Sein (sei̯n)

Natively known as: sein /sei̯n/

  ...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind... pit o e rups is pegrioc pit bru is glio gla pru pla[alt] Pronunciation: /piːt o e rups iːs ˈpegrio̯k piːt bru iːs glio̯ gla pru plaː/ Sein word order: and stood he holding hat his and turned his face wet to the wind[/alt]

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: b d f g h k kʷ l m n p r s t w
↓Manner/Place→ Bilabial Labiodental Alveolar Velar Glottal
Nasal m n
Stop p b t d k kʷ g
Fricative f s h
Trill r
Lateral approximant l
Co-articulated phonemes
↓Manner/Place→ Labial-velar
Approximant w
Vowel inventory: a ae̯ au̯ aː e ei̯ eu̯ eː i io̯ iu̯ iː o oe̯ oː u ui̯ uː
  Diphthongs: ae̯ au̯ ei̯ eu̯ io̯ iu̯ oe̯ ui̯
Front Back
High i iː u uː
High-mid e eː o oː
Low a aː
Syllable structure: Custom defined Stress pattern: Penultimate — stress is on the second last syllable Word initial consonants: b br d f fl fr g gl gr h k kl kr kʷ l m n p pl pr r s sk sp st t tr w Mid-word consonants: b bl br bs bt d dd dkʷ dm dw f ff g gg gm gn gr h k kk kkʷ kr ks ksk ksp kspl kssp kst kstr kt kʷ l lg lk ll ln lp ls lt ltr lw m mb mkʷ mm mn mp mpl mpr mw n nd nf nfl nfr ng ngr nk nkl nkr nkʷ nl nn ns nskr nsp nst nstr nt ntr nw p pl pp ppl ppr pr ps pt r rb rd rf rg rk rkʷ rm rn rp rr rs rsp rt rw s sd sk skʷ sm sp ss st stkʷ str t tkʷ tr ts tt ttr w Word final consonants: b d k ks l m n nk ns nt ps r rs s st t
  Spelling rules:
Pronunciation Spelling
ks x
k c
w v


  Main word order: Verb Subject Object (Prepositional phrase). “Mary opened the door with a key” turns into Opened Mary the door with a key. Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned after the noun. Adposition: prepositions


  Nouns have three cases:
    • Ergative is the doer of a verb, when the verb is done to something: dog bites man.
    • Absolutive is used in two scenarios: the doer of a verb when not done to something (dog bites), and the done-to of a verb (man bites dog).
    • Genitive is the possessor of something: dog’s tail hits man.


Masculine Neuter Feminine
Ergative Suffix -int viint /ˈwiint/ man (doing the verb to something) If ends with vowel: Suffix -d Else: Suffix -ad person (doing the verb to something) Suffix -ui̯ scoui /ˈskoːui̯/ woman (doing the verb to something)
Absolutive If ends with vowel: Suffix -l Else: Suffix -al vil /wil/ man (doing the verb, but not to something) Suffix -ae̯ person (doing the verb, but not to something) If ends with vowel: Suffix -r Else: Suffix -ar scor /skoːr/ woman (doing the verb, but not to something)
Genitive Suffix -eu̯ vieu /ˈwieu̯/ manʼs Suffix -ui̯ person's If ends with vowel: Suffix -nt Else: Suffix -oe̯nt scont /skoːnt/ womanʼs


Masculine Neuter Feminine
Ergative If ends with vowel: Suffix -t Else: Suffix -eu̯t vit /wit/ men (doing the verb to something) If ends with vowel: Suffix -rs Else: Suffix -ei̯rs people (doing the verb to something) If ends with vowel: Suffix -b Else: Suffix -ob scob /skoːb/ women (doing the verb to something)
Absolutive If ends with vowel: Suffix -m Else: Suffix -au̯m vim /wim/ men (doing the verb, but not to something) Suffix -eu̯ people (doing the verb, but not to something) Suffix -eːr scoer /ˈskoːeːr/ women (doing the verb, but not to something)
Genitive If ends with vowel: Suffix -nt Else: Suffix -ent vint /wint/ menʼs If ends with vowel: Suffix -rs Else: Suffix -ers people's Suffix -uː scou /ˈskoːuː/ womenʼs


Definite frau /frau̯/ the
Indefinite fleu /fleu̯/ a, some
Uses of definite article that differ from English:
    • Definite article can be omitted: ‘I am going to supermarket’
    • Used for personal names in third person: ‘The Maria has left for school’
    • Used with place names: ‘The London’

  Uses of indefinite article that differ from English:
    • Not used for non-specific countable nouns: non-specific means ‘I am looking for a (any) girl in a red dress’, whereas specific means ‘I am looking for a (particular) girl in a red dress’
    • Not used for non-specific mass (uncountable) nouns: non-specific means ‘Would you like some (any) tea?’ whereas specific means ‘Some tea (a specific amount) fell off the truck’



Ergative Absolutive Genitive
1st singular spis /spis/ I quei /kʷei̯/ me, I ga /ga/ mine
2nd singular um /uːm/ you rim /rim/ you a /aː/ yours
3rd singular masc e /e/ he, it ceit /kei̯t/ him, it glei /glei̯/ his, its
3rd singular fem virs /wirs/ she, it glau /glau̯/ her, it su /su/ hers, its
1st plural inclusive gre /gre/ we (including you) ne /neː/ us, we (including you) pliu /pliu̯/ ours (including you)
1st plural exclusive gruit /grui̯t/ we (excluding you) ant /aːnt/ us, we (excluding you) cos /koːs/ ours (excluding you)
2nd plural ceb /keb/ you all inc /ink/ you all fint /fint/ yours (pl)
3rd plural masc fraex /frae̯ks/ they (masc) creist /krei̯st/ them (masc), they (masc) ciun /kiu̯n/ theirs (masc)
3rd plural fem so /so/ they (fem) cris /kriːs/ them (fem), they (fem) spo /spoː/ theirs (fem)

Possessive determiners

1st singular riod /rio̯d/ my
2nd singular ci /ki/ your
3rd singular masc is /iːs/ his
3rd singular fem rae /rae̯/ her
1st plural inclusive gad /gaːd/ our (including you)
1st plural exclusive leix /lei̯ks/ our (excluding you)
2nd plural pri /pri/ your (pl)
3rd plural masc tu /tu/ their (masc)
3rd plural fem cei /kei̯/ their (fem)


Masculine Feminine
Present No affix stob /stob/ No affix stob /stob/
Past Suffix -oe̯ stoboe /ˈstoboe̯/ Suffix -iːm stobim /ˈstobiːm/
Future If ends with vowel: Suffix -r Else: Suffix -ir stobir /ˈstobir/ Suffix -ei̯ stobei /ˈstobei̯/

Perfect aspect

  The perfect aspect in English is exemplified in ‘I have read this book’, which expresses an event that took place before the time spoken but which has an effect on or is in some way still relevant to the present.
  Sein uses an affix for the perfect aspect:
Perfect Suffix -oː stobo /ˈstoboː/ have learned


  Sein has a base-10 number system:
  1 - puis 2 - ic 3 - ufi 4 - stu 5 - no 6 - breix 7 - haum 8 - gub 9 - baens 10 - sa 11 - sapuis “ten-one” 100 - plispi “hundred” 101 - plispi pit puis “hundred and one” 200 - ic plispi 1000 - aprad “thousand”
Neuter If ends with vowel: Suffix -ns Else: Suffix -ae̯ns cabaens /ˈkabae̯ns/

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = Suffix -aː Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = Suffix -au̯ Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = Suffix -aː Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -d Else: Suffix -od Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -n Else: Suffix -iːn Noun to verb = If ends with vowel: Suffix -m Else: Suffix -ae̯m Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = Suffix -ui̯ Tending to = Suffix -ak Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = Suffix -at Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g. know → knowledge) = Suffix -oe̯ One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -ks Else: Suffix -ae̯ks Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -s Else: Suffix -io̯s Diminutive = If ends with vowel: Suffix -k Else: Suffix -ek Augmentative = Suffix -oː
For help with pronunciation, copy the IPA here, and listen to the reader.


4541 Words.
Spoken by
Common Female Names
For people who identify as female, add -r to the end if the base name name ends with a vowel, or -ar otherwise. /-r or -ar/
Common Male Names
For people who identify as male, add -l at the end of the base name if it ends with a vowel, or -al otherwise. /-l or -al/
Common Unisex Names
For people who identifiy as non-bianary, add -ae to the end of the base name. /-ae̯/  

Base Names

Ae, Aelp, Au, Biu, Brio, Ceillod, Cenvaurqui, Cerans, Cicto, Clextiot, Cli, Contrin, Crac, Crampeint, Crors, Crui, Dacqua, Dardi, Dein, Der, Di, Dinc, Donfips, Einc, Es, Flad, Flos, Fombust, Fred, Geunt, Glaent, Glu, Gralvoeps, Graudquus, Greilvempi, Grogmae, Harveps, Has, Heus, Hiunfrimplaus, Hocen, Implit, Iotsel, Leurg, Liux, Mael, Me, Munt, Naens, Ne, Nentrent, Neus, Nugolvo, Nurs, Oerrins, Peuxtri, Pirs, Plignaex, Pordudva, Praest, Praus, Priggo, Primvoni, Procrecceum, Proeb, Prorc, Pruint, Put, Queist, Quio, Rant, Raut, Riors, Roncrol, Rucars, Ruxcont, Scansu, Scit, Sciun, Sibiu, Sinclei, Sior, Spes, Spoeb, Spoens, Stad, Staud, Stiu, Su, Tac, Taps, Tarron, Taurna, Teips, Tisi, Trun, Vaens, Vaexple, Vot, Vuim.   Pronunciation
Ae /ae̯/
Aelpu /ˈae̯lpu/
Auc /au̯k/
Biu /biu̯/
Brio /brio̯/
Ceillod /ˈkei̯lloːd/
Cenvaurqui /keˈnwau̯rkʷi/
Cerans /ˈkerans/
Cicto /ˈkiːkto/
Clextiot /ˈklekstio̯t/
Cli /kli/
Contrin /ˈkontriːn/
Crac /krak/
Crampeint /ˈkraːmpei̯nt/
Crors /kroːrs/
Crui /krui̯/
Dacqua /ˈdakkʷaː/
Dardi /ˈdardi/
Dein /dei̯n/
Der /der/
Di /di/
Dinc /diːnk/
Donfips /ˈdonfips/
Einc /ei̯nk/
Es /es/
Flad /flad/
Flos /floːs/
Fombust /ˈfoːmbuːst/
Fred /fred/
Geunt /geu̯nt/
Glaent /glae̯nt/
Glu /glu/
Gralvoeps /ˈgraːlwoe̯ps/
Graudquus /ˈgrau̯dkʷuːs/
Greilvempi /grei̯ˈlweːmpi/
Grogmae /ˈgroːgmae̯/
Harveps /ˈharweps/
Has /haːs/
Heus /heu̯s/
Hiunfrimplaus /hiu̯nˈfrimplau̯s/
Hocen /ˈhoːken/
Implit /ˈimplit/
Iotsel /ˈio̯tsel/
Leurg /ˈleu̯rger/
Liux /liu̯ks/
Mael /mae̯l/
Me /me/
Munt /munt/
Naens /nae̯ns/
Ne /ne/
Nentrent /ˈneːntrent/
Neus /neu̯s/
Nugolvo /nuːˈgolwoː/
Nurs /nurs/
Oerrins /ˈoe̯rrins/
Peuxtri /ˈpeu̯kstri/
Pirs /pirs/
Plignaex /ˈplignae̯ks/
Pordudva /porˈdudwa/
Praest /prae̯st/
Praus /prau̯s/
Priggo /ˈpriggo/
Primvoni /priˈmwoːniː/
Procrecceum /proˈkreːkkeu̯m/
Proeb /proe̯b/
Prorc /ˈprork/
Pruint /prui̯nt/
Put /puːt/
Queist /kʷei̯st/
Quio /kʷio̯/
Rant /raːnt/
Raut /rau̯t/
Riors /rio̯rs/
Roncrol /ˈroːnkroːl/
Rucars /ruːkaːrs/
Ruxcont /ˈruːkskoːnt/
Scansu /ˈskaːnsu/
Scit /skit/
Sciun /skiu̯n/
Sibiu /ˈsibiu̯/
Sinclei /ˈsinklei̯/
Sior /sio̯r/
Spes /speːs/
Spoeb /spoe̯b/
Spoens /spoe̯ns/
Stad /stad/
Staud /stau̯d/
Stiu /stiu̯/
Su /suː/
Tac /tak/
Taps /taps/
Tarron /ˈtarron/
Taurna /ˈtau̯rna/
Teips /tei̯ps/
Tisi /ˈtisi/
Trun /truːn/
Vaens /wae̯ns/
Vaexple /ˈwae̯ksple/
Vot /wot/
Vuim /wui̯m/


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