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While the majority of people in the world conduct their lives during the day and sleep at night, Ekrele do the reverse. The reversal of day and night activities is in part due to Nalani’s influence over the country.   Oracles of Nalani have a special place in Ekrelen society. Everyone wants an oracle to help them decide when to open a business, learn the most fortuitous time to conceive a child, and, naturally, foresee tragedies and misadventures. In this culture, soothsaying is at a premium, and false diviners are quickly ousted and rejected. While it is not the case that Ekrele are more predisposed to prophesying than people in other nations, those with a strong third eye may find themselves drawn to Ekreles.   Ekreles’ capital city is Cav’keva, which means City of the Night in Ancient Elven. This is Nalani’s sacred city, and pilgrims come from near and far to get closer to the goddess of fate, night, and dreams.

Visual Interest Board



Ekreles occupies the Nightwood on the main continent and the Selinaiakos Islands on the Bheuric Sea. Barrier islands, lagoons, and reefs line the nation’s coast. The Nightwood sits at Evara’s equator, the equatorial band of forest is typically hot, very humid (70%-90% humidity on average), and wet. North and south of this tropical rainforest, the humidity and rainfall decrease. The Selinaiakos Islands have mild and wet winters and hot, dry summers.  


Given the reverence for night and prophecy, it should not come as a surprise that the Cult of the Dreamwalker is a popular religion in Ekreles. Believers in the Adhara also make up a significant portion of the population, as do adherents to the Temple of Mother Leverett.  


The government of this sprawling subtropical nation is a mageocracy, a coalition of divination wizards, chronurgy wizards, and clockwork soul sorcerers. Oracles serve advisors at every level of government, from town councils to the highest offices. The oracles have enormous power, and they are the ones who choose the country’s leaders (ostensibly, this is because Nalani has foreseen it; however, less scrupulous oracles might choose leaders useful to themselves).  


  • Ekrele conduct their business from dusk until day, resting during the heat of the afternoon. Ekrele abroad are more alert at night and most drowsy 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Ekrele are usually proficient with a divination tool (such as tarot cards, I Ching, etc.) and consult that tool when they feel uncertain.
  • If you can’t prophesize, you can achieve status by being a merchant or naval ship captain, a historian, a hunter, or a farmer.
  • Ekrele have four names: the three typical names, and a name given by their betrothed. Giving someone a name is a marriage proposal. Accepting the name (and giving one in return) is accepting the marriage proposal. Rejecting a name is a rejection of the marriage proposal or a request for divorce.
    • Erkel never abbreviate names or give nicknames to anyone except for their betrothed/spouse
    • This can cause problems for outsiders who like to give nicknames to their allies and are unaware of the custom
    • If Ekrele are widowed, they might choose to surrender or retain the name from their former partner. Ekrele who have been through multiple marriages might have more than 4 names.
  • Clothing tends to be loose, flowing, and/or translucent. Moth, night sky, and spider motifs are common in fabric patterns.
  • Ekrele treat Ciashrans with suspicion. They remember fighting alongside one another in ancient times, but the old alliances have been defunct for millennia.


Elves were the founding species of Ekreles (it began as a loosely connected network of hunter-gatherers who all separately revered Nalani). Early inhabitants relied on their prophets to guide the actions of their leaders. Oracles from different subspecies of elves foresaw that a great battle would come and that only a united Ekreles would be able to weather the oncoming storm. Motivated by the same visions, the elves fought each other for land, resources, and supremacy. Mammalians (Leonin, Tabaxi, Harengon, Khenra, Loxodon) and Orcs emigrated in droves, but by the time the elves decided to put up a unified resistance to the invaders, it was too late to stop their spread. In the present day, the most populous species in Ekreles are humans, half-elves, half-orcs, kalashtar, and witches (hexblood).

"Poise and Perspicacity"

Geopolitical, Magocracy
Alternative Names
Dawn Council of Ekreles
Ekrel (Ekrele)
Government Type
Common Races
Human, Half-elf, Half-orc, Kalashtar, Witch, Owlin, Kenku
Common Gods/Religions
Cult of the Dreamwalker, Adhara, Temple of Mother Leverett
Primary Industries
fishing, hunting, textiles, fur trade, prophecy


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