Nemlin's Journal (Deciphered) in Eurithan | World Anvil
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Nemlin's Journal (Deciphered)

Heart and mind, lost

Speaks of Greyforge.   Includes Location (Alabaster Gorge of Iudexal)   Has the Godforge and alchemica universalis   Guarded by a powerful monster, eternal, unsleeping. A beast is chained to the forge, forever churning out weapons capable of slaying Gods. Vastly intelligence and powerful, reminding it of what it was may allow it to regain it's humanity   Has Blueprint for Kigenite (sought after by many blacksmiths, told to be the superior alloy to adamantine)   Nemlin's Lemonade recipe (it's alright. Side note, business model: Nemlinade)   "By the Moon's final light bring the blade blue, sharp, sharp, hammer crash, Bring the Final Clash, Storm Heaven's gate."   "I have rivers without water, Forests without Trees, Mountains without rocks, Town without houses" (A Map?)   "There are four siblings all born together. The first runs and never wearies (River?), The second eats and is never full, the thirds drinks and is always thirsty, the fourth sings a song forever."   "Bring down the mountain's skin, trap the fiend. Descend upon them with tangs and edges, their presence contained. Deeper and Deeper, descend through the gates, with the word of those who passed through them. Unto the last, you may never pass. Breathe Dragon, crack your cheeks"   "Wail, frown, smile. The mountain shows its faces, it's heart burning as the sun above graces(Volcano?). Bear the Sun's sister (Moon?), light the blank canvas, forge anew the souls of creation."   "Breathe in the leviathan's blood, sink deeper to the eye that watches. Eyes that see the watching gaze ne'er gaze upon its hide - the Djinn's lustful wonders. Cower, its power unfaltering in its stare as the children of Medusa warn you. Sink. Gasp. Drowning. Fear the watcher."   "Grand doors to knock, bellow the final chapping, crack your knuckles bloody. Rinse the lock in crimson, an offering to the god that chains the vaults below. Hear their voice, beckon the beastly cry of the monster below. Freedom or servitude brings the sounds of fire closer. Hear the voice of the forgemaster clash steel in your mind's eye"   "Trapped deeper and deeper, the walls crawl with eyes of those lost. Spectres beyond the ethereal, physical and corporeal their touch. Warnings they do not heed, your mind they wish for. Rest you may not, lest it be your tomb."   “Woe and wonder, steel bends like water, still as ice, cold. Dark grey stone, memoriam of fallen blood. Pay, respect, and find the key that holds the key. Heat and sweat no more, the bones of mothers, fathers, and child lie in pave for us. Two branches the rose bush waves, glow does the one that does not belong and guide onward through the darkness”   “Veins of gold follow through basalt air where godly eyes never glance. Touch and wander; feel the crags that speak his name. Old words, unknown to comprehension, note, worry, and journey to the graves of those who sought before.”   “I grow ever more tired, my body surrendering to wounds. I must push on and hope that one day this journey will be the last to claim a soul. I can feel their presence, unending power and wisdom. My old friend is the only one keeping me company and I feel my mind slipping ever more.”   “Run, run, run, dragons they come, fire and death, the beast before beasts. They scream blood and murder, ungodly sight! Mark their door, feign allegiance, honour through sacrifice! Nine fathoms of flame mark flesh, cower and grovel before the merciless queen!”   “Hark, she grants mercy, the walls of cold graves and mausoleums of heroes open! Broken, hobble, bone splintered through skin. Mind slowing with blinding speed, vitality breaking down, the weave fracturing my veins! To the dead bonfire, run, sit and ponder, the trial ever moving! Rest well, eat hearty, pray deeply…”   “Broken, move on, crawl to the door beyond the endless traps; gnawing steel, hungry earth, the spears of hell bite and torment. Hold resolve, bleed, weep, and scream to the exit, to naïve safety. Beyond the door, pawns wait to move unto kings, move to advantage, unseal the vault beyond and claim yourselves royal.”   “LIES. The false kingdom beyond! A throne of thorns, a liar’s key! Entombed and grovel to gods for merciful release! Blood, the key, a luxury run thin, open the gates with old tongue of skyward titans, heavenly discourse and exhumed unknowns test resolve. Wander, fruitless kings and queens, witness the price of rule beyond.”   “Piccolo died. I am now evermore alone, trapped by thought. My body is broken, my mind is fractured, and what little sanity comes through only lasts for a tender moment. To those who may read this, Greyforge is not for the weak and curious, cruel gods carved this place for a time of cruelty. [Break in the writing] HOWL, SCREAM, CRACK YOUR SOUL! Woe, wither, dearest friend! Alas, long tireless expedition led us astray! Alone, now, Nemlin must go!”   “THE DOOR NE’RE BREAK, CARVE WITH BONE, MARROW, AND FLESH THE MARK OF OPENING! CHIME, RING THE MASTER’S DOORBELL, AWAKEN THE HEART OF THE FORGE! ROAR, BEAST, SHATTER HEAVEN AND FILL HELL’S INFERNO! TOIL, MADMAN, SEEK YE GRAVE, UNTO THE ARTERIES OF COLD IRON!”   “THE STEEL, ALIVE, UNBROKEN BY BLADE NOR BOW! SHATTER, SHATTER, HEAT AND COOL! WAIL, SCREECHING BANSHEE, HOWL DEATH, OPEN THE GATES UNTO NEVER! PIERCE FLESH, BLEED HEART, SHAKE A BROKEN SOUL!”   “Respite… Finally, I rest, perhaps my last. The last few rooms beyond tied with secrets of the forgemaster… Wary am I of the beasts from the forge heart, they wail and creak, ready to claim me. What lies beyond, I do not know. The gods are twisted beings… The next door needs something else than blood… Lady Duma, curse ye, mad witch…”   “Dance and weave, fiddle the Sorcerer’s wounds! Burn your heart out, powerless t0 the vast beyond! Hellish general, slumber deep and dream of eras forever gone, washed asunder. Chains, unaltered, the Master’s work, holding fallen gods to whim! It does not wake, forever adrift a bay of dreams. The gate of elders waits across, the key unknown to eye nor memory, waken, nature, and test the god’s wroth!”   “I only managed through… with luck… I sit, relieved, but death grips my heart close to his chest… It’s a long way down, do not fall, traveller, find the…”   “EYES PLUCKED, HANDS TIED BY BROKEN AMBITION, THE FINAL ROOM BEYOND THE GATEWAY! SEALED, WORDS OF THE ELDER EVILS, THEY TALK, WHISPER WARPED DREAMS! THE WALLS, THEY MOVE, WRITHE WITH INKY DARKNESS, PULLING, PULLING, CLAIMING SOUL! CRY VOID, CRACK CHEEK AND LUNG, NO ANSWER BUT ENDLESS MADNESS! HELP ME! HELP ME FALL IN THE VOID"   “WALLS, GROUND, THE LIGHT BURNS PURPLE! FLAME OF MAN NO LONGER, MADNESS, TURNING, TURNING, TURNING! THE VOID WHISPERING ACROSS THE WALLS! I SEE IT, CALLING TO ME, THE EYES ALWAYS WATCHING, THEY’VE ALWAYS WATCHED. WARY OF THE EYES! LEST CLAIM YOUR FINAL THOUGHTS! CURSE YE, GODS, DENOUNCE! SPEAK ITS NAME, THE WHISPER IN THE VOID, IT ANSWERS, THE DOOR’S UNMOVED BONES GRIND TO MOVEMENT!”   “BEYOND, ALAS A FINAL DOOR, THE WOUNDING MADDENING HAS FRAUGHT THE PAINLESSNESS OF THE TRAP BEHIND! I HEAR IT SCRAPING, THE CALL OF THE VOID, THE MIND ONLY HOLDS LONGER, THE BODY CLUTCHING HANDS OF AZRAEL! REAP, SOW NEW SOULS, HARVESTER! THE DOOR SHALL NEVER OPEN TO HANDS OF THE UNKNOWN, A NEW DOOR OPENS TO THE MADDENING ABYSS BEYOND FOR US!”   “TEAR ME, OH, HEAVENLY CLAIMER! THE BLOOD OF MY BLOOD IS NO KEY, MY JOURNEY FRUITLESS TO THE FALSE THRONE, I OWN! PRODIGAL ANCESTOR HOLD YOUR CHILD CLOSER. THE STEEL KNOWS STEEL, THEIR HEART THE ONLY KEY! FATHER OF GODS, MOTHER OF THE COSMOS, FORSAKE ME AS YOU HAVE YOUR SEVEN CHOSEN, BRING ME UNTO THE SILENCE OF YOUR WORDS!”

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