Corpse Collector

'Ganah-Shawash' is the Segai word for the elderly Hunters, who take the task of Corpse collecting. The Segaii anti-beast trenches and the wasteland around the villages are often polluted with dead animals.
The Segaii may leave some of the fallen creatures far from the villages, but they collect anything too close to the villages and can lure the predators and scavengers near. This work will prevent some unpleasant smells in the hot region, also the Segaii might burn the remains, or feed their giant rats with them. Ganah-Shawash are often harvesting materials, like bones, chitin, and from the fresher ones meat and skin too.
Hunting for healthy and strong animals, and gathering fresh fruits from the wilderness are proud professions in the Segaii tribes. Taking care of the predator's leftovers or cleaning the carcasses from the trenches are the opposite. Those who can't contribute to the tribe in other ways must do the dirty work. In some villages, the slaves of the Chieftain must take over the task of cleaning the trenches, but they rarely can leave the close range of the settlement.
Ganah-Shawash, like the other elderly Segaii, are living on the edge of the village, many times in a shared home. Their house is easily cognizable from the large burning pit nearby. Sometimes the Rat-pens are close to them too, so they don't need to take their gathered bits all around the settlement. Their respect is usually lower than a strong Hunter's, but their work is important to the tribe. Since they are the oldest members of the community, young Hunters visit them for wisdom, and even the Chieftain looks after their advice.
Gana-Shawash can exchange their collected materials in the market of the village, or sell them to trading caravans. If they needed, they can always have a free meal or drink at the local Hunter's Hall.
Village in Ganu by A.I. (OpenArt SDXL)

Raw Materials Gathering
Kapcsolódó Helyek

Cover image: Encyclopedia by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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