Tiberton Settlement in Eurithan | World Anvil
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The quaint town of Tiberton lies on the boundary of the Mithral Forests of Mytras and the glaring hills that entomb the ancient castle of Samhachdun. Colourful, peaceful, prosperous - this place is perfect... Almost too perfect...


The local government of Tiberton is run as a stratocracy, headed by Knight Commander Rhiannon. The order of knights, known as the House of Four Seasons, operate with a strong emphasis on law conformity. As such, no crime is considered dismissable, even humourous conspiracy. The House taxes the populace a minimum of 10% for those who earn more than 10gp per month, and upwards of a maximum of 48% for those who earn above 5,000gp per month. This resource is used to finance the local schools and town hospital, as well as maintain infrastructure and the guards that regularly patrol the streets.


Tiberton is relatively undefended by fortifications and instead relies on its trained guardsmen, knights, and natural inclines. The final line of defence in Tiberton are the "bridge breakers" - a system of explosives that will destroy the foundations of the bridge systems in the town to completely isolate main routes to the House of Four Seasons.

Industry & Trade

The town relies on multiple trades to maintain its wealth, the most important of which is its reliable farming trade in producing wheat, flours, and tweed. However, there are niche trades that manage to cater to the passing merchant or adventurer that boost the town's economy - such as skinners, tanners, armourers, and cartographers. Yet, the cash cow of the Tibertonians are their bustling tavern businesses.


Tiberton has a vast array of bridges that span across the hill, leading to the lower ground. A single operating aqueduct stretches across the eastern plains towards the Hills of Samhachdun, where most of the town's water supply is sourced. The roads are cobbled and well maintained for traders and horse drawn carts and carriages, which wind through every alley and street. Streetlights are lit through the night by the local lamplighters who are tasked every night at 9:30pm to illuminate the otherwise dark town. An extensive sewer system tunnels through the hill, using a technological marvel in waste management of utilising the clay and sand that lies at its base, which allows for sewage to filter down and fertilise the farmland around the town.

Guilds and Factions

  • The House of Four Seasons
  • Hunter's Union
  • The Royal Society of Cartographers
  • Ivermore Guard Brigade
  • The Merchants of War


Tiberton was founded in 1430 by refugees of the 2nd Mytras Civil War, by the family in which the town gets its name - the Tibertons. This family brought together who would become the first settlers of the large hill and began assembling the houses that would now lie in the small ward of Ivermore. Over the course of a decade, the Tibertons decided to step down as leaders and appointed another family as the new leaders - the House of Zemir. This Samhachdunian Dwarven family were prosperous and ambitious, having success in the old fortified town. But their ambitions were too great from the start and as the town grew and expanded, it was fraught with poverty and lacked the resources to maintain itself until the tides of the 3rd Mytras Civil war began in 1500 - where it became the trading stop for merchants looking for a safer path to the north. Then, Tiberton boomed in its resources, military might, and infrastructure, becoming the only settlement during wartime to benefit and remain untouched by battle. Since then, Tiberton has become a strange place in the landmarks across Mytras. Its crime rates, virtually none. Homelessness, zero. But suspicious deaths and disappearances have become a mainstay but the people do not question it.   The House of Zemir may of have disappeared from the spotlight and vanished from the history books, but their influence can still be felt, and some say they still operate in the shadows, controlling the House of Four Seasons to maintain a fake utopia as war once again marches towards their doorstep.
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym

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