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Flavian of Suva

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the Basley Kingdom of Elves, Flavian of Suva spent much of his early life facing the discrimination that was rampant on the Matten continent. He applied to enter the Forvale Priory and was barred due to his status as a Half-Elf. He traveled to Jogn in 70 GE to find the northern-based Kalil Priory.    In 60 GE he returned to Kalil Priory after receiving scholarly approval but left the Priory in 52 GE to serve as a Missionary in Mares. In Mares, he founded, along with several others, the Lakeland Priory, the first Down Priory in the Mares continent. Lakeland Priory received Divine Approval from Archrector Oxcatoris XI in 49 GE.    Lakeland Priory grew prosperous and beneficial to the Lake Elves in what is now considered the Kingdom of Lakeland. In 2 GE, Prior Flavian was called to Down & Elk to teach Scripture at Down College. One day while on a prayer retreat off the coast of Down & Elk, the Downquake partially destroyed the Island. Prior Flavian led hundreds of refugees from the island to the southernmost tip of Mares, where they were attacked by the Southern Raiders, seizing on the Church's moment of weakness.    For two years, Flavian led refugees not only from Down & Elk but from Southern Mares away from the Raiders. They finally stopped on the Plains of Gorem, where King Ander agreed to extend Accish Protection to those who would bend the knee.    Flavian had a large influence on the Settlement of Ander's Square, the Capitol of Accland, and ensured the Cathedral would be built in a position of prominence across from the King's own Palace. When he left the settlement to return to Lakeland Priory, King Ander declared that the settlement would officially be called Flavian, in his honor.    Back at Lakeland, Flavian resumed control of the Priory, where he wrote numerous theses that would be ratified by the Archrector in the following years. He died peacefully in his sleep at Lakeland Priory and was burned among the ashes of his brother Lakeland Priors. His funeral was consecrated by Archrector Gorem, and was attended by King Ander, as well as King Gallus of Lakeland.


Upon acceptance to the Kalil Priory, Flavian was sent to Down College on the Island of Down & Elk, where he read Scriptures and Ethics under Prior John Dominic, creator of the famed John Dominic Cross, and who would later become Archrector Aligroil IX. He received scholarly approval from John Dominic in 60 GE as a Master of Scripture and Church Ethics.
96 GE 7 CE 103 years old
Circumstances of Death
Old Age at Lakeland Priory

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