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The Elven Kingdom of Lakeland


The Lakeland Elves are considered extremely tolerant, the exception being from 200 to 57 GE towards the House of Sunda which was exiled from the Kingdom. Lakeland currently has the largest population of Half-Elves in Evandel. It is currently led by Queen Ilafiona of Nera, first monarch of the House of Nera.


The Elven Kingdom of Lakeland is the oldest established country in Mares, and second in Evandel. Established in 900 GE, Lakeland was founded by the House of Sunda who served as Kings of Lakeland until they were deposed by the House of Vala in 200 GE. True to its name, Lakeland is a country composed of many lakes. Due to its geography, there is only one large settlement, the Elven Capital of Lakeleaf, which houses half the population, the other half settled in rural settlements interspersed around the lakes. It is estimated that despite the country’s small size, it houses 500 different lakes, which provides excellent defensive measures against invaders.


Faithful to the Church of Down since 500 GE, Lakeland hosts Lakeland Priory, the famed Priory founded by Flavian of Suva, and venerates Saint Aligroil the Peacemaker, the only ratified Saint from Lakeland. Archrector Aligroil IX, formerly known as John Dominic was a notable human to make his home in Lakeland prior to his Ratification as Archrector. He gifted his entire collection on Aligrotian Theology to Lakeland Priory before his death.
Founding Date
900 GE
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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