BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Character RE-Creation

This article covers three topics: That Didn't Happen, Reclass, and Refocus. Each of these may be used to reverse character creation decisions in specific circumstances.

  1. That Didn't Happen (TDH)
  2. Reclass
  3. Refocus
  4. Deadlines for Character Re-Creation

That Didn’t Happen

When you realize you should have made a different choice at character creation


You built a character that was awesome on paper, and then you played it. If you created a character and are dissatisfied with the reality versus the expectation, you have the opportunity to “That Didn’t Happen”, so long as you meet certain criteria. “That Didn’t Happen” (TDH) gives you a one-time chance to rework aspects of your character that didn’t work out the way you hoped.


What you can change with a TDH

  • Base ability scores
  • Race
  • Subrace
  • Racial ability score increases
  • Racial languages/skills (if you had choices)
  • Background Feature
  • Class (or classes, if you started as a multiclass character)
  • Subclass
  • Class features (such as spells known, cantrips, eldritch invocations, fighting style, battle master maneuvers, metamagic, etc.)
  • Primary god/religion (i.e., the religion you gain piety with)
  • Starting magic item

You can use your TDH on as many or as few of the list items as you want.

Anything not specifically on this list cannot be changed by a That Didn’t Happen. For example, It is not possible to rebuild a character's history, personality, character creation boon, etc., except for minor tweaks to match TDH updates. As your character grows and experiences the world, their personality can undergo changes or their history can be expanded.


Qualifying for TDH

  • You have played 6 or fewer sessions in the Apotheosis server with this specific character AND
  • You have never used a That Didn’t Happen on this specific character

If you’ve played 7+ sessions in the Apotheosis server with this character, you cannot use a TDH.

If you have played 6 or fewer sessions in the server, but you already used a TDH on the character you want to TDH, you cannot use another TDH.

If you don't meet the requirements for TDH, consider a Reclass or a Refocus instead.


Special Criteria

Additional criteria may apply to your TDH, depending on what you choose to change.


If you are changing your base ability scores

You may not reroll your stats. You may:

  • Change your chosen array (since you rolled 2) if you opted for rolled stats
  • Change to point buy if you previously opted for rolled stats
  • Change your point buy allocation
  • Change your base ability score distribution (without changing stat array or point buy allocation)

If you are changing a race or subrace

The race or subrace restrictions (if any) of the opening that started most recently apply to TDHs. For example, if variant human was locked during the opening that started most recently, you cannot TDH to a variant human.

If you are changing to an endling, your race lore must be approved before you can make the switch. If your race lore is not approved, then you can’t use it.


If you are changing your background feature

Your new background feature must be supported by your history write-up without recons to the content.


If you are changing your base class

If you change your base class with a TDH and you rolled starting gold, you must either:

  • reroll your gold
  • choose to take standard gear for your new base class
You must deduct the earnings from any starting gear that you sold from your currency balance.


If you are chaging your Piety God/Religion

You cannot have already gained your first piety milestone benefit. You still count as “gaining your first piety milestone” if you earned enough piety and then dropped below that piety threshold. If you change your Piety god/religion using a TDH, up to 2 piety you earned can transfer to your new god/relgion, provided you meet the milestone benefit criteria.


If you are changing your starting magic item

The new one still needs to meet the requirements (1 common magical item of A/Au, B/Bu, or Cu subrarity).

Your original magic item may not have already been expended, if it was a limited use item (i.e., if you chose a Mystery Key as your starting item and it already broke, you cannot get a new starting magic item).


How to That Didn't Happen

0. Do not make any changes to your dicecloud sheet or character information sheet until your changes are approved.

  1. Create a help ticket.
  2. When the channel is opened, list which character is being TDHed and what you are changing. These changes must be approved before they can be made.
  3. A mod will approve the changes or request specific revisions to your list. At this point, you should reflect the TDH revisions in the character information or dicecloud (or both), as appropriate. A new dicecloud review is required before you can go on any additional quests.
  4. The mods will log on the Grey Maiden’s Ledger that your TDH for that character has been used.


When your plans go sideways and you need to change your class level distribution.


If you’re not eligible for TDH and want to change certain aspects of your build, you still can. One way to do so is with a reclass. There are no eligibility criteria for a reclass, and there is no limit to the number of times you may reclass a single character.


Cost: Your character’s level x 100 gp + 1 reclass quest (maybe)


What you can change with a Reclass

  • Class (or classes, if you are a multiclass character)
  • Subclass (ditto)
  • Class features (such as spells known, cantrips, eldritch invocations, fighting style, battle master maneuvers, metamagic, etc.)
  • Level distribution (with or without changing class/subclass)
  • Retroactively add a multiclass

Anything not specifically listed above cannot be changed with a reclass.


How to Reclass

0. Do not make any changes to your dicecloud sheet or character information sheet until your changes are approved.

  1. Purchase a number of “reclass tickets” from the shop equal to your character’s level.
  2. Open a help ticket
  3. When the channel is opened, state which character is being reclassed, a lore justification for the change, and what you are changing. These changes must be approved before they can be made to your dicecloud sheet.
  4. A mod will approve the changes or request specific revisions to your list. At this stage, The mods may determine that a reclass quest is required for you. A reclass quest represents the time, energy, and skill development needed to retrain your character's IC abilities. What are some reasons a reclass quest would be required?
    • Significant change to character lore (I.e., becoming a sorcerer requires something in your bloodline)
    • Significant change of skill set (I.e., reclass from barbarian to wizard. Note that we might not require a reclass quest for something like wizard to eldritch knight fighter or for cleric to Paladin).
    • Oathbreaker Paladin attempting to atone (ie, restore their former oath/establish a new oath)
  5. (optional) Find a DM to run the reclass quest for you. Participate in the reclass quest. Come back to your open help ticket when this is done and link the loot report as evidence of its completion.
  6. Update your written character information and/or Dicecloud sheet with the reclassed information, as appropriate. A Dicecloud review is required before you can go on any quests with your new build.
  7. The mods will log your new class/subclass/multiclass distribution on the Grey Maiden’s Ledger.


When your plans go really sideways and you want/need to change more than just your class


The Refocus is basically a TDH for folks who no longer satisfy the TDH criteria - though it also has more restrictions. You might want to refocus because a new subrace or subclass is available that suits your character concept better, or because something completely wild and crazy happened to your OC (I.e., they were reincarnated into a dwarf and now none of their abilities make sense)… or because you WANT something wild and crazy to happen to your OC.

Cost: Your character’s level x 250 gp + 1 refocus quest (maybe)


There is no limit to the number of times you may refocus.


What you can change with a Refocus

  • Base ability score distribution
  • Racial ability score increases
  • Racial languages/skills (if you had choices)
  • Class (or classes, if multiclass)
  • Subclass (ditto)
  • Level distribution (with or without changing class/subclass)
  • Retroactively add a multiclass
  • Class features (such as spells known, cantrips, eldritch invocations, fighting style, battle master maneuvers, metamagic, etc.)

A Refocus MAY allow you to change, on a case-by-case basis, with sufficient justification and explicit permission from the mods:

  • Race
  • Subrace

This process does not allow you to change:

  • Background Feature
  • Your primary god/religion (i.e., the religion you gain piety with - see the “Changing Gods” header of Piety System for how this works after Character Creation)
  • Your character creation boon/feat
  • Your starting magic item

Special Criteria

If you are changing your base ability score distribution

  • You may rellocare your base ability scores BUT you cannot:
  • Change your stat generation method from point buy to rolling or vice versa
  • Reallocate a point buy array (i.e., change the numbers you get)
  • Reroll stats
  • Change your chosen rolled stat array

If you change your base class with a refocus

You make no changes to your starting gear. You retain all current gear you have and all gear you have used remains expended.


If you receive approval to change a race or subrace

  • The race/subrace you are moving into may not have been locked in the opening that started most recently.
  • If you are changing to an endling, your race lore must be approved before you can make the switch. If your race lore is not approved, then you can’t use it.

How to Refocus

0. Do not make any changes to your dicecloud sheet or character information sheet until your changes are approved.

  1. Purchase a number of “refocus tickets” from the shop equal to your character’s level.
  2. Open a help ticket
  3. In the help ticket channel, state which character you are refocusing and what you are changing. These changes must be approved before they can be made to your dicecloud sheet.
  4. A mod may approve the refocus immediately, request clarifications, or request specific revisions to your list. At this stage, the mods may determine that a Refocus quest is required for you. What are some reasons a refocus quest would be required?
    • Same reasons as a reclass
    • Changing a race or subrace, which likely entails a significant change to character lore
  5. (optional) If the mods determine a quest is needed to formalize your Refocus, find a DM to run the reclass quest for you (you can use #interest-polls or private messages, but remember DMs who run quests posted to #interest-polls get bonuses). Come back to your open help ticket when you have participated in the Refocus quest and link the loot report as evidence of its completion.
  6. Make the changes to your character information and dicecloud, as appropriate. A new dicecloud review is required before you can go on any quests with your new build.
  7. The mods will log your new class distribution on the Grey Maiden’s Ledger.


Regardless of which method of character re-creation you use to do, they all have identical deadlines.

  • You have 1 week after creating your TDH ticket or purchasing a Reclass/Refocus ticket to initiate your request (i.e., create a help ticket and put the required contents in it).
  • You have 2 weeks after approval to make the necessary changes and request your dicecloud review.
  • If a reclass or refocus quest are required for you, you instead have 5 weeks after approval to complete your quest, make the necessary changes, and request your dicecloud review.

If you (1) do not initiate your request within 1 week or (2) do not complete your changes within the second window - which is either 2 weeks or 5 weeks - then the ticket expires. An expired TDH counts as a used TDH, which expends your one and only TDH for that character. You will have to purchase a Reclass/Refocus ticket to make changes. An expired Reclass/Refocus ticket means you will have to purchase a fresh one.


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