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Character Advancement Guide

What to do when you:


Level Up

  When your character levels up, there are group-specific procedures you need to follow. In addition to changing your dicecloud sheet to reflect your new abilities, you will need to log the level up on the Grey Maiden’s Ledger, have the mods verify the updates to your dicecloud sheet, and update your level roles.  
Until your leveled up dicecloud sheet has been reviewed by the mods, you cannot participate in any quests, including ones you have already signed up for or been chosen for. Carefully monitor your EXP and take less than the max if you want to ensure that you can continue to participate in back-to-back quests.

How do I know if I leveled up?

You have leveled up when the total experience on the Journal tab of your dicecloud sheet is equal to or greater than the “Next Level: # XP”.


What is the group process for recording a level up?

  1. Make your way to the Grey Maiden’s Ledger (Link) and tick the Lvl Up? Box

  2. Make the appropriate changes to your character’s dicecloud sheet associated with their level up.

    • You will have to manually adjust the following on your dicecloud character sheet when your character levels up:
      • Level (for example, increasing your class level in the Journal tab from 2 to 3)
      • New class features (for example, adding your new class features to the “Features” tab)
      • Spells known (for example, adding new spells if you gain access to spells at a new level, or swapping a spell known out for a new old one)
      • Ability Score Increases (Do not edit your “Base Ability scores”. Create a new feature called “Ability Score Increases” and log your ASIs there.

    • You may have to manually adjust the following when your character levels up (it depends on whether or not you have set up formulae or use manual entry! We always recommend formulae - they require more upfront set-up, but less recurring work):
      • Attacks for new spells
      • Spell slots
      • Adjustments to class features that improve with level (for example, Lay on Hands uses, Sorcery Points, Sneak Attack Damage, Superiority Dice, Rage Damage, Wild Shape, etc.)
      • Hit dice
      • Hitpoints (If you are a multiclass character, you may have to manually increase the number of HP & HD of your second/third class)
    • If you are multiclassing, make sure you meet all the requirements to take the multiclass and correctly follow the multiclass character rules. In APO, you are limited to a maximum of 3 classes (i.e. your base class + 2 other classes).

    • Because you have made changes and have new features, you need a second pair of eyes to make sure you have entered those features correctly.

  3. Create a ticket to ask the mods to re-review your dicecloud!

    • In the body of the ticket, please provide the following information:
      • Character name
      • Link to their dicecloud
      • What level they have reached
      • List of class features that have been added/changed
    • Example ticket transcript.
    •   Someone from the mod team will then review your dicecloud to make sure there weren’t any mistakes made (i.e., you have too few spell slots, you have too few hit dice, you need to add racial spells, etc.)! We usually get to these pretty quickly, but Dicecloud Reviews may take up to one week. We perform dicecloud reviews frequently, but not daily. Please give the mods 4 days before reminding us.   Diceclouds are reviewed in the order they are received. We will not allow you to cut the queue if you leveled up between back to back quests, or want to participate in a quest that was just posted but you cannot sign up for because you are awaiting review.   Once the dicecloud is ready, we will notify you of the approval for your level up and clear the checkmark from the Grey Maiden’s Ledger. Make your way to #role-selection and select the new level role for your character!
  4. Boom! You’re ready to start questing again.


Practice Makes Perfect

  • Until you reach level 11 (i.e., when you reach levels 3-10), you are required to get a dicecloud review each time you level up.
  • At level 11 or later, a dicecloud review is optional unless you are taking a new multiclass. You must still notify mods of the level up using exactly the same processes described above, so we can keep the group records up to date.

Piety milestones


We have deliberately chosen not to publicly reveal what the rewards are for Piety. Therefore, any time you achieve a piety Milestone (Piety Score 3, 10, 25, or 50), you will need to let the mods know so that we can tell you what gift the gods have granted.


What is the group process for reaching a Piety Milestone?

  1. Create a ticket and provide the following information:

    • Character name
    • Link to their dicecloud
    • Their primary god or religion
    • What milestone they have reached (3, 10, 25, 50)

  2. The first time you gain a Piety Benefit, the mods will tell you the benefit that you gained. If you need to choose an ability score to use with your Piety Benefit, the mods will also ask you to choose the ability score you want to use with that feature at the time that you gain it. Once you have made the choice (or if no choice was required), the mods will add the appropriate feature to the Features tab of your dicecloud. We will add it as a checkable/uncheckable feature because it is possible to lose Piety boons.

  3. Subsequent Piety Benefits will be added to the Features tab of your dicecloud by the mods, using the ability score you chose the first time you gained a benefit.

What is the group process for losing a Piety Milestone?

If your Piety score drops below the required threshold for a particular benefit (i.e., your Piety Score was 3 but drops to 2), you lose access to the benefit gained at that milestone.

  1. Disable the Piety boon gained at the milestone by unchecking it on Dicecloud

  2. Alert the mods by creating a ticket with the following information:
    • Character name
    • Link to their dicecloud
    • Their primary god or religion
    • What milestone they lost


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