Knights of the Chord

The Knights of the Chord are a small knightly order dedicated to upholding freedom and protecting the innocent. The knights all have mastered, to some degree, the art of drawing power from music and song. While many may have at one time been bards, they are no longer minstrels. These knights are a martial order and focus heavily on combat skills.   The Knights of the Chord hold an official Imperial Charter but do not receive direct funding from the Commissar or any other source. They own a small keep in Oldtown called the Aian Templehall, which serves as an informal temple to Ai , goddess of music, as well as the order’s headquarters. Many knights live at the hall, while others simply use it as a base of operations when in Fuselets . The templehall has a chapel, practice hall, meeting room/dining hall, kitchen, single-room apartments for some of the knights, and an office suite for the order’s leader, Goirciral Faugral (male elf fighter3/bard6/Knight of the Chord8).   In truth, an even greater asset than Faufral is Iosar Arfaent, the greatest bard in all of Fuselet. She has turned down offers to lead the knights numerous times, but whenever they need her, she is there—and no greater supporter could they desire. Iosar isn’t interested in combat or adventuring, however. In her spare time, she researches musical history, attempting to learn old songs and old dances important to cultures long dead.   The Knights of the Chord are bound by an ancient oath that ties to them to the fate of House Kath. The head of House Kath can invoke this vow and call upon the knights to aid the house when it is in need.
Civilian, Knightly Order
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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