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Secondary Characters

Table of Contents

How Many Characters Can I Have in APO?

APO allows players to have a total of 2 characters: their primary character and a secondary character.

What’s the Difference?

ThingPrimary CharacterSecondary Character
Earn GP for art, lit, and RP
Participate in RP and server events
Participate in side stories
Participate in epics
Earn EXP for quest participation ½
Challenge the Spire/Ascend to godhood

Secondary characters may not participate in Epics, may not challenge the Spire of Ascension or participate in another character’s Spire challenge. Because they may not challenge the Spire, they are not bound to the Spire’s level cap.

How To Submit A Secondary Character

After 3 months with the Adventurer role in the APO server or when your primary character reaches level 3 , you are eligble to submit a secondary character. Follow the same creation steps as you did for your first character - the minor differences are laid out below. All of the Character Creation instructions and restrictions apply.

First, make a reservation. The reservation template for a secondary character must include the header “Secondary Character”. All other normal reservation rules apply (Max 2 reservation changes. To change your reservation, reply to the original reservation with the changes. Do not edit the original post)

Complete the mandatory written character information first. You do not need to make a dicecloud sheet until after your character information is approved. Secondary Characters must be reviewed by the mods at least once. Optionally, you may request a second character review

You have 4 weeks from your initial reservation date to submit your character for their first mod review. Likewise, the mod team will have 4 weeks to review your character! Following your initial review, you will have an additional 4 weeks to make any changes to your written character information.  

Race and Subrace restrictions on Secondary Characters

The race or subrace restrictions (if any) of the opening that started most recently apply to Secondary Character reservations

  • EXAMPLE CASE #1: Today’s date is October 31. Opening 2 begins on November 15, Opening 1 ended on July 15. The race/subrace restrictions of Opening 1 apply to secondary characters reserved today.
  • EXAMPLE CASE #2: Today’s date is November 14. Opening 2 begins on November 15. The race/subrace restrictions of Opening 1 apply to secondary characters reserved today.
  • EXAMPLE CASE #3: Today’s date is November 15. Opening 2 begins on November 15. The race/subrace restrictions of Opening 2 apply to secondary characters reserved today.
  • EXAMPLE CASE #4: Today’s date is March 20. Opening 2 began on November 15 and ended on January 15. Opening 3 begins May 15. The race/subrace restrictions of Opening 2 apply to secondary characters reserved today.
  • EXAMPLE CASE #5: Today’s date is April 30. Opening 2 ended January 15, and Opening 3 begins May 15. I make my initial reservation on April 30, and the race/subrace restrictions of Opening 2 apply to my reservation. I change my reservation on May 15. The race/subrace restrictions of Opening 3 now apply to my changed secondary character reservation.

Signing Up for Side Stories when you have 2 characters

  • Use the Green Checkmark as normal ✅
  • ADDITIONALLY, Indicate 1️⃣ or 2️⃣ - one for your primary, one for your secondary. You can NOT sign up for epics with your secondary character

Gaining Loot & EXP when you have 2 characters

Gaining EXP

  • Primary and Secondary characters share the EXP Pool of the Primary Character
  • The EXP pool of the primary character dictates the level and current EXP total of both characters (this also means that your secondary character starts at the same level as your primary character at the time of character approval)
  • Your primary character may earn up to 100% of the quest EXP (i.e., quest EXP offered is 300, you can claim up to 300)
  • Your secondary character may earn 50% of the quest EXP (i.e., quest EXP offered is 300, you can claim up to 150). This EXP goes to the primary character’s exp pool because the EXP is shared.
  • If you have 2 characters, when one levels up, you must request dicecloud review for both characters
  • Gaining Gold loot

  • Primary and secondary characters have a shared currency balance for the purposes of group recordkeeping.
  • It is recommended that you track your official group currency balance in the primary character’s dicecloud
  • Gaining Item loot

  • Primary and secondary characters have separate inventories. Items earned or purchased by the primary are not available to the secondary and vice versa.
  • You cannot transfer items between your own characters. Primary and secondary characters have completely separate inventories.
  • Gaining Piety

  • Primary and secondary characters may both earn piety and both earn piety independently of one another

    Level caps when you have 2 characters

    The level cap for attempting The Spire is level 14. However, upon reaching level 14, players may choose if their Secondary Character will also be attempting Ascension.

  • If the answer is ‘No’, then the Secondary Character will no longer be tied to the level cap of the Primary Character and may exceed level 14. The EXP pools of the primary and secondary character will no longer be linked, and they each have their own EXP pool/level.
  • If you choose to split the EXP pools of the Primary and Secondary character and the Secondary Character surpasses level 14, at no point afterward may they attempt The Spire.
  • Regardless of if a Primary Character succeeds or fails Ascension, they may be replaced for free with a new Primary Character. This new character starts at the average level range of the group or below, your choice.
  • Switching your primary and secondary characters

    • Should a player’s Primary character die permanently, they may replace that character with their Secondary Character for free
    • However, should a player decide they wish to swap their Primary for Secondary character for other reasons, they must pay a 100 gp fee (or 10,000 cp for shop purposes). Provided the secondary character has not surpassed the Spire’s level cap.
    •   0. (Optional Step) Buy the Character Swap Ticket from the shop (if your you are not using the free swap)
        Open a help ticket. In this ticket, please tell the DMs whether this is a SWAP or a REPLACEMENT Open a help ticket. In this ticket, please tell the DMs whether this is a SWAP or a REPLACEMENT
        1. SWAP means:
            • Primary becomes Secondary; Secondary becomes Primary
        1. REPLACEMENT means:
            • Primary yeeted into the void, Secondary becomes Primary, you will submit a new Secondary character sometime in the future if you want one.
            • Primary unchanged. Secondary yeeted into the void, you will submit a new Secondary character sometime in the future if you want one.
            • For a replacement, follow the “How do you submit a Secondary Character” guidelines to create your new secondary character. No waiting time applies (i.e., no 3 month or level 3 waiting period).
        2. Once this is done and approved, you must edit your Character Introduction Post. Finally, the mods will edit your listing in the Grey Maiden’s Ledger. After that, you’re done!


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