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Darbek is an independent city-state peopled by a diverse group with a thirst for being the best in the world. The City of Lights rivals Arya Voxus for status as Evara’s top manufacturer and as its most densely populated city. Darbek itself is a melting pot of cultures and species, even having entire sections of the city divided by race and species. Its status as an independent city-state and many cultural attractions make it an ideal neutral gathering place for international, diplomatic meetings.

Visual Interest Board



Darbek looms on the edge of the sea, nestled along the Dar Estuary. Three streams - locally known as The Hydra - feed the Dar Estuary, dividing the land into five naturally moated parcels. The five provinces of Darbek, Kingsbridge, Bhadra, Enys, Farleigh, and Moonreach, emerged organically from the structure of the land and are connected by bridges. As the city’s population grew, the amount of available land did not, and residents were forced to build up rather than out. Magnificent towers now grace the city’s landscape. Lifts powered by a combination of magic and hydraulics give people access to high places, while bridges in the air link major towers together. At the economic heart of the city is Dar Harbor, the busiest port in Evara.   The port traffic in Dar Harbor is continuous through most hours of the day. The watchful eyes of the Harbormaster and their crew keep the supply chain running smoothly, but the watchful eyes Azura, a young bronze dragon, keep the port well-guarded from those who would do harm.   Moonreach earned its name for being the province with the tallest towers. Indeed, the neighborhood called ‘Lower Moonreach’ is quite literally the bottom floors of Moonreach’s towers. In addition to its bustling ports, Moonreach is known for its ostentatious temples to the Adhara (trio of gods including Adar, Thara, and Lagahashra). All manner of art adorns these temples, making them seem less like houses of worship and more like museums. Moonreach is the most expensive area of Darbek to live in, with housing costs rising and vertical space vanishing. As space disappears, Moonreach is facing a difficult decision: expand westward and jeopardize its international status, or don’t and jeopardize its own people.   Of the five provinces, Bhadra is the biggest, most populous, and most racially diverse. Because enclaves of every humanoid race can be found here, it has the nickname ‘Little Evara’. Bhadra also boasts the largest temple to Bahram in the world, as well as an arena for fighting and jousting. Bhadra has a renowned red-light district (but patrons who have been there would tell you Sihnolae does it better).   Stories say that Enys and Farleigh are named for the Queen and King, respectively, who ruled each province independently before Darbek was a unified city-state. They were fierce rivals, each trying to outdo the other in the arts and technology. The King and Queen married to reduce tensions, and each renamed their kingdom after the other. Of all the provinces of Darbek, Enys and Farleigh remain the least populated and most natural. Extensive gardens and arboreta are maintained where the King and Queen’s castles once stood.  


All gods (except Alere and Lagahashra) are welcome here, but The Ship of the Grand Macaque is the most prominent religion in Darbek. Floating boat shrines to Bahram are scattered about the waters of The Hydra and Darbek Harbor. Adhara is the second most popular religion.


Darbek is a self-governing, maritime republic. The chief executive of the republic is called the Asterarch (His or Her Brightness). The Grand Council, a parliament of 300-400 members, serves as the primary governing body: its members elect all magistracies, approve all laws, and exercise certain judicial functions (such as the granting of pardons and declaration of war). Council membership is theoretically open to any of-age citizen, provided they receive a nomination from at least three electors.


  • Dars tend to be optimistic, ambitious, and achievement-oriented. Informally, social status is determined by the collection of accomplishments. People care more about individual identity than cultural or national identity. This means that, at least at a local level, anyone has a chance to gain recognition and acceptance (including Children of Alere, Hybrids, Tieflings, etc.).
  • Most Dars wear hats as a fashion item and as a means of social communication. Hats may convey social status (the bigger and more elaborately decorated the hat, the wealthier its wearer), flirtation (when worn at a particular angle), marital status, professional achievements (different styles for horologists versus alchemists; a badge for government service, etc.), and more. The wealthiest tend to attach long veils to their hats as well.
  • Elaborate headwear is also often worn with a gorget or other neck brace to compensate for the added weight of the hat. The style of neckwear is likewise a cultural communicator.
  • The metropolis of Darbek is unique in all of Evara. Alchemy, artifice, and the arcane vie for space in the collective view, leading to marvels and professions not seen elsewhere. For example, magewrights perform simple magical services for a fee.
  • Of any people in the world, Dars are the most likely to travel (for pilgrimage or pleasure) and do so comfortably and safely. Adventuring is still an uncommon profession.
  • Everyone in Darbek knows how to swim, but everyone also knows to stay out of the water.
  • Indirectness is considered polite. The more roundabout someone is, the more polite they are.
  • There is a saying in Evara: “If you are going to slight a Dar, then throw them in the Dar.” In other words, if you plan to swindle or hurt someone from Darbek, then you should simply kill them or you will never have peace of mind. Revenge is an art form, observed by other Dars with interest.


Darbek began as a small port town that received refugees and naval trade from elsewhere. It has been destroyed and rebuilt three times since the Age of Civilization began, each time coming back stronger than before.

"Eyes on the Sky; Feet on the Ground"


  • The Republic of Darbek
Geopolitical, City-state
Alternative Names
Republic of Darbek, The City of Lights, The City of Bridges
Dar (Dars)
Government Type
Common Races
Human, Gnome, Halfling, Half-elf, Elf, Dwarf, Halfling, Changeling, Half-orc, Orc
Common Gods/Religions
Ship of the Grand Macaque, Adhara, Temple of Mother Leverett
Primary Industries
weapons and amor, tools, processed ore, metal work, other manufactured goods, shipping

Cover image: Gothic future by Lina Sidorov