The Mesmer Sea Geographic Location in Eurithan | World Anvil
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The Mesmer Sea

The sea that calls your name

Created by Mu
The Mesmer Sea, the grave of many seafarers, is a vast, crystal blue expanse of water with many treacherous inhabitants and a malevolent enchantment placed over it. Those who sail the sea must be wary not to stare too long at the waters for fear of wishing to be one with the sea.   Some captains have gazed too long at the horizon of the Mesmer Sea and lost their coast, and end up crashing into some of the dangerous crags that stick out of the sea like dragon's teeth. Sometimes, however, they lost sailors will collide with the Shattered Coast of Caelor, where many too have lost their lives.   There has recently been a strange, arcane storm that has launched a ship named "The Rhapsody" into the Efane Coast, crashing it, and catapulting many of the crew and cargo to their watery graves.   But there are rumours of survivors...


The Mesmer Sea spans the western coastline of Anderall, meeting the Efane Coast. The ocean itself has a lower salt content than the other seas around, and has a vicious tendency to have tall or rugged waves.

Fauna & Flora

The Mesmer Sea is home to many exotic marine life, including basking sharks, vibrant sun mambo, and many other colourful creatures. Asides those glorious creatures, it is also home to some Dragon Turtles and Storm Giants, who do not take trespassing lightly. Flora of the seabed is that of bright coral reefs, seaweed, and many rare alchemical substances such as Brittleweed.

Natural Resources

Alchemical flora: Brittleweed, Caebrid's Parsley, Vulti's Fingers, and Xurim's Alabaster Sand.
Alternative Name(s)
Sea of Diamonds

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