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Affectionately known as “The Hurricane Plains” to locals, Orrdia is a mostly dwarf and gnome nation near the sea. Its most notable characteristic is that it is constantly plagued by awful, awful weather. Thunderstorms, tropical cyclones, and hurricanes are not “extreme” weather to Orrdians - they’re just “weather.” Because of harsh weather conditions on the surface, Orrdians live in vast underground tunnels and cave networks.   As a mining nation, Orrdia wields considerable political power on the international stage because they have what other nations want more than anything: diamonds. Diamonds make it possible to intercede with the gods for resurrection. Because Orrdia has diamonds, it holds power over death itself.  

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The primary religions are Adhara, Purity, The Changing Sky, and the Way of Wisdom. Orrdians worship the gods of the sea and the seasons to keep their underground homes safe. Creative spirits also practice either Adhara or the Way of Wisdom, as both faiths are dedicated to creative and knowledgeable pursuits.  


Orrdia is governed by a mixed monarchy. Enlightened Majesty Una Rikhara Analiel Robela Morgan Steelmane is the head of state and has the unilateral ability to make decisions for the nation. Additionally, a parliament of approximately 300 representatives from cities throughout Orrdia serve as the legislature. Enlightened Majesty Una has seven children: Primus, Secundus, Tertius, Quartus, Quintus, Sextus, and Septimus. Succession in Orrdia is not determined by birth order, so all seven of the sovereign's children are competing to prove themselves as the worthy heir.  


  • Choosing or revealing a gender is a personal decision. The Orrdian default is gender-neutrality: neutral clothing, names, hairstyles, pronouns, etc. An Orrdian choosing to explicitly identify as either male or female is the exception rather than the norm.
    • Orrdians find it rude of others to assume their gender and are consequently reluctant to assign pronouns to others.
  • Beards are beautiful. People who can’t naturally grow one may wear false facial hair (like someone wearing fake nails or fake eyelashes or getting hair extensions).
  • It is common to name a child after a beloved relative or celebrity who died as a way of honoring the deceased, but it is taboo to name a child after someone who is still living.
  • It takes very extreme weather to phase an Orrdian while they are on land (though most Orrdians have never seen snow). By contrast, extreme weather at sea or in the sky is a reason to pray to the gods for deliverance.
  • Because they live most of their lives underground, Orrdians may be uncomfortable in the open air. Eye protection (such as a translucent strip of cloth tied around the head or sunglasses, etc.) is very common among Orrdians who haven’t adjusted to the lighting conditions.
  • Orrdians have an appreciation for the gifts of the earth. Beautiful stones, glowing mosses, crazy-looking cavefish. Every aspect of the underground ecosystem is respected and used only when needed.
  • More than any other nation in Evara, Orrdia is wary of the Dark Dimension and its horrors. Not every underground tunnel is an entrance to the Dark Dimension, but any tunnel could be.


Since the surface dwellings are more likely to flood or collapse, the social hierarchy of Orrdia runs from bottom to top. The wealthy live far, far underground with Orrdia’s royal family living as far down as the cities themselves go.   Orrdia is aptly named, for its exports are mining products – minerals, ores, gems, marble, etc. Access to this veritable treasure trove of mined goods is expensive; all roads that lead to its cities are underground tunnels and river systems that are costly to maintain. Special glowing crystals are used as a light source and line the walls and ceilings of the many tunnels and cities. They have long since learned how to harness storm energy to power their cities.   However, one can never be sure what dwells in the deep….

"Stone and Storm"

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Hurricane Plains, Kingdom of Orrdia
Orrdian (Orrdians)
Government Type
Mixed Monarchy
Common Races
Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Human (variant), Half-ophidian
Common Gods/Religions
Adhara, Purity, The Changing Sky, Way of Wisdom
Primary Industries
Mining, manufacturing

Cover image: Underground City by Nele Diel
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