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Daiva Stendahl

Daiva Stendahl (a.k.a. Dave)

Physical Description

Body Features

Daiva has a small stature and a pear-shaped figure. Like all moon rabbits, her legs are powerful. Seems physically healthy. Her left hand, however, is made completely from a green crystal. Bears a crescent moon painted in gold on her forehead.

Facial Features

Her face is rectangular in shape. Her eyes are large, with big irises and pupils. Her lashes are long and thick, and her lips are full. She has heterochromia; her right eye is green and her left is brown. A small heart shaped scar can be seen just under her right eye. Has a gold crescent moon painted on her forehead.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Content warning; Contains graphic violence and descriptions.   Daiva was born and raised in Ekreles to a painters’ family. Her fathers were both well known guild members and roped Daiva into taking part in the family trade as soon as she could start following instructions.   Her parents were far too overprotective. They kept Daiva inside the majority of the time and rarely let her venture out on her own. Daiva had no idea what the reasoning behind this was, but it led to the young girl being quite isolated and lacking when it came to friends outside of those she met while helping her fathers with their work. As she grew older, Daiva became more resentful at not having a life of her own and her attitude towards her fathers began to worsen.   Then she met Oskaar. Oskaar was quite possibly the largest khenra she had ever seen in her entire life and also the most excitable person she had ever met in general. He was overly friendly, viewed everything in Ekreles with wonder, and had a tendency for collecting spare bits of metal for his tinkering. He came into their shop one day to see about one of his creations getting painted where, upon finding out they shared the last name ‘Stendahl,’ he immediately declared himself and Daiva to be cousins despite not being related and then proceeded to call Daiva ‘Dave’ instead. Flustered by the sudden marriage proposal, Daiva immediately declared ‘absolutely not’ and flung paint in the khenra’s face before storming off. Thus, at the age of 19, began her first real friendship. Oskaar came by often. At first, Daiva found him to be obnoxious and far too naive about the world. As time went on, however, she found herself looking forward to his visits. After a few months, Daiva began shirking her work responsibilities in order to spend time with her canine friend.   Time passed, and Daiva found herself spending more and more time with Oskaar. Her parents were upset over her shirking her responsibilities with the guild at first. After a while, however, they began to grow more accepting of Daiva going out as well as her new friend.   Oskaar had a lot of questions about things. Despite the next three years that passed, it seemed as if his questions about everything only grew. Magic especially caught his eye. It was this curiosity that drove most of their adventures together. It was also that curiosity than landed Daiva in the predicament she’s in now.   It was a routine visit to Oskaar’s, who claimed he had something ‘interesting’ to show her. When he arrived, he revealed to her a crystal cluster. It seemed perfectly ordinary. Oskaar, however, claimed it radiated magic and potentially had unique properties. Apparently, he had found the cluster in the Nychtoxylo. Oskaar approached the cluster with a chisel and hammer to break off a piece and show it to her, when the crystal suddenly exploded. Massive shards grew and burst outward, piercing through the body of her friend. Daiva heard herself scream as she saw Oskaar drop to the floor in front of her. She dropped to her knees in front of him. She screamed. She cried. She tried to stop the bleeding the best she could, but nothing seemed to help. Daiva found herself begging to whatever would listen for her friend to live. Then, she heard a voice.  I suppose I could save him,” it said. Nothing had been said aloud, yet the voice rang clear in her mind. “It’ll cost you, though. If you’re willing to pay the price… well… Just touch the crystal.  Daiva did. The most excruciating pain shot up her arm as the crystal suddenly grew and wrapped around her hand. She felt shards dig in, her skin being pierced, and her bones being ground to dust. Her consciousness slipped. Everything faded to black. When she woke up, it was to Oskaar leaning over her looking completely unscathed. In fact, it looked like nothing had happened at all. Except for one thing… In place of her left hand was a green crystal. The only sign of the events that passed.   It wasn’t until days later that the voice rang through her head again. It was then that she realized the voice was coming from the crystal. Or, well, her hand now.It was also when she learned her new fate. The crystal wasn't just a mysterious object capable of healing her friend; it was a parasite. With its assistance, Daiva was able to save her closest friend and be capable of a great many other things. In exchange? Daiva would serve as the symbiote's new host and allow it to experience the world. It would also be using her for sustenance and, eventually, Daiva will be completely consumed in crystal.   Daiva did not respond positively to this news. In fact, she didn't take it well at all. The young woman scoured the city, going from healer to healer trying to get her new ‘friend’ removed. None of them are able to do anything. She was stuck with this creature. Bound to her new fate. Suddenly, everything felt... hopeless. There was nothing she could do. There was no way to stop the process that had been started. Weeks went by. Just when things seemed utterly disastrous, however, a thought struck her. The Spire. If those blessed by the Gods themselves couldn't help her, then maybe Daiva's only chance to break free of her parasitic prosthetic was to become a god herself?   Truthfully, even Daiva thought it was a silly idea. It was the only thing she had though. So, after much debating, Daiva packed her bags. She would attempt The Spire and become a god and then... Then she will be able to rid of herself of her new 'companion.' There was one glaring issue though. She was weak. If ascension was her goal, well, then Daiva would have to get stronger. And also leave her home in Ekreles. It was a tough decision but, Daiva set her sights on Darbek as the better start point and made her way there.


Pansexual. However, Daiva is unfamiliar with romance in general. Oftentimes, she'll look but won't touch... Or say anything. It's just a lot of silent staring while mentally screaming in simp panic. Really likes muscles.

Personality Characteristics


IC Goals
  • Survive. Daiva’s time is coming for her quickly and she doesn’t know how much she has left. Right now, she believes ascending into Godhood is her only way to save herself
    OOC Goals
  • Explore a character who can lose their free will at the whimsy of another.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Patterned tights and stockings
  • Choker necklaces
  • Reading
  • Cats
  • Receiving nicknames
  • Being short
  • Tall people
  • Stories with sad endings

Virtues & Personality perks

+|| Ambitious | Loyal | Supportive ||+

Daiva cares deeply for those around her, and tries her best to encourage and support her companions in any way she’s capable. Though she may not always know how, she tries her best to stand by her friends and close companions. She wants them to be happy above all else and will do what she can to achieve that. Daiva is fiercely loyal to her friends and will stand by them through almost anything. She's ambitious and prone to setting large goals for herself to achieve through hard work and determination.

Vices & Personality flaws

-|| Short-Tempered | Possessive | Self-preserving ||-

Daiva has a small height and an even smaller fuse. She comes off as the type who won't put up with anything from others. Her short-temper and sharp tongue are quick to make themselves known when someone oversteps her boundaries. Due to her lack of a social circle outside of her parents and shop customers growing up, Daiva has a hard time making and maintaining friendships. Her anger issues do little to help. For friendships she does form, Daiva becomes highly possessive and demanding of their time and attention. Self-preservation, however, is an utmost priority to her and Daiva will do what she can in order to keep herself alive and safe. That doesn’t mean she’ll abandon those around her and run away. She recognizes when things are too dangerous to handle and when it’s best to put your own life first.


As a follower of Rydia, Daiva makes it a point to bathe as close to daily as possible. She likes feeling clean and her mood will sour quickly the longer she goes without a chance to take a bath.


Contacts & Relations

Oskaar: A behemoth of a khenra and Daiva's best friend. He tells others they're cousins all the time due to him finding it hilarious. Daiva supposes it's amusing sometimes. She traded her life for his and, despite regretting it quite a bit now, she’d probably do it again.   'Crystal:' Daiva's patron and own personal parasite. Crystal isn't really its name, but it is what Daiva opts to call it. They're polite enough for a sentient rock, but it's hard to have positive feelings about something that is literally eating you alive.

Family Ties

Yekur and Mazas Stendahl: A male gnome and male triton respectively. They are Daiva's fathers and have raised her since she was an infant. Both are guild members and run a painter's shop. Daiva has a good relationship with both of them, but is constantly frustrated by their over-protectiveness.

Religious Views

Worships Rydia due to valuing her ability to heal and also hopes the water based teachings may help curb her anger issues eventually. They haven’t had any effect so far.

Hobbies & Pets

Reading and painting are Daiva's two main hobbies. Both are things she does when she needs to unwind or take some time for herself.

Daiva is a young harengon from Ekreles. After a tragic incident with her friend, she has found herself saddled with a parasitic entity that will do anything to keep her safe. Now, Daiva i set on ridding herself of this being.

View Character Profile
Background: Guild Artisan
Dicecloud: {Here}

Player Info
Rp Rplatform Preferences: Google docs, Discord
Timezone: Central (GMT-6)
RP Rating: PG - R

Dungeons and Dragons © Wizards of the Coast
Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
November 10
Current Residence
Green and Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4'11" | 149 cm
90 lbs | 40.8 kg


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