The Convocation of Grand Masters Organization in Eurithan | World Anvil
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The Convocation of Grand Masters

Ascend the Steps

Created by Mu


The eight temples of the monastic concord are joined together by a treaty forged by their respected Grand Masters. Every season, the temples will converge on the site where the treaty was signed, at the peak of the Seething Mountain, up the 10,000 steps to the ancient monastery that weakens the mountain's internal volcanic activity. There, the meeting is supervised by The Unseen Master, who is never present in body, but her voice is heard throughout the temple now and then.   The Eight Temples are controlled by their perceptions of Ki Lin Pei's Steps of the Perfect Self, an ancient religion from a time before the Wars of the Colossus and the Convergence Event, which focuses on conditioning the body and soul to reach a state of enlightenment and self-perfection.   These Temples are as follows;  
  • The Monastery of the Cerulean Rose, run by Grand Master Lucian, home to the Way of the Cobalt Soul.
  • The Temple of the Lunar Child, run by Grand Master Temris, home to the Way of Shadows.
  • The Basilica of the Eternal Lotus, run by Grand Master Allistair, home to the Way of the Long Death.
  • The Sanctuary of the Four Gates, run by Grand Master Agama, home to the Way of the Four Elements.
  • The Sacellum of the Silver Forest, run by Grand Master Howl, home to the Way of the Open Hand.
  • The Monastery of the Vermillion Lily, run by Grand Master Valleth, home to the Way of the Sun Soul.
  • The House of Spirits, run by Grand Master Bei To Sun, home to the Way of the Drunken Master.
  • The Inner Sanctum of the Herald, run by Grand Master Vechs (Vex), home to the Way of the Kensei.

Public Agenda

Each of the Temples have separated agendas, but they share the same principles of promoting self-perfection amongst those who suffer, giving charity, and protecting the frail from harm.


All of the Temples have funding from the communities around them, as well as charitable donations of food, but, most remain poor. The richer of the eight temples are the Kensei and the Cobalt Soul, having a vast array of weapons in the Kensei Armoury, and a large library of knowledge worth over 30,000gp in the Cobalt Atheneum.


Since the founding of the Steps of the Perfect Self took root in the world, those who follow its strict teachings must prepare for a life dedicated to the intense lifestyle.   The Steps included diet, prayer, exercise, and study in the original format, but the Grand Masters of Old altered the exercise aspect to focus on Martial Arts, in light of defending the temples against Azhal's Rebellion during the Blood and Arcana Wars. From there, each temple diverged in their application of their spirituality through something named after the founder of the religion - Ki.   Each of the orders mastered martial arts in their own way, each trying to outmatch the other, to a point where in-fighting began amongst the circle of monks. Temples began battling against each other in streets, leaving many of the public cowering in fear of their acrobatic brawling. Once the first death reared its head, the Grand Masters began a yearly tournament they called the Tower.   In the Tournament of the Tower, which begins on the second week of Harvest, chosen champions of each temple must defeat dangerous trials whilst ascending the Seething Mountain, with the weakest being eliminated at each stage, leaving only two at the end, who must face each other in martial combat in the presence of the Unseen Master. Whoever emerges victorious brings honour and respect to their temple.   The Grand Masters fight at the base of the Seething Mountain, in a respectful combat tradition. Once the fighting ends between them, they talk over tea.

We were, we are, we will be.

Religious, Monastic Order
Alternative Names
The Monastic Concord

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