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The only artificial island in Evara, Sirenna floats in the peaceful currents of the Sirennean sea. It also extends beneath the waves, an underwater home to acquatic races.  

Visual Interest Board



The Sirennean sea is encircled by cyclic ocean currents, which creates three unique phenomena not seen elsewhere on Evara. First, sailing directly through the Sirennean Sea is dangerous not because of strong currents or tides but because of weak winds. Vessels that attempt to sail directly through the Sirennean Sea can be becalmed for months. Second, unlike the Bheuric Ocean, the Sirrennean sea is warm with stable weather conditions and weak winds. Finally, the circular currents cause dense seaweed to form thick surface mats - in effect, mobile, veggie islands. These floating islands, called sargassos, are seen nowhere else in the world. Some sargassos are big enough to support life. Some of them have collided with the nation of Sirennea, creating a larger landmass and food source.   The island’s functions are powered purely by harnessing natural energy. Panels on its outer walls absorb sunlight and heat. At night, the island dimly glows blue as a beacon (and warning) to sailors. Plants growing along and outside its walls are harvested for foods and medicines. An undersea complex below the island provides a home for tritons, naiads, and sea elves. Below that, deep sea mining operations harvest Gravity Ore, a mineral used in the crafting of airships and wondrous items.   Sirennea is situated between the two main continents of Evara. It is a manufactured island shaped like a jellyfish and a vertical conch shell. The cyclical currents of the Sea keep Sirennea relatively central between the main continents, but it does follow the circular motion of the current. Sailors docked at Sirennea will sometimes find themselves pulled closer toward their destination, if the currents are right. Farther, if the currents are wrong.   Debris caught in the Sirennean Sea is unlikely to ever leave naturally because of the unique currents.  


The gods of nature - Kiel, Leanne, and Ogden are popular gods in Sirennea because of the city-state’s deep connection to the natural world. Rydia holds the hearts of many, for the sea is her domain and her favor keeps Sirennea safe. Additionally, Auros is held in high esteem because the sun is a source of life and energy.  


Sirennea is an oceanic city-state. Rumors say that the island is actually a secret naval base for Sihnolae, but Sihnolae’s emperor denies those rumors. Sirennea is an independent republic that maintains its own navy as protection from pirates or other unscrupulous actors.   The international headquarters of Nature’s Warriors, an organization of druids, is located in Sirenna. Nature's Warriors are in a constant battle to keep the sea clean. They bioremediate - use living organisms to consume and break down environmental pollutants - areas all across Evara. Some places find the Warriors helpful. Others find them invasive and irritating.  


  • Sirennean clothing styles often use pastel colors or mimic the shape, patterns, and appearance of marine creatures
  • Cleanliness of the environment is held in high regard here and there are strict pollution laws in place. Polluting the island and the ocean would endanger and eventually kill off the nearby ocean life and thus heavily impact their food sources. To guarantee waste is disposed of properly, the island has a very strict and detailed trash sorting and disposal system for anything bioremediating can not solve.
  • Fresh water is obtained from rainfall as well as distillation. Moderation is encouraged but not strictly monitored. If locals notice one individual using excessive water, however, the community will often shame or shun the individual for what they consider ‘wasting’ a precious resource.
  • The dead are given a burial at sea
    • Family, friends, and loved ones will travel by boat away from the island in order to avoid attracting unwanted predators to the island's waters. There, the funeral party sings one last prayer for the deceased individual asking Erela to safely guide them to the afterlife and thanking Rydia's blessings that allowed the deceased to live the life they did. Afterwards, the individual has heavy stones tied to them and they are dropped into the ocean so their essence joins the sea they called home
  • Beauty standards tend to favor features that would aid in one’s survival in the ocean. For example, larger eyes (which could take in more light underwater), long/large limbs (for powerful swimming strokes), and webbed digits (to enhance swimming) would be considered very attractive.
  • Song and music are highly valued art forms. Some of the best singers are said to come from Sirennea. During religious ceremonies, prayers are often delivered through song.
  • Despite being fairly small for a nation, Sirennea has one of the largest and most popular amphitheaters in all of Evara. Here, they hold many music concerts, operas, and musical plays. For this, it is considered one of the top entertainment nations in Evara, along with Sihnolae, Rhosia, and Darbek.


At one time in its past, self-styled Pirate Queen Darcey ‘Mercy’ Valkoku conquered Sirennea and used it as her seat of power until unseated by Sirennea’s natives. The legacy of Valkoku’s reign is something Sirenneans work hard to overcome, but black market deals and pirates’ coves nestled in sargassos still plague its shining shores.

"The calm before the storm"

Geopolitical, City-state
Siren (Sirens)
Government Type
Common Races
Elf (Sea), Giff, Triton, Locathath, Siren
Common Gods/Religions
Purity, The Wild Hunt, Auros
Primary Industries
Undersea mining, aquaculture, ship-building, fishing

Cover image: Carbonic Island by Adam Fernandez