Theled's Impliments

The alchemist Theled Thanur(male human) has created many devices to aid in sailing voyages. These include compasses, a fire-resistant coating for sails and rigging, boots to aid in climbing ropes and rigging, and a paste for patching leaks quickly.   At his shop, Thaled also sells sea charts, sextants, spyglasses, and alchemical substances like antitoxin, tindertwigs, and so on. He is middle aged and pudgy, with curly brown hair. His fiveyear-old son, Biresd, is often in the shop with him, getting into mischief.


Item Price
Compass 450 gp
Fire-resistant coating 15 gp
Patch paste 3 gp
Rigging boots 10 gp
  Compass. Always points north.   Fire-Resistant Coating. When applied to cloth or fibrous material like rope, this coating grants a 10 percent chance that the material will not catch fire when it normally would. If applied to clothing, it adds a +1 resistance bonus on saving throws against fire effects that allow for saves. One application covers ten square feet (or one Medium creature’s clothing) and lasts for one week or until activated.   Patch Paste. This paste dries quickly (1 round) and hard. The patched area has a hardness of 1 and 5 hp. One application covers one square foot of hull.   Rigging Boots. These boots add a +2 competence bonus on Climb checks made when climbing ropes. They are not compatible with a climber’s kit.
Shop, Generic


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