The Deep Roads of Khorvair Geographic Location in Eurithan | World Anvil
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The Deep Roads of Khorvair

The path to oblivion

Deep within forests of lustrous green, lies a solitary archway. Within, the shadows whisper, the sky darkens and stars die. Through and beyond lie the Deep Roads, a place of monsters and madness.   Travel light, travel smart, and make sure you keep your torch lit lest it be your undoing.


The Deep Roads have inconsistent geography, often changing with each portal or gate a person walks through, as there are many paths that are known as the Deep Roads.   Despite their variance, they have similar formations: craggy spires of dark rock, dead trees that grow from blood-fed soil, cold, icy earth paths that lead through gorges. Thick groupings of dead trees give the planar road plenty of hiding spots for monsters to ambush unwary prey.

Fauna & Flora

No true flora grows within the Deep Roads, anything that does is either poisonous or carnivorous, intent on having those near them as lunch. Anyone that finds a non-hostile plant, with the intent on picking it, must consider themselves lucky as that flora must of have eaten earlier.   In terms of the fauna of the Deep Roads, many beasts are native to the place. They are not beasts by the traditional sense, but those who reside within name them as such, those who travel it would call them aberrations or monstrosities. Many who dare venture deep into the heart of the Roads will find Beasts of Ill Omen, They Who Wait, and many other native beasts to Limbo, the Shadowfell, and the Abyss.
Alternative Name(s)
Deathwalker's Wander
Dimensional plane

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