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Melitoni Eudoxos Marivaldi, KE

Knight of Elk Melitoni Eudoxos Marivaldi (a.k.a. Mel)

Melitoni (mell-LI-tone-i) Eudoxos Marivaldi

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lean mean muscle machine. While having a strong upper body, Mel's strength really shines when he applies his lower body to shoving tree trunks about.

Body Features

Dark eyes, dark hair, and pointed ears have always made Mel stand out among the more fair-haired humans of Carman. His broke his right wrist as a child after falling out of a tree in the vale, so he had to taught himself to use his left hand for most tasks.

Facial Features

Quite a sharp chin and big nose ridge make Mel unique in his family, who have gentler features.

Physical quirks

Mel has a habit of constantly tucking his long hair further behind his ears, but only ever with one hand at a time-one hand remains firmly upon the grip of his maul.

Apparel & Accessories

Mel has an upper ear ring that he normally does not wear because many of his acquaintances have found it distasteful. Wears particularly baggy clothing to make his strength less obvious.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Melitoni, hailing from the city of Carman on the continent of Ludde, is the son of Jalana Marivaldi (human mother) and Paelias Silverfrond (elf father). Mel has two sibling: an older sister Valeri and a younger brother Oskari. Paelias worked for many years as a city guard while Jalana washed linens for local inns. Mel had a fairly uneventful childhood; Carman was a pleasant city and his parents made plenty to support the family. Mel was taught basic life skills by his mother on the days when she wasn't washing. The three Marivaldi kids were a handful for Jalana, but they did learn a lot about the wider world and Carman especially.   Mel spent his teenage years similarly to his childhood, though he did venture outside of Carman more often. His good friend Koryk was killed in a horse riding accident when Mel was 19. Mel was depressed for a few months, but his close relationships with Val and Oskar supported him and eventually lifted him back into a happier state of life.   When he was 22, Paelias arranged for Mel to travel to Carling for two years. While living there with a host halfling family known to Paelias, Mel trained in the Carling city garrison with the understanding that he would return to Carman and help spread good news about Carling. The majority of the Halfling weapons were too small for Mel, but they did have an ancient maul for Mel to practice with; to this day, he continues to wield to relic.   Mel arrived home when he was 24 and was brought into the Carman City Guard through the arrangement of his father. Mel also enlisted into the reserves of Carman's garrison (only mobilized in wartime) as an infrantryman. The first six years of Mel's tenure on the City Guard were fairly uneventful: he patrolled, responded to petty crimes, and got to know the citizens of Carman.   While Mel was 30, a significant family event occurred. Mel's father, Paelias, was charged with attempted treason. The courts of Carman claim that Paelias was the contact for certain agents in Carleaf who were looking for ways to cripple Carman economically or politically. Paelias was sentenced to an indefinite time in prison, where he remains to this day. Paelias maintains his innocence after 8 years in prison. Mel's world began to crumble: he didn't know who to believe between his father and Carman. Mel has seen his father sporadically in the last few years; the sight of his own father locked away is extremely painful for Mel.   When he was 33, there was a small fire in one of the tenement blocks in Carman; Mel was on patrol and was one of the first to respond. As he approached the building, a section of the wall not yet burning collapsed. Mel heard screams from beneath the wall and attempted to drag it off of the family that was trapped below. Mel struggled and struggled, but the wall was too heavy. The other men on his patrol were busy dealing with the flames. After the fire was put out, the remains of a family of six were discovered. Mel broke down and wept and didn't return to work for three days.   After an increasing sense of disillusionment with the City Guard, Mel left a few months after the fire. He moved out into the countryside to work at a lumbermill, where he spent many hours each day chopping, moving, and sawing trees.   After two and a half years at the lumbermill, Mel stumbled upon a beautiful rose beneath a tree one morning. He had been thinking about his father in prison and the poor family that suffocated beneath a wall. He suddenly felt drawn to explore the Church of Down.   For the next two and a half years of his life, Mel trained, studied the dogmas of the Church of Down, and advanced to the point of becoming a Knight of Elk. He seeks honor for his family and glory for the Church. He has made a commitment to return to Carman in the near future and speak with leaders to further investigate the claims against his father.


Homeschooled by his mother Jalana for ten years.   Mel was schooled for two years in Carling, being trained martially and learning Halfling.   Learned about the Church of Down in the Republic of Frent during one of its favorable periods toward the Church.


Carman City Guard, 9 years (24-33)   Lumbermill worker, 2.5 years (33-35.5)

Accomplishments & Achievements

Knight of Elk   Once lifted an entire tree trunk from one end and dragged it fifty paces by himself.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed attempt at courting one of Val's friends when he was 17   Failed to save the family of six from the burning tenement block   Once tripped over the lace of a shoe going upstairs with an armload of fine crockery; now, Mel only wears boots with no laces required.

Mental Trauma

Friend Koryk passed away when Mel was 19, leaving him depressed for several months.   Father Paelias is currently imprisoned in Carman.

Intellectual Characteristics

Deeply committed when he decides upon something, Mel doesn't have great intelligence but does possess great determination. Put a philosophy book in front of him and he wouldn't know where to begin; tell him that there are eighteen trees to chop down today and he'll have it done with joy in a jiffy.

Personality Characteristics


Mel has three defining moments in his life that have contributed to him taking up the adventuring life: the scandal of his father's falling out with the Carman city guard; Mel's failure to save a Carmanian family from a burning home; and, Mel's encounter with a member of the Church of Down.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes a well-ordered discipline Dislikes those who abuse the law for their own gain


Generally pretty neat and clean, though Mel doesn't get around to bathing too often. Shaves daily because he doesn't appreciate the scratchiness of a beard.


Contacts & Relations

Jalana Marivaldi, mother   Paelias Silverfrond, father   Oskari Marivaldi, brother   Valeri Marivaldi, sister   Ghjuvan Anan, dwarf living in Republic of Frent

Family Ties

Jalana Marivaldi: 58, working in Carman   Paelias Silverfrond: 102, imprisoned in Carman   Valeri Marivaldi: 40, homemaker in Carman   Oskari Marivaldi: 35, cartwright in Carling

Religious Views

A member of the Church of Down, Mel has sworn an oath upon the Rose to uphold the sanctity of the Church and all its teachings for as long as he lives. In addition to following the external obligations of the Church, Mel also has a deeply spiritual side, praying each morning and evening.

Wealth & Financial state

Very meagre, as Mel has spent the majority of his savings to travel to Accland.

Melitoni Eudoxos Marivaldi is an ex-guard from Carvale with a wounded pride and shocking experience guiding him to the adventuring life. Wielding a maul with impressive strength, Mel is deeply committed to family and faith.

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Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Eudoxos: meaning unknown, given by Ghjuvan Anan during Mel's learning period in the Frent Republic   Knight of Elk
38 years old
Date of Birth
462 Civil Era
Current Residence
The Republic of Frent
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 5"
174 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Back in my years in Carling..." "You haven't lived until you've seen the Vale!" "You're working hard? Try cutting down trees all day!" "
Known Languages
Common   Elvish - taught by his father, Paelias   Halfling - learned while staying at Carling for two years

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