended hibernation that can be postponed through use of potent psychedelics or being severed from the Mother Blood. In this state, an Eil casts their spiritual self to live in the Astral plane for weeks on end, in search of Luchartia - the palace of dreams - to observe the cosmos and their ultimate purpose.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Eildearans, similar to the Dwerogh, have greater perception and darkvision than most other races. Unlike the Dwerogh, the Eildearans were a terranean race that used sunlight to empower their sight, which led to them having prominent yellow eyes with darkened sclerae .

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

The Eil typically see beauty in potential partners in a whole host of ways. Commonly, however, those that are considerably more intricately tattooed or with marks of growth (e.g. stretch marks, laughter lines, etc.) on their body will be seen as more beautiful in society. There are some subspecies of the Eil, such as the Osha'Eil who consider scars of battle a sign of beauty.

Gender Ideals

The Eil have no concept of gender within their society and instead focus on the skill sets and proficiency of the individual.

Average Technological Level

The Eil attained a great deal of technological advancement in gemstone magic, and were the originators of the mysterious Gemstone Mirrors.


Before the Elves and the Fey were moulded by the worlds that they now inhabit, the Èildearans came before them. Yet, these elf-like beings were nothing like their elegant successors - once feared by all other beings in the multiverse as violent warmongers with the skill to slay an army with a pocket knife. These brutes came from a dying world trapped in the edges of the Primordial Discs, a land of legend and bloody history - Èilderos. This world, once lush with plant and animal life now lies as a barren desert, devoid of lustre and habitation, ravaged by centuries of war and exploitation. In their oral history, which survives to this day, the Èildearans waged war against their gods, the Qosyl, for their treatment of the lands. It is in this legend, which holds substance in reality, tells of when the hero of Èilderos - M'vakir - tore the heart of the Creator God, Umvecor, from its bosom and feasted upon the still beating organ in victory.   From Umvecor's corpse did the Èildearans feast upon the flesh and blood. The Skara, or mages, fed upon their dead God's mind, the Yedon (crafters) fed upon its hands, and the Oter (warriors) feasted upon the liver. In glorious victory, the three pillars of Èilderos society brewed an elixir from the blood, and all who survived the war drank from the waterfalls of barrels made. Without knowing, the blood of Umvecor came with a curse - one of immortality.   Through their extended lifetime, the Èildearans continued their savage ways and raped their homework to the brink of destruction. With food, water, and shelter becoming a luxury more than commodity, the Skara begun to assemble a gateway to another world. These gateways that the Skara built were called Faegari, "a door to salvation". On the eve of its activation, the Skara invited all to walk through into their new home.   Their new homeworld was one of infinite natural wonders - waterfalls, mountains, endless forests. However, this paradise soon became unruly as the Oter and Yedon began exploiting the lands of materials, and despite the Skaras' best attempts to stop it, it continued on for centuries. As the land scarred and withered, like their home of old before it, the Skara began to suffuse their knowledge of the magics of their home with the world allowing it to heal. But, unbeknownst to them, their home began to fuse into their bloodlines, and by the end of the century, a new race had been born from those affected - Eladrin, the first humanoid Fey. Soon, the Eladrin outnumbered and overcame the Oter, Yedon, and the Skara - sending them off through the gate in which they came from.   With a trick, the Yedon and Skara had manipulated the Feygate to send them deeper into the Rings of Creation. Unveiled on the other side was a world scorched by the Colossi. Finally, a home that could only grow from its ashes. From this arrival, the remnants of the original castes merged together to make a livable home in the absolute North of this new world, dubbing themselves the Fian'Eil, their home - Fian Tai'ir. As the centuries grew on more, the Fian'Eil broke apart, leaving the magically inclined in the North and the technically savvy southbound - the Saen'Eil.   Once the Wars of the Colossus broke out and the splinters of Èilderan society were split throughout what is now Kagarra and Novaria, those who stayed behind from the Fian'Eil and the Saen'Eil made a machine capable of protecting their broken homeland - Nor'Jhaskar - the Land of the Killing Fog. Those trapped on the other side, the broken pieces of Yedon, Oter, and the Skara of the Fian and Saen divided further as they sought refuge from the dangers of the lands in order to regain their strength.   Fleeing underground came the Osha'Eil, the predecessors to the Drow, with their first city Akuron, the founding city that would become Obrul.. To the cold mountaintops ran the Tark'Eil, who build their cities within the mountains - the city of Oskal bringing in the presence of new religious practices. Those who hid away in the deserts of the Novarian empire became known as the Nomads. For the little Èildearans who could not find a new home slowly adapted to their new and upcoming urban surroundings, becoming slimmer, taller, and more manageable - the Eil, or as they are known now - Elves.   Not much survives of the Èildearan civilisations that spread across the Eastern Hemisphere - torn asunder by distrust, war, famine, and pestilence, or so it has been assumed. Any survivors of those ancient places have either since passed on to the great hunting ground or roam the lands as adventuring sages. Some have tried to return to the Feywild but have been met with nothing but austerity.   Now far and few between, the Èildearans are all but a memory of a powerful empire of once bloodthirsty warriors turned sages to the forgotten arcana.
Scientific Name
Faeus Prima
9,000 years
Average Height
6ft 10in
Average Weight
100 lbs

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