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Hercules Alkaius

Hercules Alkaius

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

His physique could have been sculpted by the gods themselves. His skin is the color of pressed leaves; his hair and eyes, the color of loamy soil. When he moves, it is with purpose.

Facial Features

Strong jaw, sharp cheekbones, heavy brow ridge. Slight underbite. Long lower incisors ("tusks") are usually visible. Hercules wears a short beard and moustache with soul patch.

Identifying Characteristics

  • Congenital amputation of his left hand; fitted with a prosthesis from childhood
  • Bears a painful scar from right hip to left pec from a sword wound that should have killed him
  • Meticulously paints intricate patterns on his body

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

+ || Resourceful | Commanding | Observant || +
  Hercules is a resourceful person. When it comes to achieving his goals, 'can't' is not a word in his vocabulary. He does whatever it takes using whatever is available. Despite this intensity, he is not uptight. He knows how to relax, to engage with others, and be fluid. He is cool under pressure and not afraid to take control of a situation. Because he's fairly reserved himself, he knows how people hide their feelings and is good at interpreting non-verbal behavior. He tries to use his powers of observation for good - that is, to give people what they want or need - but he uses it for less laudable purposes as well.

Vices & Personality flaws

- || Opportunistic | Reserved/Quiet | Proud || -
  He can be opportunistic, taking advantage of people and situations to meet his own ends. Hercules is not afraid challenge leaders if he's not in charge. His automatic tendency to command situations and groups can be a problem if he has to report to someone else. He will challenge others' authority, until/unless they earn his respect.   Hercules isn't particularly talkative and doesn't always let other people know what he's thinking or feeling. Because his parents fussed over him a great deal whenever his birth defect caused him to struggle, he works hard to make it seem like he never struggles. He isn't boastful, arrogant, or self-centered, but he is definitely too stubborn to ask for help.


Fastidously clean

Hercules is a mountain of a man: taciturn, physically imposing, and difficult to move. He was marked by gods and acknowledged by an oracle for a heroic destiny.

View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
equivalent to 25 (18 in actual years)
Date of Birth
Dark Brown
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Green-ish brown
6'9" (205.7 cm)
280 lbs (127 kg)


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