Destruction of the Segai fleet Military Conflict in Evera | World Anvil

Destruction of the Segai fleet

In the 738th Year of the utean Second Era, the Segaii tried to invade the Valley of Nehalenor. Since their move halted at the mountains, the Segai leader High-chieftain Trilug Nash decided to use their ships and move the Segai vanguard on the Blackwater to the elven land.
Thirty-two Segai battleships converted from arks started the naval campaign from Vrikdarok, with around 50 hunters as crew on each. Their mission was to land on the shores of Nehalenor, then open the way through the Valena Mountains for the Segai army.
Under the influence of Veela Aurr, the Shonla had already prepared for this invasion. They built 24 swift and strong battleships and trained their people for the naval battle.
With the help of Naetneth Lowren (nat-net low-ren), the Narmiron fleet was waiting for the Segaii navy, when they arrived just north of the Mogeth plateau. The battle happened during daylight, none of the ships could hide there. The Narmirons lost three, and the Segaii six ships, but it was necessary to stop the invasion at this point of the ocean. This was the only known place, where the new, dangerous currents arrived, and threw the unlucky vessels to the cliffs of the shore. From the beginning, this was the strategy of the Shonla: luring the Segai ships to the right place, keeping them there, while the currents arrive, then fleeing as fast as they can.
The currents were more vicious that day than ever before. They pull down many of the Segai ships to the deep and throw others to the sharp rocks. The whole Segai fleet fell that day. The Narmirons lost 8 ships at the end, and many brave souls died that day.
The Narmirons don't celebrate victory. The Shonla ordered the destruction of the ships and never spoke about the battle. The memory of the Segai invasion attempt only lives because of the rich written history about the Prophet's life and visions.
Konfliktus Típusa
Utea by Lia Felis (Incarnate)

Cover image: Utea by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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