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Created by Mu, a retelling on Gary Gygax's character "Mordenkainen".

Archmage Mordecai Kain (a.k.a. Mordenkainen)

Some people believe Mordenkainen to be a great archmage of the greatest order, his motives lawful, and his mind unmatched. They clearly haven't met the real man.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Relatively well-built, however does not pertain any muscular strength or dexterity. He is more dexterous with his somatic components of his spell casting than that of pick-pocketing.

Body Features

Dark skin tone, oaken hair colour. He additionally has scarring from a spell duel and many encounters with monsters.

Facial Features

Strong facial features, his eyebrows narrow and sharp. He bears no wrinkles nor pock marks from acne nor bears freckling.

Identifying Characteristics

Commonly identified by his vibrant white and red garbs.

Physical quirks

He tends to walk with his hands intertwined in front of him, much like the priests of the Anderallian regime.

Special abilities

Teleportation and other forms of spell casting

Apparel & Accessories

Bright, clean colours for his clothing such as whites, blues, yellows, and reds. He also wears a charm around his neck, its purpose undefined by most. He bears a book holster around his hip to carry his spell book.

Specialized Equipment

Use of magic items, spell scrolls, and astronomy tools

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





  • Madame Gloomcrow's Academy of the Arcane Arts
  • Rivenhollow School of the Arcane Arts
  • Vaziniri House of Magi


Ship Mage of the Witch of Nimir

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Has created many spells common amongst Urithan.
  • Aided in the development in advanced alchemical equipment, such as the Astral Energy Collector.
  • Remains unknown of face to many, despite his name resonating across the world.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Failed to rescue Atlas from imprisonment.
  • Failed to save Cipher from death.
  • Plane Shifted to an extra-dimensional space to evade capture of the law, but succumbed to Astral Wind Madness for a few years.

Mental Trauma

Has gazed upon the Elder Evils of the cosmos; the unspeakable visions still haunt him, leaving him sleepless on the nights they are visible in the night sky.

Intellectual Characteristics

Logical, creative, philosophical, tactical

Morality & Philosophy

"This is not one world, but many worlds that make our home. Each world carries a story, a tale for us to listen - lest we never hear. Never judge a being for their actions until you hear their life in verse. Perspective turns us not to the skies, but to each other."


Aided in the assassination of Queen Mir'amel of Lucidia

Personality Characteristics


Identify and categorise every beast on Urithan, fulfilling his many tomes of knowledge.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Can locate himself within a few hundred feet by using the night sky, and can determine the approaching weather conditions a few days in advance.
  • He is unable to cook an egg, tending to get frustrated and Fire Bolting it.

Likes & Dislikes

Enjoys the peace and quiet of his studies, tending to Silence the area to avoid conversation. Those who interrupt him know sooner or later why they should've let him be.

Virtues & Personality perks

Compassionate, engaging, and knowledgeable.

Vices & Personality flaws

Easily frustrated and led to wrathful acts easily. He was not always like this, perhaps the Elder Evils have been afflicting him more so than he believes.

Personality Quirks

Rubs his beard when in thought


He never seems to bathe or clean his clothes, yet he smells of juniper berries and hasn't a speck of dirt on him.
Chaotic Good
Year of Birth
1572 86 Years old
Galador, Golden Valley of Elysia, Kagarra
Current Residence
The Witch of Nimir
Yellow, glinting with arcane energy
152 lbs
Known Languages
Mordenkainen can speak Common, Undercommon, Abyssal, Primordial, Giant, and Elvish fluently. He can also read these languages without issue.

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