High-Chieftain of the Segaii

The Segaiin followed a High-Chieftain since the first conquest of Damus. Every region (or continent) where a Segai community lives, has a leader, who has power over the tribes' chieftains.
Any Hunter can challenge a Chieftain to a duel, but a High Chieftain only can be challenged by another chieftain. The winner takes the rank and the other's life. After the duel, there is a huge celebration. If the leader remains the same person, nothing changes. If a new High-Chieftain rises, he might order to erase the family or cubs of the former leader to prevent them from becoming a threat to his rule. Most Chieftains just send the cubs away to their tribe and keep the wives of the predecessor, as war-trophy.
If the High-Chieftain dies in battle or natural causes, the Chieftains might choose a new leader or duel for the title. Acting fast in those times is more important than starting tribal wars.
The High-Chieftain days are usually busy, he (or she) needs to take care of his tribe besides all the other tribes' needs. Daily training is important to keep his strength and valor in case of new challengers. He needs to be the judge between tribes and chieftains, over the foreigners. He must spend long hours receiving and negotiating with diplomatic and trading delegations. Also, his doors must be open all the time before his tribe. Even in times of peace, battle councils are held often because he is the one who makes decisions about the Segai lands' protection.
Being a High-Chieftain is not a safe or comfortable title. Every Segai will obey him, but assassinations against his cubs or wives are more common. He needs to surround himself and his household with trustworthy followers. Some High-Chieftains delegate tasks to their companions, to run the region smoothly or simply don't interfere in clashes between the other tribes. He needs to have strong cubs to protect and secure the future of his tribe. Some of them had up to 30 wives at the time when they ruled.
A High-Chieftain rarely leaves Vrikdarok. No hunting trips for them or visits out of the city. If a High-Chieftain leaves, chaos will ensue, and nobody wants that.
Since only a duel can be granted to others of his rank, assassination against a High-Chieftain only happened two times in the history of Ganu. High-Chieftain Borkul Nash was the first after he was captured by General Irdan ShuThur. The second was a Huntress, named Morn from the Ergoth tribe, on the night of her feast after she won the duel. She wanted to destroy her predecessor's family and a wife of the former High-Chieftain poisoned her. The culprit was never found.

High-Chieftain Borkul Nash by A.I. (OpenArt SDXL)
Nobility, Non-hereditary
Alternatív Megnevezések
First Chieftain
Egyenlősíti ezzel:
King, Emperor, Queen, or Empress.
Első Birtokos
Related Organizations

Cover image: by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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Aug 21, 2024 03:06 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing and informative article.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3

Aug 21, 2024 20:17 by Lia Felis

Thank You!

Aspiring fantasy writer and part-time Dungeon Master. Dragon Goddess of Evera.