Session 1
The Price of Corruption
Participating PCs:
Jenny Siobhán Serendipity,
"My Dear Friend,
"You may not know of me, but I have heard your name ushered in by the Triad as someone who can help in this most grievous time.
The Adharan Temple has been attacked, and we are left in mourning and contemplation of what has transpired. Our prayers have led us to you. Please, help us know what evil has crept into the halls of worship.”— Adragna of Moonreach
Session 2
A Work In Progress
Participating PCs:
Jenny Siobhán Serendipity,
“If you are reading this message, I ask for your aid in a matter of great urgency to the Adhara. Some days ago, our temple was attacked, and an artifact of our faith tampered with using unholy magic. Now, my clerics have reported finding evidence of intruders having entered the temple once again. These threats to our safety cannot be allowed to continue, and so I ask for your help in uncovering the cause behind this new incident. Please come to the Saint Unity Temple in Moonreach so that we can speak of this in detail.”— Adragna of Moonreach
Session 3
The Price of Purification
Participating PCs:
Prudence Grace
“This corruption must end. The shackles it has placed on these halls and the minds within them deserve peace. One of our clerics, Shraddha, is still recovering from the poisoning lure of this foul ichorous monster, but he still aids is yet. His journal claims a way in which we might be able to cleanse ourselves and the Tiara. I need those zealous and brave enough to help me in this endeavor.”— Adragna of Moonreach
Session 4
The Song Remains the Same
Participating PCs:
Alphaeus, Daiva,
In the shadow's embrace, he quietly treads,
With longing in glances and unspoken threads,
Through the hush of the streets, he follows the light,
In the still of the night, seeking a sight.
Session 5 | Finale A
Haunting Waves
Participating PCs:
Where death holds life in grim embrace
its lines etched on the sinner's face.
Where e'er the march of time is flaunted
voices cry - "this place is haunted."
"Our Temple of St. Unity needs your help to defeat this evil. You have assisted me several times in the past, I need your help one last time to protect the ritual which will put an end to him. Protect me for a full day, this is the task bestowed on you. May we survive this trial for tomorrow's triad light to shine again on our temple"— Shraddha Naif
Session 6 | Finale B
Can't Hold My Ichor
Participating PCs:
“The time to strike back at this evil that has been bearing down on us has come. You may have seen the call for protection while one of our members attempts to purify our temple once again. A second team is needed as well, meant to attack the enemy and strike while it's distracted. May the Triad shine their protective light upon us.”— Adragna of Moonreach