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The weather of Phoebek can be best described as temperamental. One of the more common sayings is, “If you don’t like the weather, all you need to do is wait a few minutes.” Due to the constant weather changes, Phoebek is considered the playground of the tempest gods. The mercurial weather allows Phoebek to create a vast variety of wines and spirits, but it is not without its challenges.

Visual Interest Board



Phoebek is known for having some of the steepest hills, cliffs, and gullies. The rustic, underdeveloped countryside makes it ripe for vineyards, and it is a leading producer of fine wine and cheeses.   The deciduous forest within Phoebek changes magnificent colors with the seasons. The northern side of the forest is quite watery; streams and creeks fed by The Hydra carve their way through the landscape. Toward the southern end of the forest, savannah trees perch on grassy hills shaped like hourglasses. These unique rock formations come in different diameters, and trees grow up the hillside as well as down the inverted hillside.   A few years ago, a severe hurricane howled through Phoebek. No ordinary storm, the hurricane brought with it gouts of magic. It caused widespread damage to Phoebek’s infrastructure, including the destruction of magical plant greenhouses. The magic of the storm coupled with the magic of the plants created an unstable site, seeping wild magic from Phoebek into Carthadas, the Withered Expanse, and Darbek.  


Modern Phoebek is a self-governing dependent territory of Sihnolae. Connected to Darbek through Enys and Farleigh, Phoebek is much less populated and technologically inclined than its neighbor. However, the two nations enjoy cordial trade relationships: Phoebek supplies Darbek with raw materials and food; Darbek’s creations find their way into Phoebek.  


  • Food and wine are central in all socioeconomic levels and most socializing tends to be done over lengthy dinners or during meal dates
  • Family is an extremely important value and family solidarity extends to even extended members of the family.
    • Children are raised to remain close to the family upon adulthood and to incorporate their future family into the larger familial network
  • Phoebek is best known for its food and is considered the main food capital in all of Evara. Despite its temperamental weather, many people journey to Phoebek to view the numerous vineyards and try their famous cuisine.
  • Homes tend to be carved out of the hillside itself and more incorporated with the natural landscape.
  • Due to it being less advanced than its neighbors, most residents of Phoebek are either major technophobes or are extremely curious about technology and its advancements. There’s very little middle ground.
  • Phoebians live by the Rule of Reciprocity. If your neighbor tills your fields for you when you’re sick one day, then you pay the favor back by tending to their animals once you feel better. They help you; you help them. Phoebians hate owing others favors and will often try to settle any debts quickly and fairly. Equivalent exchange is key.
    • This can lead to some situations where someone does a favor, but that giver then holds the favor over the beneficiary’s head until they pay it back in a way the giver believes proper. Typically these situations can be worked out by the involved parties but a third, unbiased, individual may be involved if the issue cannot be resolved.


It took an international effort sponsored by the Ship of the Grand Macaque to construct a containment field around the wild magic zone that the hurricane created. Darbek and Carthadas provided humanitarian aid to their neighbor, but Sihnolae sent more than either of them. It rapidly became apparent that Sihnolae’s humanitarian mission was a thinly veiled effort to take possession of the nation and its resources. Their plan worked.

"If you don't like the weather, wait a minute."


  • The Governorate of Phoebek
Geopolitical, Protectorate
Alternative Names
The Governorate of Phoebek
Phoebian (Phoebians)
Government Type
Common Races
Halfling, Gnome, Half-elf, Nymph (Air), Minotaur, Dwarf
Common Gods/Religions
The Big Mother, Adhara, Ship of the Grand Macaque
Primary Industries
Agriculture, alcohol, dairy products, hospitality, raw material exports

Cover image: V by Khachaturyan Michael


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