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Urik Ulrikson

Leader of the Opposition Urik Ulrikson

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Urik Ulrikson was born the son of Uhtred, and grandson of Uther Ulrikson. Uther Ulrikson was a Professor at Holden Collegeand a renowned critic of Archrector Terta V's celebrated publication The Gifts We Are Given, which urged those countries which had banned magic to legalize its usage. Uther was eventually labeled a heretic and fled Accland, where he settled in Frent.   Urik was raised in Frent, where he witnessed the beginnings of the Crescent Wars amongst Frent, Esterly, Bolclaw and Eastport. He enrolled in the Frentish Military Academy, studied as a Fighter before being commissioned into the Frentish Army, where his exploits became well known. He is credited with turning the tide in the Crescent Wars and is considered a hero in Frent.   Urik joined the Particularists during his time in the military, and became a staunch advocate for their anti-Down ideology and entered the Senate as one of their representatives. As tensions heightened with Accland and Bolclaw, Urik was named the 16th Premier of the Frentish Republic.   After a failed Frentish Invasion of Bolclaw and a lackluster campaign agaisnt Carvale, Urik Ulrikson was voted out of office, and now sits as the Leader of the Opposition in the Frent Republic.


Frentish Academy of the Sea - Top of the Class


Premier of the Republic of Frent

Accomplishments & Achievements

Champion of the Crescent War, Premier of the Frent Republic, Leader of the Particularists


Religious Views

A Particularist, Urik follows the ideology that there are many God's not united by the Rose Pantheon.
Character Location
Current Location
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Lawful Evil
Current Location
Current Residence
Prime House, Frent
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elkish, Dwarven

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