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South of the Nightwood, life gradually bleeds out of the earth. The verdant forest fades to a broad desert where the bleached skeletons of trees reach out from the red sands. Further south, the elevation rises into rocky badlands. A mere two centuries ago, Eridania was a lush jungle (hence the desert’s name - the Bleached Forest). Some say Rydia cursed the people of Eridania by draining the water from the jungle. Others attribute the change to Adar for the simple reason that the First God loves change. Shifting sands, sporadic rainfall, and sweltering heat make Eridania a harsh place to live.   Aside from arcane domes that passively protect the twelve major cities from the worst of the elements, Eridania is completely devoid of magic. Given enough time, people who spend too long in the desert permanently lose their connection to intrinsic magic. Even magic granted by the gods withers along with everything else in Eridania (though it is restored after leaving).

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Geography and Society

There are two kinds of people in Eridania: nomads and city dwellers. Nomads rely primarily on herding and cactus harvesting to survive and will sell their services as porters to merchants seeking to move their goods to the desert. Nomadic life isn’t easy, as monsters roam the sands and can easily wipe out an unprepared tribe. A strict social hierarchy governs the tribes, usually with the eldest male or female unilaterally making decisions for the group.   Those who choose to limit their exposure to the harsh desert life gather in cities. Cities in Eridania border the only two year-round rivers that run through the desert, Qikia and L’dania, and shelter under the protection of magical domes. Buildings typically don’t exceed two stories and are constructed from stone, mud, and clay. Because the domes afford some protection from the harsh elements, agriculture is possible along the riverbanks and in the cities. The cities are largely self-sufficient but trade with one another if the need arises. Each city communicates with others via falcon as well as an intricate underground tubing system. Eridania’s capital city, Epeiwtt, is home to a magnificent library and medical university. Recently, the other cities lost contact with Thayfu, a city located near the central Zikkiq Oasis.  


Although the nomads and smaller settlements have their own rules, the seven major cities are governed by a House of Lords, a governing body composed of 12 elected representatives and one hereditary monarch from each settlement. Collectively, the seven main settlements are known as the Eridanian Oasis. The monarchs - also known as the Seven Sorcerers - that preside over each city are the primary face of Eridania. The absence of magic might make the monarchs’ choice of title seem curious.  


  • Because magic fades so quickly in Eridania, its people are taught it cannot be relied on and one’s physical and mental abilities are much more valuable than magical ones.
  • Despite most residents residing in the city, homes are typically kutcha houses and made from mud and clay. They are built round in shape with domed roofs. Houses are kept cooler this way and are more structurally sound due to the lack of rain.
  • Eridanians typically wear masks or heavy veils. These are multifunctional. They offer protection from the elements, communicate social signals, and serve aesthetic functions.
    • Leaders and the wealthy tend to wear masks that are more for appearance sake and lack protection from the desert weather. It is much more common to see them with masks than without.
  • Traditional garb (in the past 200 years) is an ankle-length gown with wing-like sleeves and girded by a broad belt. These gowns are made from cotton (for everyday wear), wool (for cold seasons), or silk (for ceremonial or religious events) and are typically dyed black or white. Embroidery at the neckline, the sides, and the chest might be used to embellish the fabric. Additional layers or jewelry may be worn over the gown (and also girded by the belt). Cloth patterns tend to feature geometric designs and bright colors.
  • Eridanians are extremely prejudiced against Ciashrans. When Ciashran warbands cross over the mountains, Eridanians fight with lethal force.

"Shelter of the Strong"

Geopolitical, Magocracy
Eridanian (Eridanians)
Government Type
Common Races
Halfling, Dwarf, Aarakocra, Khenra, Loxodon, Leonin, Owlin, Thri-Kreen
Common Gods/Religions
Adhara, Temple of Mother Leverett, The Changing Sky
Primary Industries
agroculture, food processing, handicrafts, cotton textiles/leather goods

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