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Personajes Feéricos

Diseñando un personaje feérico

Los personajes feéricos no jugadores no están sujetos a ningún tipo de equilibrio o limitación; pero aquellos que queramos equilibrar al nivel de los personajes jugadores por algún motivo -normalmente que pueda ser un personaje jugador en si mismo, deben seguir la siguiente fórmula.
Número máximo de virtudes y pretensiones
Remplaza aVirtudes y Defectos
Compañero Hasta 10 puntos de Virtudes contraprestadas con Defectos
Magus 1 Virtud gratuita y entonces hasta 20 puntos de Virtudes pagados con la mitad de Defectos
El personaje tiene un número de Pretensiones como sigue
Pretense Points: 15* x (average age of magus player characters – 5) + 120 points
*Se puede cambiar este multiplicador mediante las Virtudes Pretencioso o Ostentoso, o el Defecto Distante<span class="tag" contenteditable="false" data-wa-custom-br="1" style="margin-bottom:0px;">
Si la forma física del personaje tiene alguna Habilidad inherente, hay que adquirir esas Pretensiones primero, como las aprendidas durante la infancia de un personaje humano.
En el Bestiario Feérico, se asume que las hadas allí descritas son para integrarse en grupos de magos de 21 años y con 360 puntos de Pretensiones.

Virtudes y Defectos requeridos

Un personaje feérico ha de tener una puntuación de Poder, una forma física, un nivel de cognitancia, una Virtud de Interacción Social y un tabú. Todas las hadas tienen una serie de poderes innatos que pueden ser contrarrestados con Defectos.

Puntuación de Poder Feérico

El personaje feérico jugador tiene una puntuación inicial en Poder Feérico de 5, que puede modificarse con las Virtudes y Defectos apropiados. Su puntuación de Poder representa su fuerza espiritual. Cuanto más poderosa sea un hada espiritualmente, mayor será su inclinación a ser el centro de las historias y a que otras hadas actúen como sus sirvientes. Los mejores personajes en las historias tienden a ser reclamados por las hadas más poderosas. Las hadas que hayan interactuado con humanos durante siglos pueden tener puntuaciones de Poder muy altas, y aún así interesarse tan solo en historias domésticas.
It is generally true that the queen of a faerie court has a high Might, and a household brownie a low Might, but there are individual faerie queens that have Might scores of 10, and a few brownie-like creatures have Might scores of 45.
El Poder Feérico otorga al personaje una Resistencia Mágica igual a su puntuación, la cual se empleará también para activar sus poderes. Estos puntos se recuperan a un ritmo constante, resultando en una recuperación total desde cero al cabo de 24 horas a no ser que intervenga una Virtud o Defecto que lo cambie.
] Algunas Virtudes o Defectos alteran el ritmo al que las hadas se recuperan después de usar sus poderes. Los eruditos herméticos no se ponen de acuerdo en si estos rasgos inusuales están conectados con el papel o con el espíritu de las hadas.

Forma Física

Las hadas pueden parecer humanas pero no tienen realmente cuerpos humanos. Un hada es un espíritu que, inconscientemente, concentra materia sobre si mismo. Este cuerpo puede parecer y sentirse convincentemente humano, particularmente si el hada ha disfrutado de una prolongada y apasionada interacción con mortales. Cuando las hadas muertes, sin embargo, pocas dejan cadáveres convencionales. Se desintegran en su materia original: hojas, nubes de plumas negras, espuma de mar, copos de nieve o cenizas. Muchos parecen estatuas de piedra, figuras de madera o de paja. Las hadas con baja cognitancia no lo saben, pero solo fingen tener cuerpos.
Hay muchas ventajas en construir un cuerpo de materia y glamour y entonces robar vitalidad para animarlo. Las hadas no pueden sufrir Decrepitud a no ser que tengan un Defecto. También carecen de Fatiga, aunque algunos pueden dormir por razones sociales o porque su papel se lo exige. Por la misma razón, es muy difícil para las hadas morir.
Equipamiento y carga
Un hada no sufre de Carga por las piezas o equipo que lleve para su papel, ya que están compuestas de su glamour. Sus útiles se consideran extensiones de su cuerpo para propósitos mágicos. Si se pierde un objeto, el hada extrae su glamour para reconstituirlo. Las hadas menores lo hacen sin entender cómo, encontrándolos bajo las piedras o detrás de los árboles o simplemente los usan sin recordar que los perdieron. Reconstituir un utensilio no les cuesta poder y requiere un asalto.
A menudo los cuerpos de las hadas son dañados pero esto es insignificante. Aunque se le puede requerir que sienta dolor o que lo simule si es muy cognizante, el dolor no tiene sentido ya que no lo asocian como los humanos. Los cuerpos de las hadas se regeneran tan rápidamente como convenga para su historia. Las hadas incognizantes se regenerarán velozmente y bien, sin tiradas de dados, a no ser que requieran permanecer heridas para su papel. Las hadas cognizantes pueden repararse completamente a excepción del nivel cosmético del daño sufrido, a voluntad, una vez la escena haya concluido. La mayoría ni se da cuenta de que lo están haciendo, curando el daño superficial a un ritmo razonable a sus espectadores humanos.
Si los humanos les dan muerte o lo presencian, las hadas pueden reconstruir su cuerpo aunque les llevará tiempo. El tiempo que les lleva regenerarse iguala a su puntuación de Poder en meses, o este resultado dividido entre el Aura (tal y como se modifica en la Tabla de Interacción de Reinos) en meses. Un hada incognizante regenerada se sentirá conectada al hada anterior -como su descendiente o pariente, o aprendiz- siendo en realidad la misma. Las hadas de cognitancia limitada pueden regresar con sus recuerdos intactos, aunque el incidente que las haya destruido permanecerá borroso. Las hadas muy cognizantes pueden cambiar de papeles entre cuerpos para parecer un hada completamente diferente después de su muerte. En todo caso retendrán el mismo número de Virtudes, Defectos y Pretensiones, pero pueden cambiar los que ya posean por un nuevo grupo.
Muerte definitiva
Fuera de la historia, existen fuerzas que pueden matar permanentemente un hada. Un hada que pierda su Puntuación de Poder muere para siempre. Los milagros divinos y los agentes infernales pueden destruir a las hadas. Si se emplea la vis del ancla del hada morirá permanentemente. Las hadas incognizantes parecerán ser destruidas si les las matas con elementos místicos antitéticos a ellas, tal y como representa el Defecto Guarda Soberana. Según los magos Merinita, las hadas muertas son expulsadas a Arcadia por miles de años. Es posible encontrar a tales hadas en historias, aunque no hay manera de saber si son las originales o bien meros suplantadores. Resistencia mágica contra las hadas.
Los cuerpos de las hadas están hechos de materia organizada por la fuerza mística del glamour. Pero al tener esta materia un origen natural, la Parma Mágica u otras formas de Resistencia Mágica no pueden bloquear los ataques físicos de las hadas, como tampoco pueden los de demonios y espíritus mágicos elementales, ya que también se materializan incidentalmente.
Los hechizos que apuntan al material del que está hecho el hada, como Círculo de Protección contra Hadas de los Bosques, o a la naturaleza del hada, como la Égida del Hogar, son efectivos contra las hadas. Así, en la mayoría de los casos, los poderes de las hadas que cuesten Poder o que tengan un alcance mayor a Personal pueden ser repelidos por la Resistencia Mágica.

Variedades de Forma

Muchas hadas son capaces de tomar formas diversas. Si la forma física del personaje tiene Virtudes y Defectos inherentes, tal y como hacen la mayoría de los animales, el jugador ha de seleccionar tantos de ellos como sea posible antes de elegir los demás.
Formas humanoides y animales
Un hada humanoide tiene 7 puntos para adquirir Características, siguiendo la tabla de ArM. Las hadas en forma animal seguirán las estadísticas provistas en el Libro de los Animales Mundanos, del Reinos de Poder: Lo Mágico, o ser construidos como animales mundanos, de acuerdo con las reglas para la casa Bjornaer.
Muchas hadas menores carecen de inteligencia real. Tales hadas no son adecuadas como personajes jugadores. Un personaje jugarle cambiará su puntuación de Inteligencia por Astucia, siendo esta una Virtud Gratuita.
Las hadas a menudo tienen formas híbridas de humanos con rasgos animales. Muchas veces estos elementos son simplemente cosméticos, no cambiando entonces sus puntuaciones, o representarán Virtudes Menores, y no se considerarán Defectos a no ser que limiten al hada en sus historias. Muchas hadas pueden tener partes animales que podrán usar en combate. Esto empleará la Habilidad Pelea y las estadísticas de la tabla siguiente. A estas armas no se les aplica Fuerza Mínima, Carga ni coste. Tener armas naturales no cuesta en sí, una Virtud.
Dientes 0 +3 +1 +1
Dientes Grandes 0 +4 +1 +3
Colmillos 0 +4 +2 +5
Garras -1 +2 +3 +2
Garras Grandes 0 +5 +3 +4
Cuernos +1 +3 -1 +2
Cuernos Grandes o Astas +2 +3 +2 +3
Pezuñas +2 +2 +2 +1
Formas inmateriales o glamurosas
Todas las hadas tienen cuerpos hechos de materia, glamour y vitalidad, pero algunas hadas prefieren interactuar mediante formas hechas solamente de glamour, y atraer materia solamente condo desean alterar el mundo físico. Esto hace que parezcan fantasmales, pero para aquellos dotados de Clarividencia, los espíritus mágicos y las hadas son bastante diferenciables.
Las hadas inmateriales son invisible para aquellos sin ayuda mágica y pueden pasar a través de objetos sólidos. Algunos pueden interactuar con los humanos simplemente mudando especies con glamour, ósea, haciendo cuerpos ilusorios de si mismos. Para mover objetos deben hacerse materiales. Una vez materializada, el hada podrá continuar moviéndose y actuando, pero ya no podrá pasar a través de objetos. En esta forma material, el espíritu del hada estará vinculada a la materia que haya tomado. Si el cuerpo es destruido, la materia volverá su estado inicial, con el espíritu del hada aún vinculada a su vis.
Para diseñar un hada inmaterial, se diseñan las características para el cuerpo físico que tome y se selecciona el Defecto Carne Intangible, descrito después.
Los jugadores de tamaño superior a +2 inferior a -3 son difíciles de acomodar en las sagas pero las hadas bien pueden superar esos límites.
Ajustes a las características a realizar con Virtudes o Defectos de Tamaño y Características según el Tamaño deseado.
Modificador: +3 o más
  • Virtud de Tamaño: Enorme (Tamaño-1) veces
  • Ajustes de Características:+ (2xTamaño) Fuerza; - (Tamaño) Rapidez
Modificador: +2
  • Virtud de Tamaño: Enorme
  • Ajustes de Características: +4 Fuerza; -2 Rapidez
Modificador: +1
  • Virtud de Tamaño: Grande
  • Ajustes de Características No necesario.
Modificador: -1
  • Virtud de Tamaño: Pequeño
  • Ajustes de Características: No necesario
Modificador -2 o -3
  • Tamaño: Diminuto
  • Ajustes de Características: -(2xTamaño) Fuerza; + (Tamaño) Rapidez
Modificador -4 o más
  • Tamaño: Seleccionar Diminuto dos veces
  • Ajustes de Características: -(2xTam) Fuerza + (Tamaño) Rapidez
A las hadas no se les aplican Virtudes y Defectos como Enano o Sangre de Gigantes, que son para mortales cuyos parámetros no se ajustan a la normalidad. Los cuerpos feéricos solo pretenden seguir los principios mecánicos de la vida orgánica.

Virtudes y Defectos Inapropiadas

Los Duendes no pueden tener poderes sobrenaturales asociados con lo Divino, Infernal o Mágico.
Los Duendes no pueden tener el Don, ni ningún otra Virtud o Defecto específica de los magi Herméticos.
Los Duendes no tienen virtudes de Estatus Social. Si un hada tiene un papel que lo hace parecer parte de la sociedad mundana, debe tomar la Virtud Infiltrado.
Los Duendes no tienen ninguna Virtud vinculada a experiencias vitales, educativas o de la infancia. Muchas hadas son religiosas, y muchas son amorales, pero las Virtudes y Defectos vinculadas a lo Divino o Infernal deberían tomarse únicamente tras haber sido concienzudamente razonados y en ningún caso darán poderes Divinos o Infernales.

Pretensiones: Las Habilidades Feéricas

Pocas hadas pueden enseñar a los humanos porque su habilidad no nace de su experiencia o aprendizaje sino que es una simulación mágica. Algunas hadas excepcionales son capaces de enseñar Habilidades a los humanos. Las Hadas vinculadas con los muertos parecen desproporcionadamente hábiles en ello. Se teoriza por aquellos que aceptan que las hadas son los paganos muertos, que tales hadas pueden enseñar las habilidades que tuvieron en vida. Pero no pueden desarrollaras Habilidades más allá, potenciándolas en cambio, como Pretensiones.

Virtudes y Defectos

Sobre el Poder Feérico

Virtudes de Poder Feérico

Poder Feérico incrementado
Major or Minor, Supernatural
As a Minor Virtue, this increases the faerie’s Might Score by 5. As a Major Virtue, it increases Might by 15. With the approval of the troupe, this Virtue may be taken multiple times.
Festín de las hadas
Minor, Supernatural
This Virtue allows a faerie to recover 5 lost Might by receiving traditional sacrifices left from a human. Sacrifices include food left on doorsteps for the faerie to consume, but some dark faeries feed on the wards left to keep them at bay, accepting them as the price that humans pay for safety. This power can only be used once per day.
Festín de los muertos
Minor, Supernatural
This Virtue allows a faerie to recover 2 lost Might after draining a Long Term Fatigue Level from, or causing at least a Medium Wound to, a human. Different fairies employ various methods to extract vitality from humans. This Virtue does not, of itself, cause damage. For example, a faerie that feeds on the blood of sleeping shepherds must make a successful Bite attack to drink sufficient blood from a sleeping shepherd to cause the loss of a Long Term Fatigue Level. The faerie’s player can then claim 2 lost Might points.
Momento o lugar de Poder
Minor, Supernatural
The character’s Might Score is 10 points higher at a certain time or in certain places that are strongly linked to the character’s role. The time or place is known to any character who makes an Intelligence + Faerie Lore roll of against an Ease Factor of 9. This Virtue may not be taken multiple times.
Recuperación rápida de Poder
Minor, Supernatural
This Virtue allows faeries to recover spent Might in a quarter of the normal time. Instead of completely refreshing its Might over the course of 24 hours, the character restores its entire Might Pool in only six hours.

Defectos de poder feérico

Poder restringido
Supernatural, Major or Minor
The faerie is nearly powerless at certain times or under certain conditions. At the onset of these disadvantageous conditions, any ongoing supernatural effects that the creature has started with its powers immediately end, except for those that constantly affect the creature itself. As long as the conditions last, the creature is unable to spend or recover Might points. This Flaw may be Major or Minor. If it is Major, the creature’s Might is restricted under relatively common circumstances, such as when exposed to daylight or during the winter. The conditions should be in effect at least one-quarter of the time. For the Minor version of this Flaw, the conditions are uncommon, such as during a thunderstorm or on the night of the new moon.
Poder disminuido
Supernatural, Minor
The faerie has only 1 point of Might, instead of the usual 5. Faeries with this Flaw retain the use of powers that do not require the expenditure of Might, like regeneration and the ability to generate equipment that does not cause Encumbrance.
Recuperación lenta de Poder
Major, Supernatural
A faerie being with this Flaw recovers a single Might Point per day, rather than all Might Points over the course of a day. A variant of this Flaw occurs in some faeries that regain all of their Might at a certain phase of the moon, but at no other time.
Recuperación de Poder requiere Vitalidad
Major, Supernatural
The character must get a full night’s rest and eat a meal to replenish its Might Points after they have been spent. This must be done within a human community by eating leavened bread, drinking beverages fermented by humans, feeding on human blood, or listening to humans sing or scream. For every eight hours the character rests, it recovers a number of Might Points equal to the prevailing Aura as modified by the Realm Interaction Table, or 1, whichever is greater.

Sobre las Formas Físicas

Los personajes deben tomar una Virtud que defina la forma usual del hada. No hay Virtudes gratuitas que definan la forma física, porque todas las formas feéricas tienen habilidades más allá de los mortales, como la regeneración. Las hadas también pueden tomar Virtudes y Defectos Generales, físicas o mentales, que encajan en humanos.

Virtudes para formas físicas

Aguante Mejorado
Minor Virtue, Supernatural
The character’s natural protection is magically enhanced, making it more effective at warding away blows and physical injury. Increase the character’s Soak by 2. This Virtue may be taken more than once.
Bestia Feérica
Minor Virtue, Supernatural
The character appears to be an animal. It has all of the advantages of being a faerie, and having a faerie body. The innate limitations of an animal form, such as having no hands and being unable to pronounce human words, may not be taken as Flaws. Faerie beasts that wish to speak like humans may take Language Pretenses, or the Faerie Speech Virtue.
Major Virtue, General (faeries only)
The character is far larger than usual. Its Size score is increased, its Characteristics are adjusted, and its Body levels change, as detailed in the inserts accompanying this section.
Daño Mejorado
Minor Virtue, Supernatural
One of the character’s natural weapons has been enhanced by a story event before play begins, making it sharper, heavier, or somehow more dangerous. Before each combat, the player nominates how much additional damage the weapon does, up to +5. If the player chooses a score above +2, then those watching the combat can deduce that the weapon is supernatural after it causes injury. This requires an Intelligence + Awareness roll against an Ease Factor of 11–Damage amount chosen.
Forma Híbrida
Minor Virtue, Supernatural
The character has a material body that mixes human and animal elements, and lacks a humanoid structure. It has all of the advantages of being a faerie, and of having a faerie body.
Habla Feérica
Minor Virtue, Supernatural
Many faeries have a Pretense called Faerie Speech, which they use instead of acquiring human languages. Faeries seem to know the same languages as whomever they are talking to. If speaking to a group that has demonstrated mixed linguistic skills, the faerie may select which language to speak in.
This effect occurs whenever the faerie speaks and costs no Might. It is not magically resisted, because the effect only alters the behavior of the faerie. If the faerie has not heard a person from its audience speak, it may only use whichever language it last used with humans. Once its audience speaks, the faerie may then converse in the correct language for its audience.
In the bestiary chapter, Faerie Speech is frequently given to characters designed as NPCs. Characters designed for possible use by players have this Virtue more rarely, to free up a Virtue slot, but it is still appropriate for a wide variety of faeries.
Hada Humanoide
Minor Virtue, Supernatural
The character has a material body of roughly human shape. It has all of the advantages of being a faerie, and of having a faerie body.
Iniciativa Mejorada
Minor Virtue, Supernatural
One of the character’s natural weapons has been enhanced due to a story event before play commences, making the character more likely to act first in combat.
Increase its Initiative score by 3.
Inmune a (fuente de daño)
Minor or Major Virtue, Supernatural
The bodies of faeries are made of matter held together by rules, and this means that they are vulnerable to injury according to those rules, not the usual rules of human physiology. A faerie with this Virtue takes no damage from natural or magical examples of the nominated force. This is a Minor Virtue if the thing is rare, or only likely to be employed by the environment or magi — examples include cold or lightning. It is Major Virtue if it is a force that mobs of mundanes might employ to assault the faerie — like fire, iron weapons, or wooden weapons. Immunity to entire Forms sometimes occurs, but only where the faerie is so strongly tied to an element that any person with Common Sense could tell that the weapon will be ineffective, like wooded weapons against a forest god or metal weapons against a dwarfish blacksmith. Immunities to entire Forms are Major Virtues.
Maña con (pretensión)
Minor Virtue, Supernatural
The character’s form is well suited to a particular Pretense, gaining a +2 bonus on roles in its use. For example, a character that has a body designed for combat gains +2 Attack and Defense for a single combat Pretense.
Poder Residual
Minor Virtue, Supernatural
When the character’s body is destroyed, one of its faerie powers is automatically triggered. This often has the useful effect of preventing the faerie’s vis from being gathered, so that the faerie eventually regenerates.
Vis externa
Minor or Major Virtue, Supernatural
The faerie’s spiritual essence (anchor) resides in one of the props traditional for its role, and this can be carried far from the faerie’s body without the faerie suffering ill effects. There is an Arcane Connection between the object containing the faerie’s spiritual essence and the faerie’s body. If this connection is broken, or if the object is destroyed, the faerie’s distant body disintegrates, but the essence can construct a new body, given sufficient time. If the vis in the prop is used, the faerie is permanently destroyed.
When selected as a Major Virtue, the prop provides its bearer with any one Minor Virtue, selected at creation. This provides the faerie with a little additional power, but its main advantage is that humans who discover the object are far more likely to treasure it, and keep it safe. This provides the faerie with time to form a new physical body and reclaim his object.
As an example, a faerie warrior with a Might of 20 uses his sword as his spiritual anchor. A character that defeats the warrior finds that the sword contains 4 pawns of vis, but also finds that the sword has no Encumbrance and grants a human wielder a +2 bonus on the Single Weapon Ability. The bonus comes from the Grant Puissance power, described later. If the human keeps the weapon, then eventually the faerie can generate a fresh body, and seek out the wielder and challenge him to a duel.
Visión Feérica
Minor Virtue, Supernatural
This Virtue, which works constantly at no cost to the faerie, is used in conjunction with the Awareness Pretense. It allows faeries to:
1. Tell mundane from glamourous things. (Automatic success: no roll required.)
2. See the borders of glamour, so that they know which faerie that props and territories belong to. (Automatic success: no roll required.)
3. See Arcane Connections, so that they know which objects belong to a human automatic success), and also to which human they belong. (If human and object can be observed, automatic success.)
4. Read each other’s glamour. Faerie Lore is a body of knowledge that humans learn through experience, so very few faeries have it. (Ease Factor = Might of other faerie/5) Faeries use the ability to read each other’s glamour to guide their interactions, instead of using Faerie Lore.
5. See mundane things hidden by glamour. (Ease Factor = 3 + (Might of Faerie causing the glamour – Might of the faerie attempting to see through the glamour)/5)

Defectos para formas físicas

Players who select Flaws that inhibit combat effectiveness must convince their troupe that these Flaws do not, effectively, simply describe a character who has the Noncombatant Flaw. Combat effectiveness flaws are only permitted for those characters who expect to regularly be involved in battle.
Aguante Reducido
Minor Flaw, Supernatural
The character’s natural protection has been damaged by contact with a Ward, making it more vulnerable to physical damage. Reduce the character’s Soak by 2, but only if it is greater than 0. This Flaw may be taken multiple times.
Carne Intangible
Major Flaw, Supernatural
The character is immaterial, and cannot physically influence the world. Characters with this Flaw should consider the Eidolon and Loosely Material powers.
Combatiente Pobre
Minor Flaw, Supernatural
The character’s form is well suited to a role that involves combat, but the character’s role makes it incompetent. It loses 2 Attack and Defense for a single combat Pretense. This flaw may not be taken more than once.
Daño Reducido
Minor Flaw, Supernatural
One of the character’s natural weapons has been blunted by a story or event before play commences, making it less damaging or dangerous. Decrease its Damage score by 2, but only if it is naturally greater than 0.
Major Flaw, General (faeries only)
The character is far smaller than usual. Its Size score is decreased, its Characteristics are adjusted, and its Body levels change, as detailed in the inserts accompanying this section.
Iniciativa Reducida
Minor Flaw, Supernatural
One of the character’s natural weapons has been slowed due to a story or event before play commences, making the character less likely to act first. Decrease its Initiative score by 3, but only if it is naturally greater than 0.
Su Papel requiere Sufrimiento
Minor Flaw, Supernatural
The character’s role requires both frequent injury and that it feels pain and physical debilitation. The character retains the faerie ability to regenerate all but superficial damage, but it experiences pain as if it bore the wounds that its injuries superficially resemble. If the faerie attempts to use its Pretenses, including the Penetration Pretense for its powers, it suffers the negative modifiers that a human would for the equivalent level of injury or exhaustion.
Susceptible a la Privación 
Minor Flaw: Supernatural
The character’s role limits it, so that it suffers human consequences if it lacks air, food, and water. The character is still immune to aging.
Vulnerable a (Sustancia)
Supernatural, Minor or Major Flaw
The body of the character, and all of its accouterments, are made of matter held together by glamour. The character’s glamour provides no defense against a particular source of damage. This is particularly problematic, as the faerie’s armor contains glamour. The character has a Soak score of 0 against this substance. This is a minor Flaw if it is something that people would not consider using unless prompted by a wise person with the Faerie Lore Ability— examples include weapons smeared with garlic, bunches of fennel, sharpened rocks, and burning brooms. Major Flaws suit characters vulnerable to obviously dangerous things — like iron weapons or fire, or to entire Hermetic Forms.

Sobre Interacción Social

Estas Virtudes y Defectos se aplican solo a su interacción con humanos y reemplazan las Virtudes de Estatus Social. Si son personajes jugadores, al tratar con otras hadas serán tratados como representantes de los humanos a los que acompañen. Al igual que los mortales con el Estatus Social, toda hada debe de elegir una Virtud o Defecto de Interacción Social.

Virtudes de interacción social

Cuentos positivos
Minor Virtue, Social Interaction
The character’s type of faerie is described in local folklore, and because of this, the character is treated with respect, caution, and deference when its nature is obvious
Minor or Major Virtue, Social Interaction
An Infiltrator is a faerie who, during most stories, lives as if he were a human being. This costs the same as the Social Status the Infiltrator is mimicking. If the revelation that the character is a faerie would destroy the character’s status in mortal society, then the player should consider the Dark Secret Flaw.
Pasa por Humano
Free, Social Interaction
The character suffers no social consequences, as it can seem human. The character lives at the margins of human society and does not mimic prestigious human roles; to do so requires the Infiltrator Virtue, described later.
Reputación como Confianza
Minor Virtue, Supernatural
Some faeries are forced, by their glamour, to live up to their Reputations. These faeries don’t have true Confidence, but pretend to have it to such a skilled degree that the distinction does not matter. A faerie with this Virtue gains a number of false Confidence points equal to its highest reputation, and may spend them, one at a time, on rolls that support any Reputation. The faerie regains these points when a human would regain Confidence.
Highly cognizant faeries may be aware of the link between their Reputation and their need to uphold that Reputation with Confidence; other faeries with this Virtue are not.

Defectos de interacción social

Apariencia Monstruosa
Major Flaw, Social Interaction
Something about the character looks strange and frightening to others, giving the character a –6 penalty in all social situations where its appearance is a factor.
Reacción Negativa
Minor Flaw, Social Interaction
People find something about the character disturbing. This causes a –3 on all social rolls. In many communities, all obvious faeries suffer this reaction.

Sobre Cognitancia

La cognitancia del personaje puede influir en sus objetivos durante la historia: pudiendo buscar vitalidad de una manera que le permita cambiar de papel. La cognitancia del personaje también lista el potencial del hada de desarrollar nuevos poderes durante el curso de una historia o saga. Los personajes con baja cognitancia no intentarán conscientemente mejorar sus rasgos durante la saga. Aquellos con una cognitancia media pueden transformarse preferiblemente en un ser más poderoso. Los que tengan alta cognitancia serán más flexibles y pueden cambiar de roles en escenas entre historias, con la asistencia de un humano, como se describe más tarde. Las hadas no requieren Virtudes que les permitan tener Pretensiones Marciales, Arcanas o Académicas. Estas habilidades suelen ser empleadas por profesionales capacitados y las hadas intentando usar estas pretensiones en campos militares o universidades serán detectados rápidamente como fraudes o no naturales.

Virtudes y defectos sobre cognitancia

Minor Flaw, Supernatural
The character is not aware that it can change its role, although it may develop additional Pretenses by assisting humans in stories. Incognizant faeries do not, however, notice that they are more skilled than they once were, and cannot consciously seek developmental opportunities.
Cognitancia Limitada
Free Choice, Supernatural
The character is able to improve itself in ways traditional for characters of this type. A dwarf may seek to become a dwarf king, for example. Or a faerie maid may wish to steal a child to raise as her own.
Cognitancia alta
Minor Virtue, Supernatural
The character is aware that creative humans can generate change in faeries, and actively seek out such changes.

Sobre Tabúes

A cada hada se la puede ser repeler con objetos o acciones simbólicas, definidas por su glamour. Estos Defectos son la base de los tabúes feéricos - la lista de acciones que las hadas tienen prohibido hacer por su glamour.

Defectos sobre tabúes feéricos

Guarda Tradicional
Minor Flaw, Supernatural
If a taboo is selected as a Minor Flaw, then the faerie may not touch a thing protected by the ward with its glamour. The faerie is likely uncomfortable in the presence of the ward, but is not compelled to flee. The faerie cannot regenerate Might points in the presence of a traditional ward. If forced to touch the ward, the glamour holding the faerie’s body together begins to break down: its body begins to flake away. Prolonged contact with the ward destroys the body of the faerie by unpicking the glamour holding its body together.
This may appear to humans as if the ward is burning the faerie. The damage to the faerie’s body can be simulated with the Heat and Corrosion rules found on page 181 of ArM5. Assume that the object acts as a source of damage with an intensity of +6.
If a faerie receives an Incapacitating wound from an item that is a Traditional Ward, then in addition to the usual effects of Incapacitating wounds (ArM5, page 178–179) the faerie cannot spend any further Might points. It can still activate powers with a zero cost, though. If the character has constant-effect powers with a non-zero cost, they expire at the next sunrise or sunset and cannot be reactivated until the character is no longer Incapacitated. The character may heal at a human rate, or may remove the injury with an appropriate story event.
Guarda Soberana
Major Flaw, Supernatural
If a taboo is selected as a major flaw, the faerie may not harm a person or thing that is defended by the ward. “Harm” is defined very broadly in the faerie’s glamour. A faerie that is vulnerable to religious symbols, for example, can not work around the symbol by putting mundane poison in the food of the wearer, or burning his house down around him. The person is completely safe from the faerie. The faerie must attempt to flee the ward, and its body is destroyed instantly by the ward’s touch.

Sobre Poderes Feéricos

Consultar Realms of Power: Faerie, pag. 56 en adelante para conocer ejemplos de poderes feéricos.

Virtudes que dan poderes feéricos

Foco de poder
Major Virtue, Supernatural
The character has a power that produces varied effects related to a theme, which is smaller than a Hermetic Form. The theme must be selected at character creation, but the effects within the theme are fluid, like those of spontaneous spells. The player receives 25 spell levels to spend on this power. This Virtue may be selected more than once to allow for more-powerful effects. Effects may not have a level higher than the faerie’s Might Score unless they have been fortified with the Improved Powers Virtue, described below.
This power has a Might Point cost of the magnitude of the effect, and an initiative score of (the character’s Quickness – the power’s maximum magnitude). Players should also note the Form or Forms associated with the focus, to evaluate Magic Resistance.
Any spell levels that are left over may be used to increase the effect level of other Focus Powers, or they can be converted into Intricacy points.
Poder Mayor
Major Virtue, Supernatural
The character has spell-like powers designed, at character creation, like formulaic spells. Taking this Virtue gives the character 50 spell levels to spend on these powers, and this Virtue may be selected repeatedly, to allow effects of higher level. Each power has a Might Point cost equal to (the magnitude of the effect / 2), and an Initiative score equal to the character’s Quickness – (the magnitude of the effect / 2). Players should note the Forms associated with the effect, to calculate Magic Resistance.
Any spell levels that are left over may converted into intricacy points, with 5 fullspell levels equal to 1 intricacy point.
Poderes Menores
Minor Virtue, Supernatural
The character has spell-like powers, which are designed at character creation like formulaic spells. Each effect’s Might Point cost is equal to the magnitude of the effect. The initiative of the power is equal to Quickness – (2 x Magintude).
Any spell levels that are left over may be used to increase the effect level of other Lesser Powers, or converted into intricacy points, with 5 full levels of effects equal to 1 intricacy point.
Poder Personal
Minor Virtue, Supernatural
The character has a spell-like power, which is designed at character creation like a formulaic spell. Personal powers must have Personal Range.
This Virtue grants the character 25 levels to spend on a power, and may be taken multiple times to allow for effects of higher level. Personal Powers have a Might Point cost equal to (the magnitude of the effect / 2), and an initiative score equal to the character’s Quickness – (the magnitude of the effect / 2). Players should note the Forms associated with the effect, to calculate Magic Resistance. Any spell levels that are left over may be used to increase the effect level of other Personal Powers, or converted into intricacy points, with 5 full levels of effects equal to 1 intricacy point.
Poder Ritual
Major Virtue, Supernatural
Players designing Ritual Powers should consult with their Troupes. The character has 25 spell levels with which to purchase Ritual-level effects. If this Virtue is taken multiple times, these spell levels can be combined into effects of greater magnitude. An effect needs to be a ritual if:
  • It would require a magus to perform a Ritual spell,
  • It has a level higher than 50, or
  • It breaks Hermetic limits in ways that faeries do not usually break Hermetic limits, as decided by the troupe.
All Ritual Powers are at least Level 20, regardless of the actual level of the effect, and have a Might Point cost equal to the magnitude of the effect. The Initiative for the power is equal to the character’s Quickness – (the magnitude of the effect x 2). The player should also note the Forms of the effect, to calculate Magic Resistance.
Besides reducing the character’s Might Pool, Ritual Powers also require the player to subtract one from the character’s Might Score for each point in the Might cost, whenever it activates the effect. This lost Might may return over time, at the storyguide’s discretion, but at a much slower rate than recovering lost Might Points. For example, the character may regain a single point for each story in which it plays a decisive role.
Any spell levels that are left over after the Ritual Power is designed may be used to increase the effect level of other Ritual Powers, or converted into intricacy points, with 5 spell levels equal to 1 intricacy point. These may be spent like the intricacy points gained from the Improved Powers Minor Virtue on any of the character’s Ritual Powers.
Poderes Mejorados
Minor Virtue, Supernatural
This Virtue gives the character 5 intricacy points to spend on any of its powers. This Virtue may be taken more than once.

Defectos que limitan poderes

Poder Lento
Minor, Supernatural
One of the character’s powers is very slow, so that it requires an additional round of preparation to activate. This Flaw may be taken more than once, if the character has multiple powers, but all powers affected must be used in situations such that the Flaw seriously reduces their effectiveness.
Poder Reducido
Minor, Supernatural
Subtract 5 intricacy points from any of the character’s powers. Each lost intricacy point increases the number of Might Points needed to activate a power by 1, or subtracts 1 from the character’s Initiative score for a power. This Flaw may be taken more than once, but the activation cost for a power may not exceed the character’s Might Score, and you cannot reduce a power’s Initiative below 0.

Sobre Pretensiones

Virtudes en torno a las pretensiones

Instructor Feérico
Minor Virtue, Supernatural
Some faeries have the ability to take human Abilities when striking bargains. If the faerie has this Virtue, these Abilities can be stored, then given to favored humans. The faerie imparts the Ability by trading it for the Ability that the student currently has. It does this either by giving the human a prop and claiming it is a magic item, which allows the faerie to easily trade the Abilities back when the story is over, or by pretending to teach the human. Human teachers know that faeries are faking, because their training is too swift to be natural, and too similar to mystery initiation to be effective. It focuses on the trainee reaching an appropriate mental state, rather than the repetitive practice required for real learning.
Entrenador Feérico
Free Virtue, Supernatural
The character has one or more human Abilities, rather than Pretenses, and so it may train humans using conventional methods.
The faerie can develop these abilities further using human methods, or can convert them to Pretenses and increase them as a faerie would. Once an Ability has been advanced as a Pretense, the maximum level at which the faerie can train humans has been reached.
Free choice
A typical faerie player character increases its Pretenses in two seasons per year. In the other season, it completes the tasks set by its role.
Major Virtue, General
A character with this quality is closely interested in the bubbling vat of emotion that is the life of a human community. It finds ways of involving itself in useful stories every single season, and gains Pretense appropriately. During character creation an ostentatious faerie has a Pretense multiplier of 25 instead of 15.
Minor Virtue, General
A character with this quality is closely interested in a particular family or group of humans, and regularly finds ways to increase its pretense by aiding them through life’s challenges. It increases its Pretense, on average, for three seasons every year. During character creation a pretentious faerie has a Pretense multiplier of 20 instead of 15.

Defectos en torno a las pretensiones

Minor Flaw, General
Aloof fairies play roles in which they do not find humans particularly interesting, and so rarely increase their Pretenses. Over the course of a saga, these characters can be expected to gain Pretenses for around one season per year. During character creation, an Aloof faerie has a Pretense multiplier of 10.
Recién Salido
Minor Flaw, Supernatural
Subtract 50 experience points from the character’s pool for purchasing Pretences. This represents the character losing some of its glamour. This Flaw may be taken more than once, but players cannot select this Flaw unless the character has at least 50 pretense points to lose.

Cover image: by Montedemo


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