The Wars of Unification

Military action


Thees Truce, later called The Unifier, lead his armies from Eespainged (modern day Fuselets) to unify the waring Helmain people.

Despite, or perhaps because, the Helmain lands were the staging grounds for the war against the Gagnan Empire, the land suffered greatly during the war. Through the Age of Fire, the land continued to see use globaly as a staging ground for furhter conflicts between the Sein to the north and the various factions in the south vying for claim to the Marlcroft.   Thus, by the Age of Roses, the Helmaina were barely more than waring tribes, fighting for control over small land claims and uneasy city states. Some larger factions, like the Clerest Coalition, held major points in the land, but still held little sway over their neighbors.   As Thees Truce grew up in Eespainged, a small city state, constantly at war to keep its power over the Krictis, he dreamed of a land where his people could stand as one, united against the outside powers who used and oppressed the weakened Helmain people.   He joined the military for his lord, king of Eespainged, and quickly rose through the ranks as he fought in boarder disputes and against raiders form the south. When he was put in command of the army at age 29, he turned his forces inward, claiming control of the city for himself, before looking northward. Legends claim he pledged his blade to Solosta in return for unmatched combat prowess, and then marched to unify his people.