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The Promise of Tomorrow

from His Greatness, Aligroil XI, Archrector of Down

And there was darkness, followed by peace, for there is always darkness before peace. Solera knew this and was content, for he had just traversed the darkness, and now hoped for peace. He found it, and embraced it with open arms. -from the Song of Solera
  The Promise of Tomorrow is that of Peace. It is in the darkest of times, that the hope for peace is most needed, and at its most potent. Peace is natural, and so are we, but our society is not. The constructs we surround ourselves with, the institutions whose rules we adhere, they are not natural, nor is it their purpose to be natural. For what is natural is often pure, and a gift from the Rose. Yet just as the Rose blooms, it too, withers.   This comes as no surprise, for as we prepare for the end of this year, we also prepare for the waning of The Rose, and its subsequent blooming again on the first day of the Rise. There is only The Rose that remains constant. Life ends, spells fade, geography changes, and so do our social and economic circumstances. The Rose remains.   Yet while the Rose remains, be cautious of relying heavily on what does not. All things come and go with the will of The Rose, and so too did our Bright Blue Rose, given long over two millennia ago to Saint Paten. That which is in the mortal plane is not meant to live in the mortal plane forever, and just as our lives are gifts that someday aim to join the Rose and our Pantheon, so too must our Bright Blue Rose return to its origin in the heavens.   Remember that roses will bloom again. Just wait and see. Ponder not, what might have been. Only The Rose knows the how and when. All roses bloom again. Our Blue Rose too, will bloom again.   In the midst of this darkness which has been felt by all at the wilt of the Blue Rose, search inwards for the light, and pray to the Rose and her Pantheon for the saving of our very souls.   ...   I dedicate this upcoming year, starting with the Festival of the Blooming on the First Day of the Rise, as the year of the Golden Rose, Queen of Evandel. For like the fairness of a lady, she created the Pantheon, who in turn created us, her people. As faithful members of the Church of Down, grateful for the gifts we are given, and the gift we were given in the Blue Rose, let us focus instead on the giver. In this time of uncertainty, pray to the giver. Pray to our Pantheon and our Golden Rose, Queen of Evandel. Let us be saved by grace!   ...   Golden Rose, Queen of Evandel, all my cares and troubles cease, as we kneel, with love before thee, Golden Rose, oh herald of peace!
Given on the 85th day of the Fall. 


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