
The Sheyarin language originates from the Elemental Plane of Magic - the original world of the Dragon Goddess. This is the language of the Dragons and the so-called 'Common' in Evera, as the Humans learned speaking and writing from the Dragons. Sheyarin has two Elemental (outer plane) variants: the Era on the Elemental Plane of Darkness, and the Glitnes on the Elemental Plane of Light.
Glitnes is the native language of the Light-dragons, and because they are the faithful servants of their Goddess, through them it became the language of the Church and worship of the Dragon Goddess.
Glitnes is closer to the original language but more melodious. Its vocabulary is slightly larger because it expresses things more nuancedly. Sheyarin has 30 runes (cuneiform letters), and Glitnes has 65. The difference is mostly points or wavy lines around the normal runes. These cause pronunciation differences, that some faithful in the Core can't learn from written texts. Glitnes has a special rune to refer to the Dragon Goddess herself. It's a spiral starting from a straight line, which then makes approx. 2.5 circles moving outwards from the center.
Since this is the language of the Church of the Dragon Goddess, many legends, holy books, praise songs, and prayers are written in it. The most famous are 'The Seven Songs of Muzydul', 'Gyndrian's Journey', and 'Praise of the Dragon Goddess', by High-Priestess Ovira. At least two can be found in any church or shrine where priests serve.
Some non-dragon communities have not entirely accurate copies of the Glintnes texts, as they can't understand the differences in the writing. In Zililon and other Mystic elven communities, some Elves try to convert the Sheyarin and even Glitnes to their cursive writing. It sometimes takes the meaning of the original text even further than a simple mis-spelling.
Since the Glitnes is a language of religion on the Core, it appears not just in books and scrolls, but on frescos, glass windows, and other art forms. In some temples in the continent of Xornu, the usually white and plain walls have complete holy texts engraved.
Fresco of the Dragon Goddess by A.I. (Stable Diffusion 1.5)
Root Languages
Glitnes Rune of the Dragon Goddess by Lia Felis (Paint)

Cover image: Encyclopedia by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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