Appearance of the Crimson Moon Physical / Metaphysical Law in Evera | World Anvil

Appearance of the Crimson Moon

In the Third Era of Evera - and the Fourth Era of Utea - a new celestial body appeared in the night sky. This small, red star soon grew into a new moon with a cycle twice as long as the Silver Moon. Although its growth has slowed, to the beginning of the utean Fifth Era its size was double that of the old moon.
Sages all over the Core investigated the phenomenon but no one could give a definite explanation.
The most common assumption came from the world's natural workings. Evera's Sun is the ever-glowing Elemental plane of Light, and the silver moon is the Elemental plane of Darkness, reflecting the light of the other. The new planet could be a new, unknown plane or another plane that somewhat moved closer to the Core.
The Crimson Moon's long cycle and its full moon's effects were worse than the ordinary ones. The tide level has increased endangering the coastal settlements and the ships on the waves of the Blackwater. The were-creatures became more aggressive during the three-day-long full moon, even those who otherwise held the curse under their control had uneasy times. Magical energies have become unstable, and even the priests' divine origin powers have faded for short periods. Storms and winds have become stronger, and earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are more frequent.

Crimson full moon over the mountains

Crimson full moon over the mountains by A.I. (OpenArt Creative)

The increased number of natural disasters has brought many changes throughout Evera:
  • Massive migration started from the small islands of the continent Costae to Ilia Bay, Lifeon, and Utea. Many landmasses have permanently fallen below sea level.
  • Disturbing magical storms interrupted the maritime trade routes between Ilia Bay and Lifeon.
  • Utea and Ganu's coastline continued to erode at a higher rate.
  • Some states started registering the were-creature citizens; others outlawed and persecuted them. A new inquisition swept through many countries.
  • Lockdown and/or curfew were ordered in some endangered settlements for the duration of the Crimson full moon.
  • Maritime trading routes changed to keep the ships closer to the shore.
  • New religious ceremonies were introduced, to attract the faithful to the churches for joint prayer until the danger is over. In many cases, the power of the churches was strengthened.
  • The economies suffered significantly from the shortfall in production in the first years. However, where the effects were less felt, steady growth soon followed thanks to the regular rest of the workers. The new economic power relations slowly redrawn the administrative maps of the warring continents.

What happened in Evera?

In the First Era of Lifeon, after the end of the Great Darkness over the continent and the defeat of Pandora, the Goddess fled to the Elemental Plane of Fire. There she allied with the demon lord Dreaded Sagradus. Castien soon followed her and joined the alliance. The three of them with their united power tried to merge the Elemental plane into the Core, uniting the worlds of Demons and Mortals. The huge earthquake, that started the Fifth Era of Utea, was caused by the collision of the two planes.
A group of brave heroes broke the ritual and banished Pandora to the Elemental Plane of Darkness, so their evil plan could not succeed.

Cover image: by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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