Tenacity Character in EuroAtlantis | World Anvil
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A young tiefling member of the Extratemporal Bureau. She assisted the Disaster Party in capturing Steve by using a 'time lock' to disrupt his ability to manipulate time. Afterward she and her supervisor Tevineri returned to the bureau with Steve, with Tenacity making only a brief trip back to let the party know the favour they requested had been carried out. Since the favour involved changes to the timeline, they didn't remember asking her for that favour in the first place.   The party later met with Tenacity a second time, and she agreed to arrange a meeting with her superiors so the party could see about acquiring the Sunfire Blade. (Art by Moni.)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slim, pink-skinned tiefling lady with small horns.

Special abilities

Tenacity has demonstrated the ability to 'fix' someone's memories to the previous version of a timeline if it changes, but she has to do so very soon after the change occurs (as she was able to 'fix' Anthony's memories, but not Khamet's some time later.) Unlike most other people she can, due to her training, remember a previous version of a timeline even after it changes.   She can also see things others cannot, such as the golden threads trailing behind Meallan, and some evidence of his pact with Wisp.

Apparel & Accessories

A purple three-piece suit (pictured.)   A yellow dress with a big white Peter Pan collar.

Specialized Equipment

Tenacity can use dimensional shackles to bind people to a plane of existence, and a time lock to prevent time travel from those within a small space.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Female, uses she/her pronouns.


Trainee at the Temporal Fortress.

Personality Characteristics


To impress her supervisor and get her timekeeper's license.


Contacts & Relations

Tevineri (supervisor.)


Fast, frantic.
Current Location
Early twenties.
Current Residence
Temporal Fortress.
Long and jet-black.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bright pink.
5'4" (plus horns)
Aligned Organization

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Character Portrait image: by Moni


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