Grasschenkian (gʁaˈʃeŋkI:ɛn)

Natively known as: grasschenk /gʁaˈʃeŋk/

  ...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind... kungsdt schtra schloü lülk sa schmöch kungsdt bicho nö schloü trann glünts lo[alt] Pronunciation: /kʊŋst ʃtʁa ʃlɔʏ̯ lyːlk za ʃmøːx kʊŋst biˈxoː nøː ʃlɔʏ̯ tʁan glyːnts lo/ Grasschenkian word order: and he his hat holding stood and the wind to his wet face turned[/alt]  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: b d f g h j k l m n p s t v x z ç ŋ ʁ ʃ ʔ ʦ ʧ χ
↓Manner/Place→ Bilabial Labiodental Alveolar Palato-alveolar Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
Nasal m n ŋ
Stop p b t d k g ʔ
Affricate ʦ ʧ
Fricative f v s z ʃ ç x χ ʁ h
Approximant j
Lateral approximant l
  Vowel inventory: a aɪ̯ aʊ̯ aː e eː i iː o oː u uː y yː øː œ ɐ ɔ ɔʏ̯ ə ɛ ɛː ɪ ʊ ʏ   Diphthongs: aɪ̯ aʊ̯ ɔʏ̯
Front Central Back
High i iː y yː u uː
Near-high ɪ ʏ ʊ
High-mid e eː øː o oː
Mid ə
Low-mid ɛ ɛː œ ɔ
Near-low ɐ
Low a aː
  Syllable structure: Custom defined Stress pattern: Ultimate — stress is on the last syllable Word initial consonants: b bl bʁ d dʁ f fl fʁ g gl gʁ h j k kl kn kv kʁ l m n p pf pl pʁ s t tʁ v z ʁ ʃ ʃl ʃm ʃn ʃp ʃpʁ ʃt ʃtʁ ʃv ʃʁ ʔ ʦ ʦv Mid-word consonants: b bl bʁ d f fg fh fn fp ft ftʁ fʁ g gn h j k kl ks kt kv kz kʦ l lb ld lf lft lg lk lt ltz lz lç lʃ m mb mbʁ ml mn mp mpf mpj n nbl nd nf ng ngl ngʁ nh nl nm nst nt ntk ntl ntv ntʔ nv nz nçm nʁ nʃ nʦ nʧ p pf pl pv pz s sf sh sl st stk sv sz sç sʔ t tbʁ tk tn tv tz tç tʔ v x xd xt xʁ z ç çk çl çst çt çtl ŋ ŋk ŋkʦj ŋn ŋz ʁ ʁb ʁd ʁdn ʁf ʁg ʁh ʁk ʁkl ʁl ʁm ʁn ʁnz ʁp ʁt ʁtl ʁv ʁz ʁç ʁçtb ʁʃl ʃ ʃp ʃpʁ ʃt ʃv ʔ ʦ ʦd ʦj χ Word final consonants: f ft gŋ k ks kt l lk lp lpst ls lt lʃ m mpf n nf nft ns nst nt nts nʃ p pf pt pʃ s st t tl ts tst x xt ç çt çts ŋ ŋk ŋks ŋkt ŋst ʁ ʁf ʁk ʁl ʁn ʁnst ʁt ʁts ʁç ʁʃ ʃ ʧ   Spelling rules:  
Pronunciation Spelling
v w
p b / _#
t dt / _#
ks chs
x ch
ç ch
ʃ sch
ʁ r
z s
ʦ z
k ck / {a,e,i,o,u,œ,ɐ,ɔ,ɛ,ɪ,ʊ,ʏ}_
{m,b,l,t,n,p,s} @ / {a,e,i,o,u,œ,ɐ,ɔ,ɛ,ɪ,ʊ,ʏ}_
ʦzt / _#
ɛä pen. Nouns form plural with separate plural word:
Plural Particle before the noun: bʁɔʏ̯t - broüdt da /bʁɔʏ̯t daː/ dogs
Nominative No affix da /daː/ dog (doing the verb)
Accusative If ends with vowel: Suffix -s Else: Suffix -us das /daːs/ (verb done to) dog
Genitive Suffix -ol daoll /daːˈol/ dogʼs
Dative Suffix -aːŋ daang /daːˈaːŋ/ to (the/a) dog
Locative Suffix -a daa /daːˈa/ near/at/by (the/a) dog
Ablative Suffix -aːks daachs /daːˈaːks/ from (the/a) dog
Instrumental Suffix -aː daa /daːˈaː/ with/using (the/a) dog


Grasschenkian has no definite article ‘the’, or indefinite article ‘a’.


1st singular 2nd singular 3rd singular masc 3rd singular fem 1st plural 2nd plural 3rd plural
Nominative tiens /tiːns/ I fepf /fəpf/ you schtra /ʃtʁa/ he, it jirsch /jiʁʃ/ she, it sölls /zœls/ we glel /gleːl/ you all schöchdt /ʃœçt/ they
Accusative möch /møːx/ me folls /fols/ you ter /tɐ/ him, it preh /pʁeː/ her, it schpröʧ /ʃpʁœʧ/ us pu /pʊ/ you all wei /vaɪ̯/ them
Genitive wi /vɪ/ mine dree /dʁeː/ yours schloü /ʃlɔʏ̯/ his, its üllsch /ʔʏlʃ/ hers, its ke /ke/ ours frels /fʁəls/ yours(pl) a /ʔa/ theirs
Dative pi /pi/ to me schtuh /ʃtuː/ to you schei /ʃaɪ̯/ to him, at it u /ʔu/ to her, at it klomm /klom/ to us gle /gle/ to you all schtagng /ʃtaːgŋ/ to them
Locative si /zɪ/ at me ge /ge/ at you sassdt /zast/ at him, at it ich /ix/ at her, at it schluh /ʃluː/ at us ge /gə/ at you all knu /knʊ/ at them
Ablative ma /maː/ from me hau /haʊ̯/ from you ruppsch /ʁʊpʃ/ from him, from it zor /ʦoːʁ/ from her, from it drykdt /dʁykt/ from us si /zi/ from you all onn /ɔn/ from them
Instrumental schwe /ʃvə/ with/using me i /ɪ/ with/using you korl /kɔʁl/ with/using him/it schterdt /ʃtəʁt/ with/using her/it knerlldt /knɐlt/ with/using us schru /ʃʁu/ with/using you all schlalsch /ʃlaːlʃ/ with/using them

Possessive determiners

1st singular wi /vɪ/ my
2nd singular dreh /dʁeː/ your
3rd singular masc schloü /ʃlɔʏ̯/ his
3rd singular fem üllsch /ʔʏlʃ/ her
1st plural ke /ke/ our
2nd plural frels /fʁəls/ your (pl)
3rd plural a /ʔa/ their


Present Past Remote past Future
1st singular If ends with vowel: Suffix -ns Else: Suffix -ans schwanntanns /ʃvanˈtans/ (I) learn If ends with vowel: Suffix -ʁl Else: Suffix -uːʁl schwannturl /ʃvanˈtuːʁl/ (I) learned Suffix -iːft schwanntiefdt /ʃvanˈtiːft/ (I) learned (long ago) If ends with vowel: Suffix -m Else: Suffix -əm schwanntem /ʃvanˈtəm/ (I) will learn
2nd singular If ends with vowel: Suffix -k Else: Suffix -ɪk schwanntick /ʃvanˈtɪk/ (you) learn Suffix -e schwannte /ʃvanˈte/ (you) learned Suffix -ɔʏ̯nʃ schwanntoünsch /ʃvanˈtɔʏ̯nʃ/ (you) learned (long ago) Suffix -øːkt schwanntökdt /ʃvanˈtøːkt/ (you) will learn
3rd singular Suffix -ɛ schwanntä /ʃvanˈtɛ/ (he/she/it) learns Suffix -iːn schwanntien /ʃvanˈtiːn/ (he/she/it) learned Suffix -ʊnʃ schwanntunnsch /ʃvanˈtʊnʃ/ (he/she/it) learned (long ago) Suffix -aʊ̯ schwanntau /ʃvanˈtaʊ̯/ (he/she/it) will learn
1st plural If ends with vowel: Suffix -p Else: Suffix -əp schwannteb /ʃvanˈtəp/ (we) learn If ends with vowel: Suffix -lk Else: Suffix -ɐlk schwannterllk /ʃvanˈtɐlk/ (we) learned If ends with vowel: Suffix -ŋ Else: Suffix -eːŋ schwanntäng /ʃvanˈteːŋ/ (we) learned (long ago) If ends with vowel: Suffix -n Else: Suffix -ɪn schwanntinn /ʃvanˈtɪn/ (we) will learn
2nd plural Suffix -ot schwanntodt /ʃvanˈtot/ (you all) learn Suffix -ə schwannte /ʃvanˈtə/ (you all) learned If ends with vowel: Suffix -ʁ Else: Suffix -ɛʁ schwannter /ʃvanˈtɛʁ/ (you all) learned (long ago) Suffix -ʏʁts schwanntürts /ʃvanˈtʏʁts/ (you all) will learn
3rd plural If ends with vowel: Suffix -nst Else: Suffix -anst schwanntannsdt /ʃvanˈtanst/ (they) learn Suffix -ilt schwanntilldt /ʃvanˈtilt/ (they) learned Suffix -aː schwannta /ʃvanˈtaː/ (they) learned (long ago) If ends with vowel: Suffix -m Else: Suffix -ɪm schwanntimm /ʃvanˈtɪm/ (they) will learn


  Grasschenkian has a base-20 number system:   1 - kattl 2 - schpussonnf 3 - gre 4 - er 5 - schtachdt 6 - 7 - fra 8 - lee 9 - doürl 10 - dyng 11 - boünkdt 12 - schohgng 13 - jammpf 14 - frötts 15 - rills 16 - densdt 17 - knenngütsdt 18 - schyrn 19 - kank 20 - dynts 21 - kattl kungsdt dynts “one and twenty” 400 - kattl schtuh “one fourhundred” 401 - kattl schtuh kattl “one fourhundred one” 800 - schpussonnf schtuh “two fourhundred” 8000 - kattl nagoch “one eightthousand”  

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = Suffix -øː Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = Suffix -ɛ Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -lpst Else: Suffix -ɛlpst Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = Suffix -aː Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = Suffix -u Noun to verb = Suffix -a Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = Suffix -a Tending to = Suffix -an Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -p Else: Suffix -ɔʏ̯p Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g. know → knowledge) = Suffix -ɔç One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = Suffix -ɐçts Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -çts Else: Suffix -aʊ̯çts Diminutive = Suffix -ɛ Augmentative = Suffix -u


4603 Words.


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